Tony Hey Fran Berman and myself are collecting together another (as well as GCE I and II) Grid Special Issue of Concurrency&Computation: Practice&Experience This is expected to have papers like: 1. Databases and the Grid (Paul Watson, University of Newcastle, UK) 2. Research Issues for a Semantic Grid (Dave DeRoure et al., University of Southampton, UK) 3. The Open Grid Services Architecture (i) The Physiology of the Grid paper (Ian Foster et al., ANL, ISI and IBM) Status: Good version exists and shortened version is being published elsewhere (ii) Towards a Grid Architecture Roadmap (Malcolm Atkinson et al., UK National e-Science Centre, Edinburgh) Status: Good draft version already exists 4. The Grid and Web Services Possible contributions: (i) from Dennis Gannon et al. (University of Indiana) Status: Good version already exists (ii) from Peter Kunszt (CERN) Status: Good version already exists 5. P2P Grids (Geoffrey Fox et al., University of Indiana) Status: Unknown! 6. The IBM eLiza Project, Autonomic Computing and the Grid (Pratap Patnaik IBM Research) 7. Applications perhaps (i) Particle Physics (ii) Astronomy (NVO) (iii) Biology As Dennis will note from 4(i) authors have not all been contacted yet We would ALSO like to take these papers and join with around 6 from GCE special issue and produce a book ("Grid Snapshot 2002") to be published for availability at SC02 This requires papers by early July. We wondered if you could help choose/edit the GCE "contributions" This could be either by choosing papers from current set and/or by joining authors together to cover a particular area How does this sound? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note on GCE I Special Issue: C&C:P&E Publication is 14:10 Due to publish 30 July (Grid Computing Environments SI) ? 512pp 14:11 Due to publish 30 July (Grid Computing Environments SI) 14:12 Due to publish 30 July (Grid Computing Environments SI) GCE II is Portal Web Service Special Issue to be developed this year