Process ------- papers due June 7 electronically in pdf or PS reviewed internally by author pool by June 21 FINAL papers July 7 Papers can be latex or word with Latex style files at Grid Architecture ----------------- Special Issue of Concurrency&Computation: Practice&Experience Editors; Fran Berman Geoffrey Fox Tony Hey Published fall 2002 1 Grids in 2002 (Dave DeRoure et al. University of Southampton, UK) first part of current Research Issues for a Semantic Grid exists and is reviewed 2 Deploying the Grid (Bill Johnston NASA IPG) Not asked yet 3. The Open Grid Services Architecture (i) The Physiology of the Grid paper (Ian Foster et al., ANL, ISI and IBM) Status: Good version exists and shortened version is being published elsewhere (ii) Towards a Grid Architecture Roadmap (Malcolm Atkinson et al., UK National e-Science Centre, Edinburgh) Status: Good draft version already exists 4. The Grid and Web Services (i) from Dennis Gannon et al. (University of Indiana) Status: Good version already exists (ii) from Peter Kunszt (CERN) Status: Good version already exists 5. Databases and the Grid (Paul Watson, University of Newcastle, UK) Agreed 6. Data Grids and lessons from the SRB (Reagan Moore) Not asked yet 7. The Semantic Grid (Dave DeRoure et al. University of Southampton, UK) Second part of current Research Issues for a Semantic Grid exists and is reviewed 8. P2P Grids (Geoffrey Fox et al., University of Indiana) In progress 9. The IBM eLiza Project, Autonomic Computing and the Grid (Pratap Patnaik IBM Research has agreed) Action Items ************* 1 7 GCF process reviews and suggest breakup 2 GCF 3 AJGH 4(i) GCF or AJGH? 4(ii) AJGH 5 status is unclear AJGH 6 FB 7 see 1 8 GCF 9 AJGH Snapshot of the Grid 2002 -------------------------- Book published by Wiley for availability at SC02 (Mid November 2002) Editors; Fran Berman Geoffrey Fox Tony Hey A: Architecture B: Grid Computing Environments Editors Dennis Gannon Mary Thomas C: Applications A: Architecture --------------- As Grid Architecture Special Issue with 'Anatomy of the Grid' reprint B: Grid Computing Environments ------------------------------ Around 5 papers based loosely on current GCE special issue C: Applications --------------- offer publication in early 2003 Special Issue of Concurrency&Computation: Practice&Experience 1) Virtual Observatory Paper by Roy Williams and Alex Szaly (JHU) (GCF to commission) 2) Particle Physics Grids by Harvey Newman (GCF to commission) 3) Bioinformatics, Protein Databank etc (FB to commission) 4) Brain Imaging etc by Mark Ellisman (FB to commission) 5) Digital Mammography by Bob Hollebeek and Mike Brady (TH to commission - Brady has accepted in principle) 6) Earth Observation paper (TH to commission) Action Items ************ A: Architecture --------------- As for Grid Architecture Special Issue AJGH to confirm 'Globus Group' papers B: Grid Computing Environments ------------------------------ GCF to confirm process and timeline with Gannon/Thomas C: Applications --------------- 1) GCF 2) GCF 3) FB 4) FB 5) AJGH 6) AJGH