Subject: Panelist Pkg - NASA/ESE Computational Technology Requirements Workshop From: Jim Fischer Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 17:58:51 -0400 To: (Geoffrey Fox) CC: (Azita Valinia), (Robert Ferraro) Dear Dr. Fox: Thank you for accepting our invitation to serve as a panel member in our upcoming Computational Technology Requirements Workshop. NASA's Earth Science Enterprise (ESE) has recently completed its research and applications strategy for the next decade, and is now initiating a process to determine the computational technologies required to enable ESE's goals defined in these documents (included in this package). We would like to identify the necessary advancements in computational technologies that require NASA's investment. Computational technologies (CT) in this context spans both hardware and software needed to enable efficient ingestion of large amounts of remotely sensed data into Earth system models. Many thrusts of the CT effort will enable interdisciplinary science and applications scenarios requiring linked or nested modeling components. The purpose of this community workshop is to identify Earth science computing needs and evaluate them against current capabilities. We are assembling a cross section of scientists and technologists for this workshop to participate in three discussion sessions under the topics of Weather, Climate, and Solid Earth. The workshop will be asked to assess the computational technology needed to bridge the gaps between now and 2010, and beyond in order for the NASA/ESE to fulfill its prediction goals. The workshop will be open to all interested members of the community. However, as a well recognized contributor to the scientific disciplines represented by this workshop, we have invited you to participate as a panel member. The panel members will be expected to synthesize the community input collected during the two days of the workshop, and prepare a final report during an executive session on the third day following the workshop. The purpose of the report is to identify investments in computational technology advancements that will most benefit the Earth Science Enterprise. Your contribution will greatly assist the guidance and subsequent advocacy of the computational technology areas essential to the achievement of ESE's prediction goals. This workshop, sponsored by NASA's Earth Science Enterprise, is scheduled for April 30th and May 1st at the Washington Plaza Hotel, 10 Thomas Circle NW, Washington, DC 20005. The executive session will be held immediately following the workshop on May 2nd. Westover Consultants is handling the workshop logistics and travel arrangements for panelists, and will be in touch with you via email. Additional information is included in this package. We fully appreciate the overflowing work schedule that you must have, and are gratified you have given participation in this workshop a high priority to allow NASA to benefit from your expertise as it lays out its next major effort in computational technologies. Sincerely, Jack Kaye George Komar Research Division, Director Program Manager Office of Earth Science Earth Science Technology Office NASA Headquarters Goddard Space Flight Center Enclosures: - Earth Science Research Strategy - Earth Science Modeling Implementation Plan - Earth Science Prediction Goals - Workshop Charter - Draft Workshop Agenda === Draft Workshop Agenda === ============================= Day 1 [Tuesday April 30] ----- 8:30 - Pre-workshop meeting with panelists 9:30 - Plenary session - Welcome - Overview of ESE Research and Modeling Strategy - ESE Prediction Goals - Charge to participants 10:30 - Break into Weather, Climate, Solid Earth parallel sessions to: - Identify the Earth Science Enterprise computing capabilities required to achieve the Earth System Prediction Goals and applications strategy for 2010 and beyond. - Evaluate current ESE computing capabilities against these requirements. - Determine and quantify what gaps in capabilities exist. - Determine which gaps can be addressed by advances in computational technologies. 12:00-1:30 Lunch break (on your own) 1:30 - Continue parallel sessions 4:00 - Plenary session to Report Day's Results - Weather - Climate - Solid Earth 5:00 - Main sessions adjourn - Panelists caucus to determine Day 2 session organization Day 2 [Wednesday May 1] ----- 9:00 - Announce Cross-cut Sessions Determine participation in each Assign session rooms 9:15 - Parallel Cross-cut Sessions - Identify and quantify the advancements in computational technology capabilities that require NASA investment in order to bridge these gaps. - Prioritize these capability advancements in terms of their likelihood to enable the Earth System Prediction Goals for 2010. - Suggest a roadmap for each unique capability advancement. 12:00-1:30 Lunch Break (on your own) 1:30 - Continue Cross-cut Sessions Draft Strawman Roadmaps 4:00 - Plenary Session to Report Back Results 5:00 - Adjourn (non-panelists are excused) Day 3 [Thursday May 2] ----- 9:00 - Executive Session Panelists finalize roadmaps, write report 2:00 - Panelists thanked and dismissed (chairs carry the assignment with them to return and present the workshop report to NASA Headquarters Earth Science Enterprise on a specific date and time) === -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Jim Fischer, voice: (301) 286-3465 Project Manager, NASA ESTO/CT Project sec: (301) 286-8541 Code 930, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center fax: (301) 286-1634 Greenbelt, MD 20771