Operation versus generic apabilities climate & weather are research Earth Simulator competitor $25M/year for 10 yaers Natural Hazards == Solid Earth 2010 goals are already blessed application requirements observation data systems requirements -- Ricky Rood invest to make systems work discipline centered predictions dominated by observations and their assimilation prediction is initial state problem Information systems is separate Instruments is separate FY02 $21M ESMF Earth Science Simulation & Modelling Framework 5X data increase middleware & productivity DAO interested in computing futures -- biological computing evolutionary revolutionary NASA is research & development agency software productivity included measure of success need to transfer to operations (National Weather Service etc.) high end computing is node in information systems NASA unique features WANT Requirements Technology Roadmaps Software that computers and networks useful to scientists Application Tools Computer Hardware Network So Grids e-ESTO OK Show Stoppers Data issues Software development process data ingestion management movement throughput visualization What is a Natural Hazard 3 wavelet people! Lots of Goddard people Advanced Information Systems Climate 2010 100 Tflop sustained currently 2.5 gflop best (LOW) ESMF "Framework" Data management more parallelism as bigger problem Weather Management of input data 2002 64 million observation/day 2010 5. 10000 million observation/day 125 factor in computing 10**7 increase in assimilation 10 day forecast in 2 hours Environmental hazard tornado air quality Disastrous data assimilation problem 10 day requires global simulation need to select just a little amount of available data Need less but better data! *********** Second Day *********************** HEP Data from central accelerator ESTO data from distributed satellites/sensors Derived data is distributed anyway Data sets Hierarchical Heterogeneous dynamic CLIMATE ------- NSIPP Plan Want communication technology and fortran compilers want 400 Teraflop sustained for medium term pse Differentiation Data assimilation esmf data management 500 TB per experiment 5 Groups WEATHER ------- Want Node Compilers as heros can parallelize so stuff like HPF irrelevant (climate agrees)