foxsdengcf: hi alexho_mbox: hear lots of beeps alexho_mbox: yes alexho_mbox: 812-322-9314 alexho_mbox: 323 foxsdengcf: i can hear yoiu alexho_mbox: alexho_mbox: meet id June18-57971 alexho_mbox: porblem logging in? foxsdengcf: its hung alexho_mbox: let's try yahoo then. that's what i am afraid of for others to trial. foxsdengcf: it doesnt work alexho_mbox: let's use yahoo for now. alexho_mbox: let me start again alexho_mbox: hello alexho_mbox: had to logout from previous audio-enabled programs. alexho_mbox: only hear beeps at the moment. alexho_mbox: i can hear you. foxsdengcf: hi alexho_mbox: hello foxsdengcf: i am enrolling in "instant chinese class" -- alexho_mbox: good. talking to steve's uncle. alexho_mbox: sorry. back now. alexho_mbox: just made an arrangement to meet with steve's uncle tomorrow. foxsdengcf: hi alexho_mbox: yes. i am here. foxsdengcf: i talked to Wojtek foxsdengcf: hi alexho_mbox: hello foxsdengcf: no fax! alexho_mbox: did we get the new fax? alexho_mbox: he said he has faxed according to email instruction. alexho_mbox: let me call. alexho_mbox: vincent called an hr ago saying that gavin followed instruction. he's even asking for me to sign that same doc for him to bring back to gavin. i told him that couldn't be done even if we received the fax because we don't have board meeting yet. foxsdengcf: 'i printed out fax log foxsdengcf: 3 calls last night -- last one transferred 4 pages as discussed foxsdengcf: NONE since then -- first two are "no fax" alexho_mbox: i left vincent a voice messaage just now asking him to call me. i'll send email to gavin and vincent to inform them we didn't receive new fax. foxsdengcf: obviously they didn't send anything new foxsdengcf: maybe 2 aborted calls were trying to send correct document -- but i doubt it alexho_mbox: i am sending email to them now. i see no good reason for them to not send given their expectation of a signed agreement. alexho_mbox: i sent the email. will wait for some reply. vincent was calling me to ask for meeting with alan and him in shanghai tomorrow to wrap up GameDJ discussion. i'll be very confused if they intend not to do the bridge loan and still setting up all the business meetings. foxsdengcf: Lets hope so foxsdengcf: I will stay home this morning to wait for FAX alexho_mbox: let me call enrico to check. alexho_mbox: called enrico. he thought it has been faxed again. he will call gavin to ask him to fax again. foxsdengcf: great foxsdengcf: Stock market down ..... alexho_mbox: could be fax error? gavin seemed to have lots of fax problem. alexho_mbox: due to apple & amd warning? foxsdengcf: i printed out log -- it should show all attempts like 3 last nightr foxsdengcf: Yes its AMD Apple Ciena (Oracle up) alexho_mbox: alan is in shanghai and that's why vincent called me to setup meeting with alan and him and asked signed agreement and letter of authorization to bring back to tawan for gavin. alexho_mbox: a fellow named mark koz emailed me saying that he own firetalk and is interested in licensing or purchase our collaboration asset. i wonder how he comes to that conclusion. foxsdengcf: licensing OK? alexho_mbox: generally speaking yes but very difficult because to optimize, pricing should be value-based but no agreement can specify all pricing decisions. on top of that, do we want them to go after for instance applied material? for new tech like ours, we normally want to control and milk the value ourselves as much as we can. alexho_mbox: for tech that is more readily available, easy decision to use channels. alexho_mbox: for webex they start focus on channel for their "service product" just now not to say their technology is not licensable because they do not want their channels to go after their own turf and yet they have to offer their channels a large discount. foxsdengcf: fine -- firetalk is a distraction! alexho_mbox: for the same reason, i don't believe we want to license live collaboration only to presenter. alexho_mbox: i'll step out for a few minutes. need to buy something at a street corner store. foxsdengcf: no fax ........ alexho_mbox: i'll call enrico now. alexho_mbox: talk to enrico. he said he wants us to survive because they had made large proposal based on anabas. the provincial one they proposed about $6 million where anabas would get 300k. another project they proposed anabas would get 300k. but w/o anabas their big projects could not happen. so they need us to survive. foxsdengcf: well the proof of the pudding .... alexho_mbox: he had problem contacting gavin just now. he wants me to know that our survival is key to alan and them. alexho_mbox: since i've sent email to gavin and vincent; and left vincent a message to call me back, and had enrico to contact gavin, let's hope that one of the channel goes through and that gavin will fax the signature to your number. i will go to airport at 6 am tomorrow. i'll email them again to ask gavin to fax to your number and you'll contact me 011-86-13690-931-311 when you receive the correct fax.