I am told my last e-mail was gloomy. This is more upbeat I wanted to note some useful synergies between different projects: 1) We can all use the OKC style portal (access and update via Slide) for our Web site 2) We can communicate via the XML News Groups of the OKC 3) We can use Jetspeed as a collaborative environment interface on PC's with My Professor (from PDA group) on PDA's This would imply text chat, instant messenger, SVG, VNC (Shared Display) portlets 4) We can study myJXTA versus My Professor and take the best of both with a portlet version of myJXTA 5) We can use the session control part of "Audio-Video as a Web Service" to control sessions with shared applications 6) We can integrate database part of OKC with JXTA Search to give a distributed XML database 7) We make the XML in XML database active using web services so they become agents that form intelligent databases 8) NaradaBrokering can be integrating glue for intelligent databases, audio-video conferencing, OKC, collaboration as a web service 9) Simulations and SVG can be applications using portlet display and collaborative control using Narada to share messages Other ideas? Jake: If I added my opinion especially against search and databases: 1) My object of the XML execution model for the GXOS is that the model provides an integrated solution for every XML instance, which is the metadata of the objects. The API and the management system are necessary to access the XML instances and the types of storages can be designated through the management system. Of course, the goal is the long way to go and we need to develop the primitive form first and it can be achieved step by step. I think the agent system through the management may be the intelligent database, which Dr. Fox announced. If I misunderstand, it would be thankful for the additional information. 2) The JXTA search provides the distributed search capability in the GRID system, which is usually huge and provides servicer's information to the clients exclusively. However, our system may not large enough to be divided into separated indexes on several systems, and those systems provide some search engines connected through the JXTA. If we wanted to simulate the GRID system within our category, it makes sense. Or, I understand we may have to provide a JXTA search to the outside request. So, it may be a kind of one of JXTA search provider. I may not have enough knowledge about JXTA search, and I appreciate for the additional discussion and advice. re Jake and JXTA a) JXTA can run in middle tier or in clients. b) We do not require distributed database in CG but it can be used -- say for files stored on PC's in group. It is clearly needed in cross organization projects or when we must use heterogeneous search technologies GCF: 10) Can use OKC News Group interface & Schema wizard to provide a) Set up metadata XML instances b) Browse XML Nuggets in different Schemas Each Schema must specify those elements that should be used for sorting and synopsis (equivalent of date sender/subject/keywords in News Groups)