Want codes as services so one person maintains Visualization uses Scirun Access Grid -- Collaborative Portal -- Need Large Screen Like shared viz Access Grid too expensive $10K Access GRid (Microsoft, ANL) VNC Chromium DMX (Distributed Multi-headed X) MDSPLUS has Globus OGSA will use relational database not LDAP! IDL Keith/ANL ======== Kate is PI Binary Binding C, Python Binding to OGSA Resource Brokering QoS for composability: Semantics Job Stuff Mary ===== Status Portals Watson ------ Debate as to how one can transport private keys Chip says can send temporary private keys (via SSL) Describes permissions needed by daemon to a) Store in database labelled by user b) Copy UNIX files as though user These need "root-like" privileges if need to perform "actions as though user" without having user certificates Key issue: how do you support long lived jobs with emphemeral proxy certificates Warren Smith ============ Java SSL very slow random number access Kate ===== Notification channels seem simplistic Should one have a OGSA wrapper or OGSA library Olson ====== Security Use of class-ads (Condor) for discovery PNNL ===== Translation services built into Slide using JMS Jetspeed for community portal