Expenses $49 taxi $35 bus $40 registration FESR Hybrid Duality (Hariri) Resonances <--> Regge Background <--> Pomeron Barrelet zeros from pi N scattering use for continuity (ambiguity resolution) unitarity helps how does backward pi N or pi pi work? how do we get rid of Pomeron duaslity to non q qbar pi pi scattering ambiguity near k kbar thrreshold WHY NO HIGH ENERGY E110 like expts what does e+e- give Lattice theory mixes particles and decays as in BOX Can disentangle to get width SCIDAC Grand collaboration Baryons ======= CMB Dytman Do analysis at PWA amplituse level CDD poleds go to real axis as switch off coupling fake poles (molecules of k kbar) disappear to infinity as coupling goes to sero one partial wave at a time ******************** lousy pi pi N data are large widths realistic GWU ==== Fit all partial waves simulataneously wrong bsckground model "effective langrangian" Background has wrong phase and wrong energy dependence Analyses do not distinguish model from results as implicitly asume world is theory1 + theory2 NOT a single theory with different faces Spain ===== Another nuclear physics approach Quite wrong Fits data well!!!!!!! Manley ------ K matrix ONLY resnance Background multiplicative matrix pichowsky ========= kent state worked with craig roberets anl exact 3 partricle unitarity Workman GWU =========== Straightforward quality analysis came from Roper-Arndt VPI group but transferred to GWU when leaders left 1) Page 3 Gateway application data describes science codes themselves. Is this upto date? 2) Page 3 ChemicalML marks up domain specific data. Does anybody really use this? 3) Page 31 25 50 75 3 are the step sizes for each dim should step size be number of steps isnt stride same as step size Maybe need more detail I think I know what a hyperslab is but not certain Is there a picture 4) Slide 34 Need more detail on Grid & Topologies with pictures 5) Slide 55 Need more on HDF5 XML and Applications to Science and Computing Information Systems Instructor: Dr. Geoffrey Fox Course Length: 4 hours Tutorial Description: The morning session of this tutorial will describe current approaches to information systems built around XML specifications for all interfaces. The basics of XML will be taught, using the approach based on Schema with examples from computing portals and simple information systems. The instructor will describe how to construct a distributed environment using Web Services and the SOAP transport protocol. Basic applications such as Dublin Core (bibliographic) and RSS (News Groups) will also be discussed. Advanced topics to be covered in the afternoon session will include the XML linkage to Java and Databases. The level of detail will be adjusted to audience interest. XML databases and query techniques will be described. Advanced applications will include topics such as RDF (Metadata) and XML specified services in Computational Grids.