Resume for Doug Sharp

3830 Lantern Lane
Columbus, Indiana 47203
home: (812) 375-0899
cell: (812) 371-0567


Professional Experience

1982 - 1987

Systems Programmer

Arvin Industries
Columbus, Indiana

Primary responsibilities:

  • support of an MVS assembly language system that controlled EDI transmissions between Arvin and its customers (General Motors, Ford, etc.)
  • installation and support of IBM Network Control Program
  • installation and support of various third party MVS products such as FDR
  • capacity planning tool installation and support (IBM Service Level Reporter)

Most important contribution was the development of the data communications components of an automated system that monitored transmission of inventory updates to customers. The system eliminated manual intervention for failed transmissions and enabled automated retry and logging of transmission activity. The system helped Arvin meet customer demand for Just In Time inventory shipment notification.


1983 - 1987

Part time Instructor

Ivy Tech State College
Columbus, Indiana

Taught the following evening courses:

  • Data Communications (3 semesters)
  • IBM Job Control Language (4 semesters)
  • IBM OS Assembly Language (4 semesters)

1987 - 1992

Systems Programmer

Ivy Tech State College
Indianapolis, Indiana

Primary responsibilities:

  • installation and support of all MVS/XA systems software, third party software, CICS and NCP on a 4381 mainframe
  • configuration and support of a multiple SNA domain network using VTAM CDRM/CDRSC and NCP Gateway features on MVS and VM systems


  • Technical planning and management of mainframe computer and network systems during a week-long data center remodeling event. During this event, I planned and implemented the operation of the MVS/XA, CICS, and NCP systems from a disaster recovery center in Chicago. Within a week of the return to the data center, implemented a migration from 4381 to 3090 mainframe and new version of MVS. All of this activity took place within two weeks of fiscal year end processing, making project planning and execution critical.
  • Technical planning and implementation of the MVS and network components of a migration from DOS/VSE to MVS/XA.


1992 - 1993

Systems Programmer

Nationale Netherlanden Insurance
Indianapolis, Indiana

Primary responsibilities:

  • installation of MVS/ESA operating system software and Candle Omegamon performance management software
  • performance tuning using IBM RMF and Candle Omegamon


  • Extensive configuration of IBM MVS/ESA performance tuning parameters in IEAICSxx, IEAIPSxx and IEAOPTxx. This was done to extend the life of a 3090-200J mainframe under very heavy TSO workload.

April 1993 - June 2000

Manager / Director of Systems and Networks

Ivy Tech State College
Indianapolis, Indiana

Primary responsibilities:

  • management of three to eight technical staff responsible for network engineering (SNA and TCP/IP), local area networks (Netware, NT, and Unix), IBM mainframe systems programming, Unix system servers (email, LDAP, web, etc.), and web design and management
  • extensive hands-on installation and support of MVS and Solaris operating systems and related software


  • planned and implemented initial College internet infrastructure (DNS, Cisco, email, etc.)
  • planned and implemented Solaris-based firewall for College internet connections
  • developed unix host security configuration standards using tools such as Tripwire and SSH
  • planned and implemented migration of all SNA communication systems to TCP/IP, eliminating cost of IBM 3745 and NCP software
  • assisted in the development of intranet server environment on Solaris using Netscape server products and, later, Apache
  • developed and managed mainframe and unix server disaster recovery technical plan at Chicago recovery center
  • project management of IBM mainframe systems software, Unix systems software, and College-wide networking upgrades for Y2K
  • reduced costs by planning movement of some servers (DNS, LDAP, web development, web content, cache, etc.) from Sun to Linux on rack-mount Intel servers
  • minimized development costs by implementing development systems on open-source software (Enhydra application server, Apache web server, PostgreSQL database, etc.)
  • planned production control environment for web-based applications and web servers
  • installed web performance and availability reporting system using open source software on Sun servers
  • developed extensive web-based technical documentation system
  • built outstanding technical / design teams for the Webmaster, Unix Sysadmin, Mainframe systems programming, and Network areas



August 2001 - current
(as of May 2002)

Part time Instructor

Ivy Tech State College
Columbus, Indiana

Scheduled evening course (Fall 2002):

  • CIS 113 - Introduction to Programming and Logic using Java

Previous teaching assignments:

  • CIS 106 - Microcomputer Operating Systems - Fall 2001
  • CIS 113 - Introduction to Programming and Logic using Java - Spring 2002
  • CIS 252 - Web Development using HTML and Macromedia Dreamweaver - Spring 2002

June 2000 - current
(as of May 2002)

Director of Systems Programming and Web Development

Ivy Tech State College
Indianapolis, Indiana

Primary responsibilities:

  • management of IBM OS/390 mainframe systems programming (administrative computing)
  • management of Oracle Database Administration (adminstrative computing)
  • hands-on systems programming on OS/390, Solaris, Linux and Windows 2000 / NT
  • planning and development of inhouse administrative web application based on java servlet, EJB, and relational database technologies


  • design of administrative reporting servlet. Development platform is Linux / Tomcat / Oracle 8i. Test and production platform is Solaris / Tomcat / Oracle 8i. I am the designer and primary developer on the project. The applications consists of 23 different servlets coordinated by a dispatcher servlet. The application uses session management, stores queries in java object format for later reuse and editing, and allows users to output data in HTML tables, Excel, or Adobe PDF. Translation of JDBC result sets to JDOM XML Documents to Adobe PDF output done using JDOM, Apache Xerces, Xalan and FOP. See java development notes and database notes for details.
  • redesign (ongoing) of administrative reporting servlet to use Enterprise Javabeans on Orion J2EE server. Project began in March 2002. Notes are here.
  • planning and cost analysis of various mainframe upgrade options to meet increased resource demand (due to web application access) and provide new functionality (OS390 Unix Systems Services functions, Linux for S/390, etc.)
  • investigation (ongoing) of cost savings and availability improvements by consolidating Linux servers on mainframe using Linux for S/390
  • development of security lockdown procedures for NT Server development platforms (registry updates, ACL updates, Tripwire for NT implementation, etc.).
  • investigation and planning for SSL-based TN3270 access and OSPF routing using VIPA on OS390 2.10. See sanitized notes for details.



Formal Education

Ivy Tech State College

A.A.S - Computer Technology


Graduated with 4.0 GPA


Purdue University (IUPUI - Indianapolis)


As of 5/2002, I have completed 53 hours toward B.S. degree in Computer Science (Scientific Computing Option) in Purdue School of Science with a GPA of 3.89.


  • CS 230: Computing I (1990 A+)
  • CS 240: Computing II (1991 A)
  • CS 362: Data Structures (1991 A+)
  • CS 402: Computer Architecture (1992 A)
  • M 163: Calculus I (1992 A)
  • M 164: Calculus II (1993 A-)
  • CS 490: Undergraduate research project on Expert Systems using parallel processing software simulator. This project involved writing an expert system shell in C that placed rules of a rulebase on separate processor nodes of an Intel iPSC simulator running on Sun. The shell allowed forward chaining, backward chaining, inferencing, and persistent knowledge across executions. It was designed as the front end of a neural network being designed by other faculty and students. (1993 A-)
  • study interrupted due to family illnesses 1993-1999
  • CS 265: Advanced Programming (1999 A)
  • CS 300: Systems Programming. Lab 3 documentation is online here. (2000 A+)
  • CS 340: Discrete Computational Structures. Registered for Fall 2002


Professional Classes and Conferences

  • IBM SecureWorld Conference (emphasis on OS390 SSL and PKI infrastucture) (2001)
  • DB2 Administration for Solaris (2001)
  • OS/390 Expo and Performance Conference including USS Tutorial (2000)
  • Software Development Conference including XML Tutorial (2000)
  • Sun Microsystems Courses (1997-1998):
    • Java Programming
    • Java Programming Workshop
    • Distributed Programming with Java
  • Oracle Courses (local in 1998):
    • Introduction to SQL and P/SQL
    • Advanced SQL
    • Intro to Oracle Developer
    • Intro to Oracle Designer
  • Usenix Network Security Conference (1998)
  • Usenix SAGE Systems and Network Security Conference (1997)
  • Sun Solaris courses (Systems Administration I and II - 1994)
  • IBM MVS courses (SMP/E, Structure and Logic, Installation, Performance and Tuning - 1985-1987)