FoilWorld IndexPage for Overview of CPS616

1: CPS616 Initial Foils for January-April 96 Course on Technologies for the Information Age
2: Web Technology Overview
3: NII(Web) Services Overview
4: Web Application Overview
5: CPS616 Lectures on Java
6: CPS616 Lectures on JavaScript
7: PERL4(updated to Perl5 syntax) based on O'Reilly Llama book
8: Perl5 and Advanced Perl4 Features
9: Introduction to World Wide Web (WWW)
10: Introduction to HTML
11: Setting the Stage for CGI Programming: HTTP, URL, CGI, MIME, HTTPD and many other acronyms
12: Introduction to CGI Programming
13: Introduction to Perl Programming: a Stroll Through Perl
14: Introduction to Java Programming: a Stroll Through Java
15: CPS616 VRML and Use of Databases as backend and Application to GIS
16: Overview of VRML 1.0 Language with Examples
17: Basic Discussion of Oracle 7 Relational Database
18: Access of Data using SQL-PL/SQL-OraPerl in Oracle
19: Web-Oracle Integration focussing on use of PL/SQL
20: Full Relational Database Presentation prepared for HPDC-4 Tutorial (Used in CPS616-1995)
21: Overall Summary of MultiMedia Networks and Rationale for Integrated Services
22: Technologies and Issues for Virtual University
23: SC95 Tutorial: Web Technologies for Education
24: Fall 95 Vision for Evolution of World Wide Web Technology
25: Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering
26: Webwork and its application to Factoring on the Web
27: Overview of Business Enterprise Systems and the Web
28: The Living Schoolbook and the K-12 Classroom of the Future
29: Overview foils given at start of CPS600 describing broad concept of course
30: Collaboration Presentation for HPDC95
31: Compression Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial
32: Broad Overview of Agents and Their Motivation
33: Full Relational Database Presentation prepared for HPDC-4 Tutorial (Used in CPS616-1995)
34: PERL4(updated to Perl5 syntax) based on O'Reilly Llama book
35: CPS600 WebTool Course Server
36: HTML
37: HTML Forms
38: HTML Clickable Imagemaps
39: MultiPurpose Internet Mail Extension Data Format -- MIME
40: HyperText Transfer Protocol HTTP for Server-Client Communication
41: Common Gateway Interface:CGI
42: Web Servers or HyperText Transfer Protocol Daemons -- HTTPD
43: Basic Threads Discussion including Niemiec's TCE in detail
44: Asynchronous Transfer Mode Tutorial
45: Overview of Java
46: Overview of VRML
47: Televirtual Environments -- Technologies and Applications
48: Video Server,Delivery and Compression Technologies
49: Brief Overview of Web-Relational Database Integration
50: WebTools (Updated to Summer 1995)
51: Perl5
52: CPS600 Presentation on Linkage of Web to Relational(Oracle) Databases
53: Web Search Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial
54: First Part of Video Server Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial
55: Second Part of Video Server Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial
56: Java Tutorial
57: VRML Tutorial