FoilWorld FoilPage for The MRA Workshop featuring Tango WLS and Cornell Virtual Workshop on June 26-27 in San Diego

The MRA Workshop featuring Tango WLS and Cornell Virtual Workshop on June 26-27 in San Diego Search

Number of Foilsets: 8 Foils: 285
NCSU 's Page for it
Label Foilset Title Number of Foils
1:mrajune98/collaboverview Overview of Collaboration Systems Foils: 32
2:mrajune98/generaltangoapi General Tango API Java JavaScript and C Foils: 32
3:mrajune98/mraintrojune98 Overview of Purpose and Futures for MRA
Foils: 16
4:mrajune98/tangoappls Overview of Tango applications Foils: 43
5:mrajune98/tangobasictrain Overview of the TangoInteractive System Foils: 36
6:mrajune98/tangobeansapi Overview of TangoBeans and their API Foils: 14
7:mrajune98/tangogen Overview of Tango System and
Application to Distance Education
Foils: 53
8:tangoviewjuly98 Pictorial View of Tango Features with
Foils: 59