Exploiting Application Parallelism in Knowledge-based Systems: An Experimental Method
J. W. H. Daniel and M. R. Moulding
A method is presented which aims to enhance the runtime performance of real-time production systems by utilizing natural concurrency in the application knowledge base. This exploiting application parallelism (EAP) method includes an automated analysis of the knowledge base and the use of this analysis information to partition and execute rules on a novel parallel production system (PPS) architecture. Prototype analysis tools and a PPS simulator have been developed for the Inference ART environment in order to apply the method to a Naval data-fusion problem. The results of this experimental investigation revealed that an average maximum of 12.06 rule-firings/cycle was possible but, due to serial bottlenecks inherent in the data-fusion problem, up to only 2.14 rule-firings/cycle was achieved overall. Limitations of the EAP method are discussed within the context of the experimental results and an enhanced method is investigated.
Short Code: [Daniel:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1-18 (C257)
A. G. Hoekstra, P. M. A. Sloot, F. van der Linden, M. van Muiswinkel, J. J. J. Vesseur, and L. O. Hertzberger
Genericity of parallel programming environments, enabling development of portable parallel programs, is expected to result in performance penalties. Furthermore, programmability and tool support of programming environments are important issues if a choice between programming environments has to be made. In this paper we propose a methodology to compare native and generic parallel programming environments, taking into account such competing issues as portability and performance. As a case study, this paper compares the Iserver-Occam, Parix, Express, and PVM parallel programming environments on a 512-node Parsytec GCel. Furthermore, we apply our methodology to compare Parix and PVM on a new architecture, a 32-node Parsytec PowerXplorer, which is based on the PowerPC chip. In our approach we start with a representative application and isolate the basic (environment)-dependent building blocks. These basic building blocks, which depend on floating-point performance and communication capabilities of the environments, are analyzed independently. We have measured point-to-point communication times, global communication times and floating-point performance. All information is combined into a time complexity analysis, allowing the comparison of the environments on different degrees of functionality. Together with demands for portability of the code and development time (i.e., programmability), an overall judgment of the environments is given.
Short Code: [Hoekstra:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 19-46 (C241)
Kivanc Dincer, Zeki Bozkus, Sanjay Ranka, and Geoffrey Fox
Thinking Machines' CM-5 machine is a distributed-memory, message-passing computer. In this paper we devise a performance benchmark for the base and vector units and the data communication networks of the CM-5 machine. We model the communication characteristics such as communication latency and bandwidths of point-to-point and global communication primitives. We show, on a simple Gaussian elimination code, that an accurate static performance estimation of parallel algorithms is possible by using those basic machine properties connected with computation, vectorization, communication, and synchronization. Furthermore, we describe the embedding of meshes or hypercubes on the CM-5 fat-tree topology and illustrate the performance results of their basic communication primitives.
Short Code: [Dincer:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 47-69 (C156)
Jean-Marc Jézéquel and Claude Jard
A common time reference (i.e., a global clock) is needed for observing the behavior of a distributed algorithm on a distributed computing system. This paper presents a pragmatic algorithm to build a global time on any distributed system, which is optimal for homogeneous distributed memory parallel computers (DMPC). In order to observe and sort concurrent events in common DMPCs, we need a global clock with a resolution finer than the message transfer time variance, which is better than what deterministic and fault-tolerant algorithms can obtain. Thus a statistical method is chosen as a building block to derive an original algorithm valid for any topology. Its main originality over related approaches is to cope with the problem of clock granularity in computing frequency offsets between local clocks to achieve a resolution comparable with the resolution of the physical clocks. This algorithm is particularly well suited for debugging distributed algorithms by means of trace recordings because after its acquisition step, it does not induce message overhead: the perturbation induced on the execution remains as small as possible. It has been implemented on various DMPCs: Intel iPSC/2 hypercube and Paragon XP/S, Transputer-based networks and Sun networks, so we can provide some data about its behavior and performances on these DMPCs.
Short Code: [Jezequel:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 71-89 (C201)
A. Averbuch, R. Dekel, and E. Gabber
The Portable Parallelizing Fortran Compiler (PPFC) is an additional component for the portable programming environment developed in Tel-Aviv University for scientific code. This environment supports portable and efficient programming of diverse MIMD multiprocessors, both distributed- and shared-memory.
Till now this environment consisted of two tools: The Virtual Machine for MultiProcessors (VMMP), and the Portable Parallelizing Pascal Compiler (P³C). We added the PPFC which is an automatic parallelizer compiler for the Fortran language. The compiler is fully automatic (does not require additional declarations to assist parallelization), which is characterized by loops operating on regular data structures, and produces efficient and portable code for a variety of multiprocessors from the same serial code.
The parallel implementation uses the VMMP which is a software package that provides a coherent set of services for explicitly parallel application programs running on diverse MIMD multiprocessors. VMMP is intended to simplify parallel program writing and to promote portable and efficient programming.
The PPFC parallelized 12 out of the 24 Livermore Loops. It was also applied to parallelize all the 14 Fortran application programs that were parallelized by the P³C and achieved the same speedups and efficiencies. In most examples, the PPFC achieved high speedups and efficiencies on all target multiprocessors.
The PPFC emphasizes efficiency and code portability. Although PPFC employs a relatively simple data flow analysis, it produces efficient code for various widely used application programs.
Short Code: [Averbuch:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 91-123 (C214)
Ian Gorton, Innes Jelly, Jonathan Gray, and Toong Shoon Chan
The PARSE design methodology provides a hierarchical, object-based approach to the development of parallel software systems. A system design is initially structured into a collection of concurrently executing objects which communicate via message-passing. A graphical notation known as the process graph is then used to capture the structural and important dynamic properties of the system. Process graph designs can then be semi-mechanically transformed into complete Petri nets to give a detailed, executable and potentially verifiable design specification. From a complete design, translation rules for target programming languages are defined to enable the implementation to proceed in a systematic manner. The paper describes the steps in the PARSE methodology and the process graph notation, and illustrates the application of PARSE from design specification to program code using a network protocol example.
Short Code: [Gorton:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 125-146 (C234)
Duane Szafron and Jonathan Schaeffer
The growth of commercial and academic interest in parallel and distributed computing during the past fifteen years has been accompanied by a corresponding increase in the number of available parallel programming systems (PPS). However, little work has been done to evaluate their usability, or to develop criteria for such evaluations. As a result, the usability of a typical PPS is based on how easily a small set of trivially parallel algorithms can be implemented by its authors.
This paper discusses the design and results of an experiment to compare objectively the usability of two PPSs. Half of the students in a graduate parallel and distributed computing course solved a problem using the Enterprise PPS while the other half used a PVM-like library of message-passing routines. The objective was to measure usability. This experiment provided valuable feedback as to what features of PPSs are useful and the benefits they provide during the development of parallel programs. Although many usability experiments have been conducted for sequential programming languages and environments, they are rare in the parallel programming domain. Such experiments are necessary to help narrow the gap between what parallel programmers want, and what current PPSs provide.
Short Code: [Szafron:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 147-166 (C235)
Maurits Malfait and Dirk Roose
We examine the parallel execution of a class of stochastic algorithms called Markov Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) algorithms. We focus on MCMC algorithms in the context of image processing, using Markov Random Field models. Our parallelization approach is based on several, concurrently running, instances of the same stochastic algorithm that deal with the whole data set. First we show that the speed-up of the parallel algorithm is limited because of the statistical properties of the MCMC algorithm. We examine coupled MCMC as a remedy for this problem. Secondly, we exploit the parallel execution to monitor the convergence of the stochastic algorithms in a statistically reliable manner. This new convergence measure for MCMC algorithms performs well, and is an improvement on known convergence measures. We also link our findings with recent work in the statistical theory of MCMC.
Short Code: [Malfait:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 167-189 (C236)
Giancarlo Succi and Carl Uhrik
Although logic languages, due to their non-declarative nature, are widely proclaimed to be conducive in theory to parallel implementation, in fact there appears to be insufficient practical evidence to stimulate further developments in this field. The paper puts forward various complications which arise in assuming a solely process parallel approach as a possible explanation for this situation.
As an alternative, data parallelism is posited as an underutilized forte of logic programming. This paper illustrates a data parallel implementation of a particular language called SEL which is based on sets. Thus, SEL (Set Equational Language) is introduced as an example of logic language which lends itself to an efficient data parallel implementation.
The strategy of this implementations assumes an abstract machine called SAM (set-oriented abstract machine) which is based on the WAM (Warren Abstract Machine). SAM serves as an intermediary between the SEL language and the target machine for the implementation, the Connection Machine. Finally, some preliminary benchmarks are presented.
Short Code: [Succi:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 191-204 (C165)
Oscar Naím, Tony Hey, and Ed Zaluska
Performance is a critical issue in current massively parallel processors. However, delivery of adequate performance is not automatic and performance evaluation tools are required in order to help the programmer to understand the behavior of a parallel program. In recent years, a wide variety of tools have been developed for this purpose including tools for monitoring and evaluating performance and visualization tools. However, these tools do not provide an abstract representation of performance. Massively parallel processors can generate a huge amount of performance data and sophisticated methods for representing and displaying these data (e.g., visual and nural) are required. Performance views are not scalable in general and do not represent an abstraction of the performance data.
The Do-Loop-Surface display is proposed as an abstract representation of the performance of a particular do-loop in a program. It has been used to improve the performance of a Matrix Multiply parallel algorithm as well as to understand the behavior of the following applications: Matrix Transposition (TRANS1) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT1) from the Genesis Benchmarks, and the kernel of a fluid dynamics package (FIRE). These experiments were performed on a CM-5, Meiko CS-1, and a PARSYS Supernode. The examples demonstrate that the Do-Loop-Surface display is a useful way to represent performance. It is implemented using AVS (Application Visualization System), a standard data visualization package.
Short Code: [Naim:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 205-234 (C246)
B. Pond and I. Sharf
This paper describes the implementation on a transputer system of a novel parallel algorithm for dynamics simulation of a multibody chain. The algorithm is formulated at a level of parallelism which is natural for the problem but is essentially unavailable to other simulation dynamics algorithms. The experimental results demonstrate that one can improve efficiency of computation by exploiting this level of parallelism. However, analysis of the performance shows that the serial component of the resulting parallel algorithm grows to be a large fraction of the total parallel execution time and therefore limits the speedup that can be achieved with this approach.
Short Code: [Pond:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 235-249 (C230)
D. Morales, J. L. Roda, C. Rodriguez, F. Almeida, and F. Garcia
A sequential algorithm with complexity O(M² + n) for the Integer Knapsack Problem is presented. M is the capacity of the knapsack, and n the number of objects. The algorithm admits an efficient parallelization on a p-processor ring machine. The corresponding parallel algorithm is O(M²/p+n). The parallel algorithm is compared with a version of the well-known Lee algorithm adapted to the Integer Knapsack Problem. Computational results on both a local area network and a transputer network are reported.
Short Code: [Morales:96a]
Reference:& Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 251-260 (C242)
Thomas Fahringer
In order to improve a parallel program's performance it is critical to evaluate how even the work contained in a program is distributed over all processors dedicated to the computation. Traditional work distribution analysis is commonly performed at the machine level. The disadvantage of this method is that it cannot identify whether the processors are performing useful or redundant (replicated) work. This paper describes a novel method of statically estimating the useful work distribution of distributed memory parallel programs at the program level, which carefully distinguishes between useful and redundant work.
The amount of work contained in a parallel program, which correlates with the number of loop iterations to be executed by each processor, is estimated by accurately modeling loop iteration spaces, array access patterns and data distributions. A cost function defines the useful work distribution of loops, procedures and the entire program. Lower and upper bounds of the described parameter are presented.
The computational complexity of the cost function is independent of the program's problem size, statement execution and loop iteration counts. As a consequence, estimating the work distribution based on the described method is considerably faster than simulating or actually compiling and executing the program.
Automatically estimating the useful work distribution is fully implemented as part of the P³T, which is a static parameter based performance prediction tool under the Vienna Fortran Compilation System (VFCS). The Lawrence Livermore Loops are used as a test-case to verify the approach.
Short Code: [Fahringer:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 261-282 (C265)
F. Knop, V. Rego, and V. Sunderam
Local or wide-area heterogeneous workstation clusters are relatively cheap and highly effective, though inherently unstable operating environments for long-running distributed computations. We found this to be the case in early experiments with a prototype of the EcliPSe system, a software toolkit for replicative applications on heterogeneous workstation clusters. Hardware or network failures in computations that executed for over a day were not uncommon. In this work, a variety of features for the incorporation of failure resilience in the EcliPSe system are described. Key characteristics of this fault-tolerant system are ease of use, low state-saving cost, system scalability, and good performance. We present results of some experiments demonstrating low state-saving overheads and small system recovery times, as a function of amount of state saved.
Short Code: [Knop:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 283-312 (C237)
J. S. Reeve and M. C. Rogers
In this paper the authors present the definition and implementation of a concurrent language MP (Message Passer), which is aimed at programming embedded multi-microprocessor systems. The novel features of the language include the ability to program and develop the entire distributed system as a single unit, and the provision of simple restricted concurrency constructs that make such systems modular and deadlock free. MP programs are invariant with respect to the characteristics of a particular target machine, for instance, the number of processors, and their mutual connectivity. Programs written in MP can be transformed to a restricted set of Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP), in which particular specifications can be shown to be satisfied.
The restricted model of concurrency does not prevent the language being being to express all of the known course-grained parallel programming paradigms. However, the structured nature of the code makes the model particularly attractive in concurrent embedded systems, where deadlock freedom and program correctness are prime issues.
An MP program is a collection of objects which execute concurrently, maintain their own local state and connect with other objects via bound variables. Explicit communication between objects is totally transparent to the application programmer.
A compiler for the language has been built and a multiprocessor run-time environment has been established for any system with a C compiler and the message-passing standard MPI library. Several applications have been tested, ranging from a clocked digital circuit simulation, to a simple event-driven process controller.
Short Code: [Reeve:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 313-333 (C245)
V. Lakshmi Narasimhan and J. Armstrong
The implementation of three parallel sorting algorithms, namely, binary sort, odd-even transposition sort, and bitonic sort, on a network of transputers is analyzed in this paper. The variation in the performance of these algorithms as the number of processors and sort size are changed is investigated. Experimental results show that when up to eight transputers are used, connected as a linear pipeline configuration, all three algorithms can achieve reasonable speedup ratios. The bitonic sort, binary sort, and odd-even transposition sort achieve speedup ratios of 5, 4.4 and 4, respectively when eight processors are used to sort 100,000 integers. Analytical models are derived which can be used to predict the performance of the three algorithms when a linear pipeline configuration is used. The predicted performance of the algorithms is compared with the experimental performance in order to validate the model. When the models are used to predict the performance using 16 transputers, it is found the speedup does not significantly improve compared to the performance achieved with 8 transputers. This shows that interprocessor communication has a significant effect on the algorithmic performance when a larger number of processors are used. The conclusions reinforce the fact that the binary and bitonic sorting algorithms are not well-suited to a linear pipeline configuration and that they may perform better if a different topology were used, for example a mesh or a cube connection scheme. Further, the analytical technique used for performance modelling as elaborated in the paper can be employed for other multiprocessor systems as well.
Short Code: [Narasimhan:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 335-355 (C232)
D. J. Jackson, and G. S. Tinney
Fractal image compression provides an innovative approach to lossy image encoding, with a potential for very high compression ratios. Because of prohibitive compression times, however, the procedure has proved feasible in only a limited range of commercial applications. In the paper the authors demonstrate that, due to the independent nature of fractal transform encoding of individual image segments, fractal image compression performs well in a coarse-grain distributed processing system. A sequential fractal compression algorithm is optimized and parallelized to execute across distributed workstations and an SP2 parallel processor using the parallel virtual machine (PVM) software. The system utilizes both static and dynamic load allocation to obtain substantial compression time speedup over the original, sequential encoding implementation. Considerations such as workload granularity and compression time versus number of processors and RMS tolerance values are also presented.
Short Code: [Jackson:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 357-380 (C253)
Xi Li, Sotirios G. Ziavras, and Constantine N. Manikopoulos
This paper presents several parallel DSP (Digital Signal Processing) algorithms and their performance analysis, targeting a hybrid message-passing and shared-memory architecture that has been built at New Jersey Institute of Technology. The current version of our system contains eight powerful TMS320C40 processors. The algorithms are implemented on our system using message-passing only, shared-memory only, and, if possible, a combination of both of these parallel processing paradigms. Comparisons show that TurboNet's robust, hybrid architecture results in significant performance gains because of the flexibility it introduces.
Short Code: [Li:96b]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 387-411 (C252)
Kevin B. Theobald
Large-scale multiprocessors require an efficient interconnection network to achieve good performance. This network, like the rest of the system, should be fault-tolerant (able to continue operating even when there are hardware failures). This paper presents the W-Network, a low-cost fault-tolerant MIN which is well-suited to a large multiprocessor running fine-grain parallel programs. It tolerates all single faults without any increases in latency or decreases in bandwidth following a fault, because it behaves just like the fault-free network even when there is a single fault. It requires only one extra port per chip, which makes it practical for a VLSI implementation. In addition, extra ports can be added for replacing faulty processors with spares.
Short Code: [Theobald:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 415-428 (HPCS-6)
Reiner W. Hartenstein, Jürgen Becker, Rainer Kress, and Helmut Reinig
This paper introduces the MoM-3 as a reconfigurable accelerator for high performance computing at a moderate price. By using a new machine paradigm to trigger the operations in the MoM-3, this accelerator is especially suited to scientific algorithms, where the hardware structure can be configured to match the structure of the algorithm. The MoM-3 efficiently uses reconfigurable logic devices to provide a fine-grain parallelism, and multiple address generators to have the complete memory bandwidth free for data transfers (instead of fetching address computing instructions). Speed-up factors up to 82, compared to state-of-the-art workstations, are demonstrated by means of an Ising spin system simulation example. Adding the MoM-3 as an accelerator enables achievement of supercomputer performance from a low-cost workstation.
Short Code: [Hartenstein:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 429-443 (HPCS-1)
Marc Le Fur
The paper presents two algorithms for computing a control structure whose execution enumerates the integer vectors of a parameterized polyhedron defined in a given context. Both algorithms reconsider the successive projection method, based on Fourier-Motzkin pairwise elimination, defined by Ancourt and Irigoin. The way redundant constraints are removed in their algorithm is revisited in order to improve the computation time for the enumeration code of higher order polyhedrons as well as their execution time. The algorithms presented here are at the root of the code generation in the HPF compiler PANDORE developed at IRISA, France; a comparison of these algorithms with the one defined by Ancourt and Irigoin is given in the class of polyhedrons manipulated by the PANDORE compiler.
Short Code: [Fur:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 445-460 (HPCS-2)
Gerard G. L. Meyer, and Mike Pascale
Rapid computation of the QR factorization of a matrix is fundamental to
many scientific and engineering problems. The paper presents a family
of algorithms parameterized by the number of processors available
P, arithmetic grain aggregation parameters
and communication grain aggregation
parameter h, which compute the QR factorization of a matrix
with minimal latency. The approach is particularly
well suited for dedicated distributed memory architectures such as
linear arrays of INMOS Transputers, Texas Instruments C40s or Analog
Devices 21060s.
Short Code: [Meyer:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 461-473 (HPCS-5)
Daniel Germain, Denis, Laurendeau, and Guy Vézina
Visibility analysis algorithms use digital elevation models (DEMs), which represent terrain topography, to determine visibility at each point on the terrain from a given location in space. This analysis can be computationally very demanding, particularly when manipulating high resolution DEMs accurately at interactive response rates. Massively data-parallel computers offer high computing capabilities and are very well-suited to handling and processing large regular spatial data structures. In the paper, the authors present a new scanline-based data-parallel algorithm for visibility analysis. Results from an implementation onto a MasPar massively data-parallel SIMD computer are also presented.
Short Code: [Germain:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 475-487 (HPCS-3)
W. Volken, P. Schwab, H. Neuenschwander, and P. G. Kropf
The Macro Monte Carlo (MMC) method has been developed to improve the speed of traditional Monte Carlo calculations without significant loss in accuracy. MMC runs about one order of magnitude faster for clinically relevant irradiation situations. For routine use in a clinical environment a further speedup is necessary. The MMC code was therefore parallelized and implemented on PowerPC based Parsytec PowerXplorer and GC Power Plus systems. The performance of the parallel code is presented and compared to the sequential implementations on standard hardware platforms. Almost linear speedup is achieved for the parallel secitons of the code. Furthermore the performance of the interprocessor communication based on a virtual topology is demonstrated for the two different machine architectures.
Short Code: [Volken:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 489-498 (HPCS-4)
L. M. R. Mullin, and M. A. Jenkins
Large scale scientific computing necessitates finding a way to match the high level understanding of how a problem can be solved with the details of its computation in a processing environment organized as networks of processors. Effective utilization of parallel architectures can then be achieved by using formal methods to describe both computations and computational organizations within these networks. By returning to the mathematical treatment of a problem as a high level numerical algorithm we can express it as an algorithmic formalism that captures the inherent parallelism of the computation. We then give a meta description of an architecture followed by the use of transformational techniques to convert the high level description into a program that utilizes the architecture effectively. The hope is that one formalism can be used to describe both computations as well as architectures and that a methodology for automatically transforming computations can be developed. The formalism and methodology presented in the paper is a first step toward the ambitious goals described above. It uses a theory of arrays, the Psi calculus, as the formalism, and two levels of conversions - one for simplification and another for data mapping.
Short Code: [Mullin:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 7, pp. 499-515 (C218)
J. Choi, J. J. Dongarra, and D. W. Walker
We propose a new software package which would be very useful for implementing dense linear algebra algorithms on block-partitioned matrices. The routines are referred to as the block basic linear algebra subprograms, and their use is restricted to computations in which one or more of the matrices involved consists of a single row or column of blocks, and in which no more than one of the matrices consists of an unrestricted two-dimensional array of blocks. The functionality of the block BLAS routines can also be provided by Level 2 and 3 BLAS routines. However, for non-uniform memory access machines the use of the block BLAS permit certain optimizations in memory access to be taken advantage of. This is particularly true for distributed memory machines, for which the block BLAS are referred to as the parallel block basic linear algebra subprograms (PB-BLAS). The PB-BLAS are the main focus of this paper, and for a block-cyclic data distribution, a single row or column of blocks lies in a single row or column of the processor template.
The PB-BLAS consist of calls to the sequential BLAS for local computations, and calls to the BLACS for communication. The PB-BLAS are the building blocks for implementing ScaLAPACK, the distributed-memory version of LAPACK, and provide the same ease-of-use and portability for ScaLAPACK that the BLAS provide for LAPACK.
The PB-BLAS consists of all Level 2 and 3 BLAS routines for dense matrix omputations (not for banded matrix) and four auxiliary routines for transposing and copying of a vector and/or a block vector. The PB-BLAS are currently available for all numeric data types, i.e., single and double precision, real and complex.
Short Code: [Choi:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 7, pp. 517-535 (C239)
C.-C. Hui, M. Hamdi, and I. Ahmad
Distributed systems such as networks of workstations are becoming an increasingly viable alternative to traditional supercomputer systems for running complex scientific applications. A large number of these applications require solving a set of partial differential equations (PDEs). In this paper, we describe the implementation and performance of SPEED (Scalable Partial Differential Equation Environment on Distributed systems), a parallel platform which provides an efficient solution for time-dependent PDEs. SPEED allows the inclusion of a wide range of parameters and programming aids. PVM is employed as the underlying message-passing system. The parallel implementation has been performed using two algorithms. The first algorithm is a two-phase scheme which uses conventional technique of alternating phases of computation and communication. The second algorithm employs a pre-computation technique that allows overlapping of computation and communication. Both methods yield significant speedups. The pre-computation technique reduces the communication time between the workstations, but incurs additional overhead in buffer management. Hence, if the saving in communication time is larger than the overhead, the pre-computation technique outperforms the two-phase algorithm. SPEED also provides a performance prediction methodology that can accurately predict the performance of a given application on the system before running the application. This methodology allows the user to tune various parameters in order to identify system bottlenecks and maximize the performance.
Short Code: [Hui:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 7, pp. 537-568 (C238)
Tim Hopkins and Peter Welch
The authors present data-flow solutions on a pipeline of transputers for banded and dense systems of linear equations using Gauss elimination and the Gauss-Jordan method, respectively. These implementations, written in occam, are especially effective when there is a continuous supply of right-hand sides to be solved with the same coefficient matrix. Attention is paid to both load balancing and resource handling within the processor elements of the pipeline. When solving multiple right-hand sides, floating-point efficiency levels on 32-processor implementations range from 100% (for dense systems) down to 90% (for banded systems), where 100% represents the peak performance attainable from a single transputer applied to the same problem (effectively back-to-back floating-point operations on data in external memory). Some conclusions are drawn on efficiency issues arising from state-of-the-art massively parallel supercomputers.
Short Code: [Hopkins:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 8, pp. 569-580 (C213)
Lorie M. Liebrock, and Ken Kennedy
Composite grid problems arise in important application areas, e..g, reactor simulation. Related physical phenomena are inherently parallel and their simulations are computationally intensive. Unfortunately, parallel languages, such as High Performance Fortran, provide little support for these problems. We illustrate topological connections via a coupling statement, develop a programming style and transformation system to support composite grid code development, and develop an algorithm that automatically determines distributions for composite grid problems with small meshes. A mesh is classified as small if the amount of computational work associated with the mesh is less than the amount of work to be assigned to a single processor. Precompiler transformations, such as cloning for alignment specification, are described. Excerpts from a High Performance Fortran program before and after transformation illustrate user programming style and transformation issues. Our distribution algorithm's alignment and distribution specifications are input to the transformed High Performance Fortran program which applies the mapping for execution of the simulation code. Some advances of this approach are: transformations are applied before compilation and allow communication optimization; data distribution may be determined for any number of problems without recompilation; user determined distribution for parallelization is unnecessary; portability is improved. We validate the topology-based data distribution algorithm using a number of reactor configurations. Two random distribution algorithms provide a basis of comparison with measures of load balance and communication cost. Experiments show that the topology-based distribution algorithm almost always obtains load balance at least as good as, and often significantly better than, random algorithms while reducing the total communication per iteration by about 50% to as much as a factor of 10.
Short Code: [Liebrock:96a]
References: Vol. 8, No. 8, pp. 581-615 (C250)
Louis Coetzee, and Elizabeth C. Botha
In modern day pattern recognition, neural nets are used extensively. General use of a feedforward neural net consists of a training phase followed by a classification phase. Classification of an unknown test vector is very fast and only consists of the propagation of the test vector through the neural net. Training involves an optimization procedure and is very time consuming since a feasible local minimum is sought in high-dimensional weight space.
In this paper we present an analysis of a parallel implementation of the backpropagation training algorithm using conjugate gradient optimization for a three-layered, feedforward neural network, on the KSR1 parallel shared-memory machine. We implement two parallel neural net training versions on the KSR1, one using native code, the other using P4, a library of macros and functions. A speedup model is presented which we use to clarify our experimental results. We identify the general requirements which render the parallel implementation useful, compared to the sequential execution of the same neural net training procedure. We determine the usefulness of a library of functions (such as P4) developed to ease the task of the programmer. Using experimental results we further identify the limits in processor utilization for our parallel training algorithm.
Short Code: [Coetzee:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 8, pp. 617-638 (C255)
T. Kindler, K. Schwan, D. Silva, M. Trauner, and F. Alyeai
The paper describes a parallel implementation of a grand challenge problem: global atmospheric modeling. The novel contributions of our work include: (1) a detailed investigation of opportunities for parallelism in atmospheric global modeling based on spectral solution methods, (2) the experimental evaluation of overheads arising from load imbalances and data movement for alternative parallelization methods, and (3) the development of a parallel code that can be monitored and steered interactively based on output data visualizations and animations of program functionality or performance. Code parallelization takes advantage of the relative independence of computations at different levels in the earth's atmosphere, resulting in parallelism of up to 40 processors, each independently performing computations for different atmospheric levels and requiring few communications between different levels across model time steps. Next, additional parallelism is attained within each level by taking advantage of the natural parallelism offered by the spectral computations being performed (e.g., taking advantage of independently computable terms in equations).
Performance measurements are performed on a 64-node KSR2 supercomputer. However, the parallel code has been ported to several shared memory parallel machines, including SGI multiprocessors, and has also being ported to distributed memory platforms like the IBM SP-2.
Short Code: [Kindler:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 9, pp. 639-666 (C256)
Gang Cheng, and Geoffrey Fox
By viewing different parallel programming paradigms as essentially heterogeneous approaches in mapping ``real-world'' problems to parallel systems, the authors discuss methodologies in integrating multiple programming models on a massively parallel system such as Connection Machine CM5. Using a dataflow based integration model built in a visualization software AVS, the authors describe a simple, effective and modular way to couple sequential, data-parallel and explicit message-passing modules into an integrated parallel programming environment on a CM5. A case study in the area of numerical advection modeling is given to demonstrate the integration of data-parallel and message-passing modules in the proposed multi-paradigm programming environment.
Short Code: [Cheng:96b]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 9, pp. 667-684 (C287)
Hans-Ulrich Heiss, and Marcus Dormanns
To execute a parallel program on a multicomputer system, the tasks of the program have to be mapped to the particular processors of the parallel machine. The aim of the mapping is twofold: (i) to achieve a balanced load on the processors (partitioning problem) and (ii) to keep communication delays low by placing communicating tasks closely together (mapping). Since both the communication structure of the program and the interconnection structure of the parallel machine can be represented as graphs, the mapping problem can be regarded as a graph embedding problem to minimize communication costs. As a new heuristic approach to this NP-hard problem we apply Kohonen's self-organizing maps to establish a topology-preserving embedding. Experimental results are presented and compared to other approaches to this problem. The most attractive feature of our new method is that it can be extremely well parallelized.
Short Code: [Heiss:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 9, pp. 685-706 (C290)
David W. Walker, and Steve W. Otto
Arrays that are distributed in a block-cyclic fashion are important for many applications in the computational sciences since they often lead to parallel algorithms with good load balancing properties. We consider the problem of redistributing such an array to a new block size. This operation is directly expressible in High Performance Fortran (HPF) and will arise in applications written in this language. Efficient message passing algorithms are given for the redistribution operation, expressed in the standardized message passing interface, MPI. The algorithms are analyzed and performance results from the IBM SP-1 and Intel Paragon are given and discussed. The results show that redistribution can be done in time comparable to other collective communication operations, such as broadcast and MPI_ALLTOALL.
Short Code: [Walker:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 9, pp. 707-728 (C282)
A. Sathye, G. Bassett, K. Doregemeier, M. Xue, and K. Brewster
The Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms (CAPS) has developed a storm-scale prediction model named the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS). CAPS has been testing the ARPS in an operational mode each Spring since 1993 to evaluate the model and to involve the operational community in CAPS' development efforts. In this paper we describe our experiences with using high performance computing in a operational setting.
Short Code: [Sathye:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 10, pp. 731-740 (C316)
Robert M. Baxter, Killian D. Murphy, and Shari M. Trewin
FLITE3D is an unstructured multigrid Euler-CFD code, originally written by Imperial College, London, and Swansea University, and now developed by British Aerospace. In this paper we present our experiences at EPCC in porting FLITE3D to the Cray T3D MPP system. We discuss the operational requirements of a parallel production CFD code, and introduce the PUL-SM static mesh runtime library. We present performance results for the parallel FLITE3D Euler flow solver running on the UK National Supercomputing Service T3D, and echo our belief that massively parallel systems are a natural tool for commercial CFD modelling today.
Short Code: [Baxter:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 10, pp. 741-755 (C318)
J. A. Keane
This paper reports on an ongoing investigation into the applicability of parallel systems in the processing of financial information. For the past five years a wide spectrum of issues has been nvestiated; this paper attempts to draw together this work as a coherent whole, and discusses past, present and planned activity. A number of case studies applying parallel systems to typical financial applications are described and, where appropriate, results presented. The commonality between the case studies is also discussed.
Short Code: [Keane:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 10, pp. 757-768 (C317)
S. Lanteri, and M. Loriot
We are concerned here with the parallelisation of the N3S-MUSCL industrial code which aims to solve the three-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equations by implementing a mixed finite element/finite volume formulation on unstructured tetrahedral meshes. Defining a good strategy for the parallelisation of an unstructured mesh based solver is a challenge, particularly when one aims at reaching a high level of performance while maintaining portability of the source code between scalar, vector and parallel machines. The parallelisation strategy adopted in this study combines mesh partitioning techniques and a message-passing programming model. The targeted parallel architectures are of MIMD type.
Short Code: [Lanteri:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 10, pp. 769-798 (C319)
Joy Reed, Kevin Parrott, and Tim Lanfear
We report on practical experience using the Oxford BSP Library to parallelize a large elctro-magnetic code, the British Aerospace finite-different time-domain code EMMA T:FD3D. The Oxford BSP Library is one of the first realizations of the Bulk Synchronous Parallel computational model to be targeted at numerically intensive scientific (typically Fortran) computing. The BAe EMMA code is one of the first large-scale applications to be parallelized using this library, and it is an important demonstration of the cost effectiveness of the BSP approach. We illustrate how BSP cost-modelling techniques can be used to predict and optimize performance for single-source programs across different parallel platforms. We provide predicted and observed performance figures for an industrial-strength, single-source parallel code fo a variety of real parallel architectures: shared memory multiprocessors, workstation clusters and massively parallel platforms.
Short Code: [Reed:96a]
Reference: Vol. 8, No. 10, pp. 799-812 (C320)