# @(#)$RCSfile: index.txt,v $ $Revision: 1.9 $ $AVS$ $Date: 1998/11/02 18:45:45 $ # # This file is under sccs control at AVS in: # $Source: /cvs/repository/express/runtime/help/index.txt,v $ # #----------------------------------------------------------------------# # # Index file for AVS/Express online help. # # (Format to be documented) # #----------------------------------------------------------------------# # # Database Kit # $HELPFILE db.hlp # DBappendStatement 1001 DBcancel 1002 DBcommit 1003 DBconnect 1004 DBdelete 1005 DBerrorString 1006 DBfetch 6015 DBinsert 1007 DBlist 1008 DBload 1009 DBmiscStatement 1010 DBquery 1011 DBrollback 1012 DBsave 1013 DBupdate 1014 Table_to_Scatter_Field 1015 Table_to_Uniform_Field 1016 DBcolumn 1017 DBconnectInformation 1018 Connect 1019 ConnectionUI 1020 ErrorUI 1021 Manipulate 1022 OutputUI 1023 OutputWindowUI 1024 Query 1025 StatisticsUI 1026 Tools 1027 # # User's Guide # $HELPFILE ug.hlp # AMWmain1 2000 AMWmain2 2002 AMWmain3 2005 AMWparam1 2003 AMWparam2 2004 AMWmethod1 2001 AFWmain2 2007 AFWfileVariable1 2008 AFWfileVariable2 2009 AFWfileOffsetVariable1 2010 AFWfileOffsetVariable2 2011 OEdeclarationPage 2012 OEparameterPage 2016 OEmethodPage 2014 OEsourcePage 2015 OEmodulePage 2013 OElibraryPage 2017 OEfileVariablePage 2021 OEfileOffsetVariablePage 2022 OEmeshPage 2018 OEcellSetPage 2019 OEnodeDataPage 2020 OEcellDataPage 2020 # # Developer's Reference # $HELPFILE dr.hlp # Array_functions 883 Built_in_functions_top 766 cache_function 476 copy_on_change 606 err_handler 582 Example_of_importing_a_file_with_a_uniform_field 565 Example_of_importing_a_simple_UCD_ASCII_File 559 exit_process 546 file_array_ascii 477 file_find_expr 506 file_obj 815 file_obj_bin 816 File_objects___Overview 516 file_scalar_ascii 692 file_skip_lines 360 file_skip_words 353 hconnect 342 hsv_to_rgb 247 index_of_function 732 instancer 387 journal 451 Logical_functions 416 loop 393 merge_function 776 morph 807 name_of_function 789 parse_v 783 load_v_script 783 rgb_or_hsv 668 rgb_to_hsv 620 select_array 212 shell_command 194 str_array_function 174 str_format_function 167 timer 139 Mathematical_Functions 999 # # User Interface Kit # $HELPFILE ui.hlp # Boolean 1001 label_cmd 1002 ModuleStack 1003 SingleWindowApp 1004 MultiWindowApp 1004 UIapp 1005 UIbutton 1006 UIcmd 1007 UIcmdList 1008 UIcolor 1009 UIcomboBox 1010 UIconnection 1011 UIcontainer 1012 UIcore 1013 UIcursor 1014 UIdecorContainer 1015 UIdecorGeom 1016 UIdial 1017 UIdialog 1018 UIdynamic_toggle 1019 UIeditSwitch 1020 UIerrorDialog 1021 UIevents 1022 UIfield 1023 UIfieldTypein 1024 UIfileDialog 1025 UIfileSB 1026 UIfontAttributes 1027 UIfontCursor 1028 UIfontDialog 1029 UIframe 1030 UIframeEtchedIn 1031 UIframeEtchedOut 1032 UIframeShadowIn 1033 UIframeShadowOut 1034 UIgeom 1035 UIhelpCmdList 1036 UIinfoDialog 1037 UIinteractor 1038 UIlabel 1039 UIlayoutEditState 1040 UIlist 1041 UImenuItem 1042 UImenuSeparator 1043 UImessageBox 1044 UImessageDialog 1045 UImod_panel 1046 UImodule_init 1047 UImultiList 1048 UImultiSelBox 1049 UImultiSelDialog 1050 UIonePoint 1051 UIoption 1052 UIoptionBox 1053 UIoptionBoxLabel 1054 UIoptionList 1055 UIoptionMenu 1056 UIpanel 1057 UIpixmap 1058 UIpixmapCursor 1059 UIprimitive 1060 UIprintDialog 1061 UIpromptBox 1062 UIpromptBox 1063 UIquestionDialog 1064 UIradioBox 1065 UIradioBoxLabel 1066 UIradioList 1067 UIrenderView 1068 UIscrolledWindow 1069 UIselectionBox 1070 UIselectionDialog 1071 UIshell 1072 UIslider 1073 UIsliderUnbnd 1074 UItemplateDialog 1075 UItext 1076 UItextTypein 1077 UItoggle 1078 UItoolTip 1079 UItwoPoint 1080 UIvaluator 1081 UIvirtualContainer 1082 UIvirtualGeom 1083 UIwarningDialog 1084 UIwindow 1085 UIwinHandle 1086 UIworkingDialog 1087 # # Graphics Display Kit # $HELPFILE gd.hlp # AltObject 4452 BestVirtPal 4472 ClickSketch 4459 ColorPopup 3443 ContinuousSketch 2468 Datamap 2385 Datamap_components 1731 DatamapEdit 1795 DatamapEditor 1732 DataObject 1770 DataObjects 4393 DefaultCamera2D 3366 DefaultCamera3D 3366 DefaultLight 4311 DefaultLightOn 4311 DefaultLightInfo 3322 DefaultModes 3293 DefaultObject 1549 DefaultPickCtrl 1404 DefaultPickInfo 1492 DefaultProps 1447 DefaultTexture 1156 DefaultView 1319 DefaultVirtPal 4406 DefaultXform 3373 DepthCuePopup 2024 DrawCursor2D 2091 DrawLine2D 2033 EditMesh 4430 GDcamera_edit 2214 GDdraw2d_cursor 3398 GDedit_mesh 2183 GDlight_edit 2131 GDlinfo_edit 4121 GDmap2d_ss 4085 GDminmax 4043 GDmodes_edit 4017 GDobj_edit 2905 GDobj_sel 3077 GDpick_data 3042 GDpick_process 3011 GDprops_edit 2962 GDroi2d_buffer 2796 GDroi2d_click 2779 GDroi2d_cont 2732 GDtexture_edit 2688 GDtrack_edit 2607 GDvector2raster 1107 GDview_buffers 1069 GDview_edit 963 GDview_sel 732 GDview_selector 643 GDxform_edit 569 GroupObject 1068 MaxCube 1018 MinCube 992 OutputField 876 OutputFile 801 OutputVPS 746 OutputVRML 3881 PALvirt 3851 PrintViewer 3823 Text 3774 TextString 3607 TextString3D 3607 Ucamera_editor 512 Ulight_editor 512 Uprint_editor 512 Udatamap_editor 489 Ulgraph_editor 489 Uobject_editor 467 Utrack_editor 467 Uscene 438 Uscene2D 438 Uscene3D 438 Mscene 438 Mscene2D 438 Mscene3D 438 Uscene_editor 471 Uview__Mview 347 Uview_editor 297 Uviewer 352 Uviewer2D 352 Uviewer3D 352 Vector2Raster 235 # # Graphics Display Examples # $HELPFILE gdex.hlp # AccelMapSymbol 1093 AccelGraph 1093 AccelGraphSlice 1093 Accel3Dprobe 1093 Accel2DGlyph 1093 AddInteractors 1222 AltObj2D 571 AnnoCamera 106 Bounds1AltObj 319 Bounds2AltObj 309 Buffer2Dto3D 774 CreateObject 549 CreateView 1175 CreateViewCmds 808 CreateViewUI 959 CustomEdit 688 DataAltObj 300 eg_ClickSketch 290 eg_DrawCursor2D 912 eg_DrawLine2D 351 eg_EditMesh 284 ImageAnno 1094 ImageMeasure 656 ImageProbe 208 ImageStats 770 MultipleObjs 205 ObjHierarchy 520 RegionCrop2D 417 RegionCrop3D 495 ReplaceDatamap 563 ROIdraw 1192 TwoView 1221 vpalRamp 631 # # Data Visualization Kit # $HELPFILE dv.hlp # DVadvect 3032 DVaverage_coord 3049 DVaxis 2420 DVbounds 1351 DVcell_data_labels 1466 DVcell_data_math 1436 DVcell_labels 1358 DVcell_to_node 1398 DVclamp 718 DVcomb_comp 2287 DVcomb_mesh_and_data 889 DVcombine_rgb 975 DVconcat_xform 952 DVcontour 912 DVcopy_mesh 929 DVcreate_line 2958 DVcrop 2325 DVcrop_rect 1105 DVcrop_struct 1062 DVcrop_unif 1061 DVcurl 2863 DVcut 2286 DVdata_math 2246 DVdivrg 861 DVdownsize 825 DVdownsize_rect 798 DVdownsize_struct 723 DVdownsize_unif 741 DVexcavate_brick3d 2210 DVexplode_materials 2203 DVexplode_xform 682 DVext_edge 655 DVext_face 625 DVextr_cell_comp 626 DVextr_scalar 2789 DVextr_vector 2761 DVextract_comp 2200 DVextract_mesh 2171 DVfld_match 369 DVgen_fld 568 DVgeo_glyph 526 DVglyph 496 DVgrad 406 DVintegr_vol 591 DVinterp_cell_data 448 DVinterp_data 2966 DViso 2358 DVisoline 1156 DVisoline_trace 1155 DVisotrace 3013 DVloop 2415 DVmagnitude 1332 DVmesh_uv 1288 DVmirror 3009 DVnmap 1194 DVnode_data_labels 1212 DVoffset 1216 DVorthoslice 2713 DVorthoslice_rect 2681 DVorthoslice_struct 2654 DVorthoslice_unif 2628 DVplane_crop 2602 DVplane_dist 2571 DVprint 2544 DVread_image 2527 DVread_net_cdf 2139 DVread_PLOT3D_mb 2119 DVread_vol 2092 DVscale 2064 DVscat_to_tet 2035 DVscat_to_unif 2004 DVselect_cells 1967 DVset_null 1945 DVset_slice_data 1913 DVset_xform 1511 DVslice 1873 DVslice_gen 1843 DVslice_rect 1809 DVslice_unif 1775 DVsolid_contour 1741 DVstream 1714 DVstream_multi_block 1665 DVsurf_plot 1627 DVsurf_ribbons 1599 DVswitch 1569 DVthresh_null 1544 DVthreshold 1522 DVthreshold_cell 327 DVwrite_image 290 DVwrite_net_cdf 243 DVxform_coord 222 # # # DV Fields: data types and access libraries # $HELPFILE dvfld.hlp # Byte 4957 Int 4957 Float 4957 Cell_Data 4985 Cell_Data_access_summary 4010 Cell_Set 3020 Cell_Set__specific_cell_types__access_summary 2931 Cell_Set_access_summary 2932 Cells 4863 Cells_access_summary 3883 Data 3902 Data_Array 2393 Data_Struct 2423 Dimn 2408 Field 2542 Field_Struct 2424 Field_Unif 2424 Field_Rect 2424 Grid 1244 Grid_access_summary 1154 Grid_Rect 1031 Grid_Cyl_Rect 1031 Grid_Spher_Rect 1031 Grid_Rect_access_summary 1087 Grid_Struct 975 Grid_Struct_access_summary 917 Grid_Unif 868 Grid_Cyl_Unif 868 Grid_Spher_Unif 868 Grid_Unif_access_summary 753 Hex 709 Hex2 709 Hier_Field 621 Line 573 Line2 573 Mesh 4126 Mesh_Struct 3133 Mesh_Unif 3133 Mesh_Rect 3133 Mesh_Cyl_Unif 3133 Mesh_Spher_Unif 3133 Mesh_Cyl_Rect 3133 Mesh_Spher_Rect 3133 Node_Data 3101 Node_Data_access_summary 505 Node_Data_Struct 457 Node_Data_Struct_access_summary 425 Point 396 Polyhedron 4092 polygons 4092 Polyline 383 Polytri 348 Prism 307 Prism2 307 Pyr 201 Pyr2 201 Quad 248 Quad2 248 Scalar 203 Vector 203 Spacen 4055 Tet 3052 Tet2 3052 Tri 166 Tri2 166 # # # Data Visualization macros, Geometries, GIS, Web # $HELPFILE dvmac.hlp # advect_multi_block 11293 advector 8968 Algorithm 11330 animator 6478 Arbitrary_Slicer 6100 ARR__multiblock_modules_ 6037 Arrow1 5992 Arrow2 6029 Arrow3 11224 Arrow4 11223 Axis2D 8843 Axis3D 6198 Axis_Glyph2D 11165 Axis_Glyph3D 11127 Basic_Axis2D 8757 Basic_Axis3D 8757 bounds 5890 Box 5852 Bubbleviz 11099 cell_centers 5750 cell_data_math 5690 cell_to_node 11086 city_plot 8633 clamp 8648 combine_comp 5604 combine_mesh_cell_data 5528 combine_mesh_data 5467 combine_node_datas 5529 combine_rgb 11226 combine_vect 8882 concat_2_arrays 6290 concat_3_arrays 6290 concat_4_arrays 6290 contour 6275 contour_texture 6460 coordinate_math 6466 copy_ROI 6329 crop 6336 Crop_box 10989 Cross2D 10964 Cross3D 10934 curl 10906 cut 10854 cut_plane 10794 cut_texture3D 8593 cylinder_plot_unif 8519 data_math 8416 data_surface_reduction 6002 DataRedTriCells 6003 Diamond2D 8361 Diamond3D 8336 display_vol_ROI 8308 divergence 8263 downsize 8215 draw_line 8141 edges 8096 excavate_brick3D 8057 explode_fields 5438 explode_materials 5397 external_edges 5331 external_faces 5253 extract_cell_component 5217 extract_component 5154 extract_coordinate_array 5042 extract_data_array 4959 extract_mesh 5440 extract_scalar 5327 extrude_cells 5155 FBox 5043 FBox_Planes 4961 fields_to_mblock 4927 filter_1d 10765 FLine2D 10722 FLine3D 10671 FPlane 10623 FPoint1D 10569 FPoint2D 10518 FPoint3D 10473 geo_glyph 10428 GISCIAMapII 4820 GISCIAMapII_1 4497 GISDEM 4284 GISDEMQuad 4133 GISDigitalElevation 4112 GISGeneratePlanet 4740 GISGlobal_Demo 4652 GISGrid 4619 GISGridGenerate 4498 GISInverseProj 4301 GISInverseProj_1 10411 GISLatLon 4394 GISLonConvert 4035 GISMapDisplay 3986 GISMapDisplay_1 4025 GISMapInvTransform 3984 GISMapTransform 3950 GISMapTransform_1 7920 GISMeshInvProject 3796 GISMeshInvProject_1 3754 GISMeshProject 3700 GISMeshProject_1 3637 GISProjection 3580 GISProjection_1 3461 GISWorldDataBank 3385 glyph 3356 gradient 3367 image_capture 10281 interleave_2_arrays 3161 interleave_3_arrays 3161 interleave_4_arrays 3161 interp_cell_data 3160 interp_data 7834 interp_texture3D 3064 iso_probe 2992 isoline 2909 isoline_trace 2913 isosurface 9091 isosurface_trace 9033 isovolume 6757 least_squares 6688 LegendHoriz 276 LegendVert 276 Line2D 132 Line3D 256 Loop 185 magnitude 2780 mblock_to_fields 2852 mirror 2822 node_scalar 10156 node_vector 10156 Offset_mac 7770 Orthogonal_Slicer 2724 orthoslice 10151 OutputImage 2581 Particle_Advector 2630 Plane 10014 plane_crop 9966 Plot3d_Multi_Block 9914 Point1D 9876 Point2D 7716 Point3D 7676 point_mesh 7636 line_mesh 7636 line_disjoint_mesh 7636 polyline_mesh 7636 probe_cell 2413 Probe_mac 7577 project_axis 2329 project_plane 2287 radius_data 2231 rgb_data 2231 argb_data 2231 node_colors 2231 node_normals 2231 node_uv 2231 node_uvw 2231 Read_Column_File 2139 Read_Field 1944 Read_Geom 2339 Read_Geoms 2069 Read_Image 9761 Read_netCDF 7476 Read_UCD 7441 Read_URL 7355 Read_Volume 1894 ReadWebField 1820 ReadWebGeom 1736 ReduceTriCells 6004 replicate_field 1662 reset_xform 1611 ribbons_plot 1829 roi_to_surface 1751 rotate 1673 scale 1609 scat_to_tri 7321 scat_to_unif 1548 select_cells 9327 set_null 9629 set_xform 9574 shrink_cells 9537 slice 9489 slice_plane 9431 slice_texture2D 9372 slice_texture3D 6944 solid_contour 7257 stream_multi_block 7207 Streamline 7146 streamlines 7038 surf_optimize 6947 surf_plot 1378 surface_reduction 6005 table_to_scatter_field 1294 table_to_uniform_field 1035 tet_mesh 736 hex_mesh 736 pyramid_mesh 736 prism_mesh 736 polyhedron_mesh 736 text_glyph 1361 texture_mesh 1305 texture_sphere 1207 thresh_null 1119 threshold 1036 threshold_cell 794 tile_ROIs 9316 tile_volume 9250 tile_volume_ROIs 9185 tri_mesh 6936 quad_mesh 6936 polytri_mesh 6936 uniform_mesh 6887 rect_mesh 6887 struct_mesh 6887 uniform_scalar_field 6832 uniform_vector_field 6832 image_field 6832 image_field_rgb 6832 image_field_argb 6832 volume_field 6832 rect_scalar_field 6832 vect2rast_vol 6797 volume_integr 674 volume_render 562 W3Cget_URL 483 Write_Image 406 Write_netCDF 677 Write_UCD 621 Write_Volume 525 xform_to_plane 449 # # Annotation and Graphing Kit # $HELPFILE ag.hlp # AG2DAxisFieldObj 1001 AGArc 1002 AGArcObj 1002 AGArrow 1003 AGArrowObj 1003 AGAxisParams 1004 AGCombineContourWorldInput 1005 AGCombineGraphWorldInput 1006 AGCombineWorldInput 1007 AGContour 1008 AGContourObj 1008 AGContourFieldObj 1009 AGContourLegend 1010 AGContourLegendObj 1010 AGContourParams 1011 AGContourViewport 1012 AGContourViewportObj 1012 AGContourWorld 1013 AGDataObject 1014 AGEllipse 1015 AGEllipseObj 1015 AGGeometryPrimitive 1016 AGRenderPrimitive 1016 AGGraph 1017 AGGraphFieldObj 1018 AGGraphLegend 1019 AGGraphLegendObj 1019 AGGraphListParams 1020 AGGraphParams 1021 AGGraphViewport 1022 AGGraphViewportObj 1022 AGGraphWorld 1023 AGLine 1024 AGLineObj 1024 AGPieChart 1025 AGPieChartObj 1025 AGPoints 1026 AGPointsObj 1026 AGPolarGraph 1027 AGPolarGraphListParams 1028 AGPolarGraphParams 1029 AGPolarGraphWorld 1030 AGPolarRAxis 1031 AGPolarTAxis 1031 AGPolarRTicklines 1032 AGPolarTTicklines 1032 AGPolarWorld 1033 AGPolarWorldParams 1034 AGPolygon 1035 AGPolygonObj 1035 AGPrimitive 1036 AGRectangle 1037 AGRectangleObj 1037 AGRestrictedText 1038 AGRestrictedTextObj 1038 AGText 1039 AGTextObj 1039 AGTextParams 1040 AGTickParams 1041 AGTickRParams 1042 AGTickTParams 1042 AGTickXParams 1043 AGTickYParams 1043 AGTransformableText 1044 AGTransformableTextObj 1044 AGViewport 1045 AGViewportObj 1045 AGViewportParams 1046 AGWorld 1047 AGWorldParams 1048 AGXAxis 1049 AGYAxis 1049 AGXTicklines 1050 AGYTicklines 1050 AGXUserAxis 1051 AGYUserAxis 1051 extract_column 9001 General_Graph 2000 General_Polar_Graph 2001 Graph 2002 GraphLegend 2003 GraphViewport 2004 GraphWorld 2005 PolarAxis 2006 PolarGraph 2007 PolarWorld 2008 XYAxis 2009 # # Image Processing # $HELPFILE ip.hlp # IP_Vol 165 IPabs 1270 IPadd 2211 IPadd_const 2191 IPand 1200 IPand_const 1161 IPblend 1149 IPcompare 1121 IPconvolve 1308 IPcopy 2225 IPdilate 2145 IPdivide 1652 IPedge 1608 IPerode 2120 IPextrema 1042 IPfft 1008 IPfft_display 1052 IPfldToImage 2110 IPfldToROI 2078 IPflog 2051 IPflog10 2051 IPfsqrt 2051 IPfexp 2051 IPfrecip 2051 IPfcos 2051 IPfsin 2051 IPfatan 2051 IPhistogram 933 IPifft 823 IPimageToFld 764 IPimageToROI 896 IPlinremap 848 IPloopVol 215 IPloopVolRoi 215 IPloopVolVolRoi 215 IPmax 2013 IPmax_const 742 IPmedian 1695 IPmin 676 IPmin_const 637 IPmul_const 590 IPmultiply 1559 IPnand 1557 IPnor 1553 IPnot 446 IPor 1811 IPor_const 128 IPread_AVS_Image 1545 IPread_line 1948 IPreflect 1943 IProtate 1931 IPshift 1884 IPsubtract 1498 IPthreshold 352 IPvariance 250 IPxor 344 IPxor_const 249 IPzoom 1837 # # Release notes # #$HELPFILE rn.hlp # # # The following objects do not have any help text defined. A message # dialog is displayed when help is requested for these objects. Online # topics for these objects should be added in later releases. # # Message 1: # This object is recommended internal use only. # No help is available. # $MESSAGE NE_HELP_INTERNAL_ONLY # # ***** User Interface and/or Visualization.UserInterface ***** UIlayoutControl add_cmd UIstr_choice UImod_register UIparent_init UIdefault_shell_init UIlist_init UIlist_init_set NOR MUX UIselectionManager UImake_dyn_wind UIlabeledPanel # ***** Graphics Display ***** Read_USCounties Read_Polys ExternalView2D ExternalView3D Simple3DView # ***** Visualization ***** DVcombine_arrays_2 DVcombine_arrays_3 DVcompute_extent DVconcat_xform_field DVload_script DVmesh_add_data DVnormalize DVpoint_mesh DVprobe DVread_field DVread_ucd DVswitch_prim DVunif_field DVunstruct_mesh DVunstruct_mesh1D DVunstruct_mesh2D DVwrite_image # example:Advect CombineVect CutTxt3D InterpTxt3D Iso IsoProbe IsoSurfTrace ProbeCell Scat2Unif SliceTxt2D SliceTxt3D DV_Param_advect DV_Param_axis DV_Param_city DV_Param_city_scape DV_Param_comb_comp DV_Param_exc_brick DV_Param_extr_brick DV_Param_integr DV_Param_stream DV_Param_surf_ribbons DV_Param_thresh #***** Image Processing ***** IP1i1o IP1i1ob IP1i2o IP2i IP2i1o IP2i1o1i IP1r IPlabelfield IPlabelFieldOutputOnly IPlabeltext IPLabelTextOutputOnly IP1c IP1t IPselTypeUI IPsel IPdataTypeUI IPdataType IPkernelTypeUI IPkernel IPmacro1i1o IPmacro1i1ob IPmacro1i2o IPmacro2i IPmacro1i1o1c IPmacro1i1o1t IPmacro1i1oSel IPmacro1i1o1tKernel IPmacro1i1oType IP1i1o1r IP2i1o1r IPmacro1i1o1r IPmacro1i1ob1r IPmacro2i1r IPmacro1i1o1r IPmacro1i1ob1r Ipmacro2i1r IPmacro1i1o1c1r IPmacro1i1o1t1r IPmacro1i1oSel1r IPmacro1i1o1tKernel1r IPmacro1i1oType1r IPfld ip_Byte ip_Short ip_Int ip_Float ip_Double ip_Complex ip_Image ip_ImageByte ip_ImageShort ip_ImageInt ip_ImageFloat ip_ImageDouble ip_ImageComplex ip_Image_InByte ip_Image_InShort ip_Image_InInt ip_Image_InFloat ip_Image_InDouble ip_Image_InComplex ip_Image_Out ip_Image_OutByte ip_Image_OutShort ip_Image_OutInt ip_Image_OutFloat ip_Image_OutDouble ip_Image_OutComplex ip_Roi ip_Roi_In ip_Roi_Out ip_Mtable ip_Sel ip_Kernel ip_Roi_conv ip_1i ip_1i1o ip_1i1ob ip_f1i1o ip_f1i2o ip_2i ip_2i1o ip_3i1o ip_1r ip_Slct ip_Krnl ip_1i1r ip_1i1o1r ip_1i1ob1r ip_2i1o1r ip_1i1o1rSlct ip_1i1o1rKrnl ip_abs ip_add ip_add_const ip_and ip_and_const ip_blend ip_compare ip_convolve ip_copy ip_dilate ip_divide ip_edge ip_erode ip_extrema ip_fatan ip_fcos ip_fexp ip_fft ip_fft_display ip_flog ip_flog10 ip_frecip ip_fsin ip_fsqrt ip_linremap ip_max ip_max_const ip_median ip_min ip_min_const ip_mul_const ip_multiply ip_nand ip_nor ip_not ip_or ip_or_const ip_read_line ip_reflect ip_rotate ip_shift ip_subtract ip_threshold ip_variance ip_xor ip_xor_const ip_zoom # # Message 2: # This object is recommended for internal use only. # Look for a higher level object by dropping the DV prefix. # For example, instead of DVprobe look for probe. # $MESSAGE NE_HELP_INTERNAL_DV # DVfilter_1d DVleast_squares DVnode_scalar DVnode_vector DVpoint_mesh DVprobe DVscat_bin # # Message 3: # This object is recommended for internal use only. # Look for a higher level object by the same name in lower-case. # For example, instead of Least_Squares look for least_squares. # $MESSAGE NE_HELP_INTERNAL_LC # Advect_Multi_Block Clamp Cut Explode_Fields External_Edges External_Faces Filter_1d Least_Squares Slice Threshold # # Message 4: # This object is recommended for internal use only. # Look for a higher level object by dropping the DV_Param prefix. # For example, instead of DV_Param_bounds look for bounds. # $MESSAGE NE_HELP_INTERNAL_DV_PARAM # DV_Param_bounds DV_Param_cell_to_node DV_Param_clamp DV_Param_combine_vect DV_Param_contour DV_Param_crop DV_Param_cut DV_Param_downsize DV_Param_extract_scalar DV_Param_geo_glyph DV_Param_glyph DV_Param_surf_plot DV_Param_texture_mesh # #----------------------------------------------------------------------# # End of hlpindex.txt # #----------------------------------------------------------------------#