interface SaveContext : BeanContextChild

void test()
void saveContextData(WebFlowContext context)
gets reference to the ContextData of context, reads location where the data are to be stored ("Directory" context property), and writes names and values of all property to the file.
void readContextData(WebFlowContext context, String curDir)
reads the context data from the specified directory. used to read the user context data (because the location of the directory is not known; the children context can read the directory ofrm the Directory property of their parent). The file actually read is curDir/ContextData.txt.
void serializeArray(String[] a, String filename)
String[] deserializeArray(String filename)
ContextData findContextData(WebFlowContext wfc)
String getContextData(WebFlowContext c, String name)
void setContextData(WebFlowContext c, String name, String value)
void restoreContextData(WebFlowContext context, String DDir)
depreciated (works with SC'99 demo)
public void restoreContextData(WebFlowContext context, String DDir)
identifies the file to be read in: DDIR+"USER"+context_name(obtained from context.getObjectID() with "." replaced by FileSeparator and dropped suffixes), opens the file for read, and sets value of all properties.