interface SaveContext : BeanContextChild
- void test()
- void saveContextData(WebFlowContext context)
- gets reference to the ContextData of context, reads location where the data are to be stored ("Directory" context property), and writes names and values of all property to the file.
- void readContextData(WebFlowContext context, String curDir)
- reads the context data from the specified directory. used to read the user
context data (because the location of the directory is not known; the children
context can read the directory ofrm the Directory property of their parent).
The file actually read is curDir/ContextData.txt.
- void serializeArray(String[] a, String filename)
- String[] deserializeArray(String filename)
- ContextData findContextData(WebFlowContext wfc)
- String getContextData(WebFlowContext c, String name)
- void setContextData(WebFlowContext c, String name, String value)
- void restoreContextData(WebFlowContext context, String DDir)
depreciated (works with SC'99 demo)
- public void restoreContextData(WebFlowContext context, String DDir)
- identifies the file to be read in: DDIR+"USER"+context_name(obtained from context.getObjectID() with "." replaced by FileSeparator and dropped suffixes), opens the file for read, and sets value of all properties.