************************* JAVA PLUG-IN 1.2 README ************************* READ THIS DOCUMENT BEFORE INSTALLING JAVA PLUG-IN 1.2 This version of Java(TM) Plug-in is configured for the Solaris(TM) operating environment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOCUMENTATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you install Java Plug-in, print out the Java Plug-in documentation located on the CD: ./Java_Plug-in_1.2.2/common/Docs//Users_Guide_Java_Plug-in.html (Where "" is the two-letter abbreviation of the desired language. For example, English is located in the "en" directory.) Follow the instructions provided in this document to download and install Java Plug-in. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATCHES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patches for Solaris 2.5.1, Solaris 2.6, and Solaris 7 are provided in the following directory on the CD: ./Patches IMPORTANT: You must install the appropriate patches before using Java Plug-in. Refer to the Install.info file located in the patch directory for instructions on installing patches. Note: Although patches are provided for Solaris 2.5.1, Java Plug-in 1.2 does not support Solaris 2.5.1. Only Solaris 2.6 and Solaris 7 are supported. The following patches are provided for the SPARC architecture in ./Patches/sparc: Sol_2.6/105181-14/ SunOS 5.6: kernel update patch Sol_2.6/105210-19/ SunOS 5.6: libc & watchmalloc patch Sol_2.6/105490-07/ SunOS 5.6: linker patch Sol_2.6/105568-13/ SunOS 5.6: /usr/lib/libthread.so.1 patch Sol_2.6/105633-21/ OpenWindows 3.6: Xsun patch for SunOS 5.6 Sol_2.6/105669-07/ CDE 1.2: libDtSvc Patch for SunOS 5.6 Sol_7/106980-04/ SunOS 5.7: libthread patch The following patches are provided for the Intel i386 architecture in ./Patches/i386: Sol_2.6/105182-14/ SunOS 5.6_x86: Kernel update patch Sol_2.6/105211-18/ SunOS 5.6: libc & watchmalloc patch Sol_2.6/105491-05/ SunOS 5.6_x86: linker patch Sol_2.6/105569-13/ SunOS 5.6_x86: /usr/lib/libthread.so.1 patch Sol_2.6/105670-07/ CDE 1.2: libDtSvc Patch for SunOS 5.6 Sol_2.6/106248-15/ OpenWindows 3.6_x86: Xsun patch for SunOS 5.6 Sol_7/106981-04/ SunOS 5.7_x86: libthread patch You can also download Java Plug-in patches and Solaris OS Patch Clusters directly from Sun at: http://www.sun.com/solaris/netscape/jpis/patches1_2.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Java Plug-in Frequently Asked Questions, refer to: http://www.sun.com/solaris/netscape/jpis/faq.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LATE-BREAKING NEWS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For last-minute issues and information about Java Plug-in 1.2, refer to: http://www.sun.com/solaris/netscape/jpis/latebreak-122.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NOTES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Java Plug-in Release Notes, refer to the following file on the CD: ./Java_Plug-in_1.2.2/common/Docs//Release_Notes_Java_Plug-in.html The information contained in the Release Notes is not necessary to install Java Plug-in. These Release Notes only apply to Java Plug-in version 1.2. ===================================================================== Copyright 1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun, Sun Microsystems, Java, AnswerBook2, and Solaris are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Netscape is a trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation. PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated, which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Sun, Sun Microsystems, Java, AnswerBook2, et Solaris sont des marques de fabrique de Sun Microsystems, Inc. aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays. Netscape es une marque de Netscape Communications Corporation. PostScript est une marque de fabrique d'Adobe Systems, laquelle porrait etre deposee dans certains juridictions.