Swing Bug Fixers

Name Swing Bug Fix Favorite Restaurant Special or Unique Talent
Klaus Kehrle (Klaus_Kehrle@hp.com) fixed logic bug in MetalButtonUI Fishbones, Detroit Michigan Italian wine taster
Jim Hennessy (jph@vnet.ibm.com) fix for JTable repaint problem Chez Mom, Scottsdale, AZ (-: Whitewater Kayaker
Matt Haffner (haffner@uwast.astro.wisc.edu) Fix for bug 4133767 - Metal Focus Drawing Throws NPE
Lior Sharon (lior@interbit.co.il) Fixed double buffer size problem
Jose Manuel Paredes Arzamendi (jparedes@dextracode.com) Fixed JMenu bug Las Pampas, Monterrey Mexico Innately curious about technology
Amber Benson (amber@weblogic.com) Many Swing bugfixes Trixie's, Ovando MT Can hang spoon from nose, cheek, or chin
Greg Charles (gcharles@tvcom.com) Several JFileChooser fixes Rubio's Baja Grill Can play the ong sao, a bamboo flute from Viet Nam
Luca Lutterotti (Luca.Lutterotti@ing.unitn.it) Contributed TabbedPane and ProgressBar Mac L&F classes Alla Lega, Arco (TN), Italy Extreme Skiing/Snowboarding/Moutain Biking

 Note: This list only includes those that have sent in bug fixes since May 1998.

 Our apologies to all that have sent in bug fixes that were used in the past
 but not included here. 



Last modified: Thur Oct 1 11:15:17 PDT