Figure 1. Components of webflow server
WebFlow is dataflow system which can be accessed
through internet and is using flow pattern from the point of view
of object-based design. In usual dataflow systems, there are multiple stages
each one of which transforms or processes data and send the result
to its connected stages. In Webflow, there are modules corresponding to
stages. As seen in the (figure 1.), webflow has three-tier architecture
.User is building his computation graph from visual components at front-end
(inside applet). Each visual component has corresponding actual running
module at Back-End. Independent of modules running at back-end, in
the middle-tier we have webflow server which consists of three main
components : Session manager, module manager and connection manager. User
communicates with WebFlow server through Session manager which keeps one
distinct session for each user who logging into the system. We will describe
the webflow architecture and its components at the same time in the following
User has to write his own modules by implementing Module
interface before doing anything . Module interface is
as the following:
public interface Module {
/** initialize the module, put all module information
in a
* MetaModule, and return that information.
public MetaModule initialize();
/* run the module code */
public void run();
/* stop the execution of the module.
public void stop();
/* deal locate all resources allocated by the module.
Destroy the module */
public void destroy();
In initialize method, user has to create one MetaModule object
and initialize its Input and Output ports. But actual connections
of ports will be done by Connection manager. This will be explained
in later chapters. Currently , there is no distinction
between Input and Output ports in WebFlow.
Initialize method will be called by Webflow during its
creation on the behalf of the user. Usually, user will put his computation
codes inside run method which is called after he sent Run method to WebFlow
server. Stop ( Destroy) method is called when he send Stop ( Destroy) command
to the server.
User stars his session with sending "start-session" command
to Session Manager(SM) which returns to the user SMHost (on which
SM runs) and SMport ( SM port). It also returns URL file moduleListURL
which includes descriptions of user modules and user unique identifier
ClientID. This step is done automatically when user downloads the
applet inside browser.
Figure 2. Logging into system
As we describe about how to create new module, we will
also give necessary details of Session manager and module manager . User
always initiates the commands for SM by visual authoring tools inside applet
at Front-end (click and drag-drop mouse operations) and commands are sent
automatically on the behalf of the user.
SM holds WFlowSession list (indexed by UserID) each
of which includes ModuleRepresentation table (indexed by ModuleID)
and ViewerList-html Strings- (indexed by htmlKey ) for user modules
and module description list. ModuleRepresentation object for each module
keeps its CMPort (its Connection manager Port) ,MMPort (its ModuleManager
Port) and Host on which it resides. MM (Module Manager) holds ModuleWrapper
table (indexed by ModuleID). ModuleWrapper object wraps user defined module.
MM sends the commands to ModuleWrapper (running as separate thread), which
forwards them to the Module itself. The advantage is that ModuleWrapper
can return control to the MM instantly , especially when running the Module
because ModuleWrapper runs the actual module run method as separate thread.
New-module command with the parameters, his ID , ClientID
and ClassName for the module he wants to create is sent to SM after
user drops visual icon for the module to Graphic Editor Frame. Then
SM finds corresponding MM for this module and sends INITIALIZE command
with parameter module ClassName to this MM. Then SM gets MetaModule object
for created module and creates ModuleRepresentation object for this module
by using information inside MetaObject and inserts this created object
into ModuleRepresentation table . Also SM inserts htmlString of this module
into ViewerList table. MetaModule object actually includes state
(description), ID ,port list and viewerWinName for new module. SM forwards
the contained information inside received MetaModule object to applet.
If there is matching front-end applet for this module, applet send
"new_viewer" command with parameters ,htmlKey and ClientID and receive
html string and pop up module applet.
Figure 3. Creating new module
Creating connection between modules are more complex than
initializing modules.
As seen in (Figure 4.) , first, if user wants to make
connection from fromModule to toModule, port Ids (fromPortId and toPortID)
and Modules IDs (fromModuleID and toModuleId) of module pairs (these port
IDs and module IDs are received during initialization of modules) and ClientId
are sent with Connect command to SM. Then SM finds CMHost (CM host ) and
CMPort (CM Port) for module toModule and send them with port IDs (fromPortID
and toPortID) of two modules inside ESTABLISH command to CM
for module fromModule.
CM keeps portList table, indexed by port ID, which
includes PortRepresentation for each module port. also CM has two ports
:one for requests and other for connections which is drawn in the figure
5. as filled small circle at left CM. In connection process, it got fromPortID
(for source module) and toPortID (target module). As you remember from
chapter 2 (Preparing Modules), user put module Ports by creating OutputPort
and InputPort objects (inside initialize method), where PortRepresentation
object is created for each port and registered into CM by calling CM's
static method registerPort. The CM job is just to look up PortRepresentation
objects for port pairs by means of fromPortID and toPortID and to make
connection between these two ports and set storedPort field (type of Port
object) of PortRepresentation objects.
As we return to connection process, then CM at fromHost
send RECEIVE command with arguments fromPortID , toPortID , CMHost
and connections port for fromHost. Then
CM at toHost make socket connection (as client) to
connections port for fromHost which is used just only to make connections
and set PortRepresentation of toPort to connection and send OK message
to CM at fromHost which then set PortRepresentation of fromPort to returned
connection from accept call of ServerSocket and send OK message to SM which
also send OK to Applet.
This scenario is general case . If two CMs are on the
same host, steps 3 and 5 are not needed. Here user doesn't send any command
to CM to register its ports but gives its Port objects to CM as method
calls that means the host name of CM and MM of one module has to
be same .
Figure 4. Creating connection between two modules
Current WebFlow supports only running modules all together
but not separately. After user finished building visual graph, he may send
run command to SM with parameter clientID. As seen in the (Figure 5.) ,SM
looks up the WFlowSession object .For each ModuleRepresentation inside
this object, SM sends to appropriate MM RUN command with ModuleID. Each
MM finds ModuleWrapper corresponding to received ModuleID and calls its
runModules method which then calls actual run method of user module implementation.
Stop/Destroy commands work same as Run command.
5. Run/Stop/Destroy of modules