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Class com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.ParamPart


public class ParamPart
extends Part
A ParamPart is an upload part which represents a normal INPUT (i.e. non TYPE="file") form parameter.

1.0, 2000/10/27, initial revision
Geoff Soutter

Method Index

 o getStringValue()
Returns the value of the parameter in the default ISO-8859-1 encoding or empty string if the user entered no value for this parameter.
 o getStringValue(String)
Returns the value of the parameter in the supplied encoding or empty string if the user entered no value for this parameter.
 o getValue()
Returns the value of the parameter as an array of bytes or a zero length array if the user entered no value for this parameter.
 o isParam()
Returns true to indicate this part is a parameter.


 o getValue
 public byte[] getValue()
Returns the value of the parameter as an array of bytes or a zero length array if the user entered no value for this parameter.

value of parameter as a ISO-8559-1 string.
 o getStringValue
 public String getStringValue() throws UnsupportedEncodingException
Returns the value of the parameter in the default ISO-8859-1 encoding or empty string if the user entered no value for this parameter.

value of parameter as a ISO-8559-1 encoded string.
 o getStringValue
 public String getStringValue(String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
Returns the value of the parameter in the supplied encoding or empty string if the user entered no value for this parameter.

value of parameter as a string.
 o isParam
 public boolean isParam()
Returns true to indicate this part is a parameter.

isParam in class Part

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