18 September 1998

This is the README file for the com.oreilly.servlet package. ------------------------------------------------------------

The com.oreilly.servlet package contains a set of (what I hope to be) useful utility classes for servlet developers. Included are classes to help servlets parse parameters, handle multipart requests (file uploads), generate multipart responses (server push), negotiate locales for internationalization, return files, manage socket connections, and act as RMI servers, among other things. There's even a class to help applets communicate with servlets.

Why did I write these classes? They started out as chapter examples in my book Java Servlet Programming being published by O'Reilly & Associates. Then one happy day I recognized they could, with a little modification, live on their own as reusable utility classes. That day, or maybe a few procrastinating days later, com.oreilly.servlet was born.

The classes in the com.oreilly.servlet package have existed in their current form more or less unchanged since April 1998. In the six months since April, they have been widely distributed for testing purposes, but I've kept the package in official "beta" until now to time its release with the book release. The reward for everyone's patience is that the classes already have been widely tested on a multitude of platforms and server configurations, and you should find this a very stable 1.0 release.

I hope you enjoy using these classes and that they help you write more powerful and elegant servlets.

Lastly, please respect the license for this package.

Jason Hunter <jhunter@acm.org>