Tango o New Control Application - Configuration : No enough space on configuration and no adjustable window some information of long URL cut. o Latest Tango - No applicaiton run (9/24) - Cannot exit (9/24) o Web Wisdom - No showing Applets 'jsTextAnimation_Nami1', '-2', '-3'. - Local close -> cracking Netcape. o WhiteBoard - No 'Local Close' allowded. (once) - No color diffrence between some color on selection boxes. (Windows 95 256 color) o Shared HTML Browser - No 'local close' when joining to other master and changing address. (possible only if get the master and close it.) - No apprearance later. - No return key affection after writing an URL. - No adjustable of Tango HTML Browser o 3D Chess Game - No display at Akansas (It seems hard to run on a primitive computer.) o Planets - No confirmation allowed when other wanted join even pressed 'yes'. - With get master and joined other man's Planets and local close both, still remaining. o Weather Viewer - Not enough scroll window to show the whole forcasting report.