March 14, 1999

White Paper - Consolidated Allocation/Utilitzation Database – by John Baird


  1. Allocation Data Requirements – data current within 24 hours of any change
  2. – only for allocated projects (which includes Challenge Projects)

    Service/Agency – and associated Service or Principal and designate(s)

    User organization – and associated S/AAA(s), an S/AAA may be associated with more than one user organization

    Project – and associated Principal Investigator, CTA, Challenge status, and other project information

    Subproject (one blank instance if no subprojects) – and list of co-investigator/user(s) for subproject

    HPCMO resource (what architecture at what specific SRC or may be across set of SRCs)

    Year-end hours allocated in prior FY (if project and subproject existed in prior year)

    Initial hours allocated in current FY

    Current hours allocated in current FY (may be derived from deltas and initial allocation)

    Historical record of each adjustment in hours allocated during current FY (delta, when made,

    who made change, and where delta came from/went to, comments if needed)

  3. Allocation Functional Requirements
  4. HPCMO – at start of FY, to roll current allocation into prior FY, clear history, and set new allocation for old and new projects

    S/AAA – to make re-allocations for any Project under and across any User organization(s) they are associated with. Jeanie Osburn, POC

    Principal or designate(s) – to make retrievals for any Projects under their Service or Agency

    S/AAA – to make retrievals for any Projects under any User organization(s) they are associated with. Jeanie Osburn, POC

    PI – to make retrievals for any Projects associated with their name

    User – to make retrievals for any Subprojects (or Project if no Subprojects) associated with their name

    HPCMO staff – to make retrievals across entire allocation data base

    HPCMO staff – to make corrections, with comments

  5. Utilization Data Requirements – data updated within 24 hours of utilization, and only updated once each 24 hour period
  6. – for all allocated projects (which includes Challenge Projects) as well as "special" HPC accounts

    – for "special" HPC accounts, User organization and S/AAA will have some special value [blank?]

    – for "special" HPC accounts like maintenance and down time, there may be no associated users

    Service/Agency – and associated Service or Principal and designate(s)

    User organization – and associated S/AAA(s), an S/AAA may be associated with more than one user organization

    Project – and associated Principal Investigator, CTA, and other project information


    Co-investigator/user for subproject

    HPCMO resource – what architecture at what specific SRC

    Queue type – allocated, background, etc.

    Total hours utilized in prior FY (if project and subproject existed in prior year,

    and user was associated with subproject or project)

    Current total hours utilized in current FY to date (may be derived by summing deltas)

    Historical record of each utilization delta for current FY – delta, when made, and

    comments if needed (on negative deltas, for example; also who made comment)

    important: Should only record deltas day by day, not down to individual job.

  7. Utilization Functional Requirements
  8. HPCMO – at start of FY, to roll current utilization into prior FY, clear history and current utilization for all projects

    Principal or designate(s) – to make retrievals for any Projects under their Service or Agency

    S/AAA – to make retrievals for any Projects under any User organization(s) their name appears under

    PI – to make retrievals for any Projects associated with their name

    User – to make retrievals for any Subprojects (or Project if no Subprojects) associated with their name

    HPCMO staff – to make retrievals across entire utilization data base

    HPCMO staff – to make corrections, with comments

  9. Other Utilization Data Requirements – data other than in 3 above as required by HPCMO Utilization Metrics White Paper, summarized below
  10. – data updated monthly, and only updated once each month

    – for all allocated projects (which includes Challenge Projects) as well as "special" HPC accounts

    – for "special" HPC accounts like maintenance and down time, there may be no associated user or S/AAA

    – data is kept for the entire prior FY and current FY to date, by month

    - total for prior FY and for current FY to date are kept (may be derived)

    Number of active users with >1 CPU hour utilization in the given month

    Number of cumulative users with >1 CPU hour utilization in any month, FY to date

    Data for unnormalized expansion factors

    Data for normalized expansion factors by queue

    Data for normalized expansion factors by Challenge Project

    COTS software utilization

    1. the number of accesses to each program or library (program executions and library link references)

    2. the CPU-hours used on each COTS program. (Programs only, not for COTS libraries)

    3. the number of load references for dynamic libraries

  11. Other Utilization Functional Requirements
  12. HPCMO – at start of FY, to roll current data into prior FY, clear history and current utilization for all projects

    HPCMO staff – to make retrievals across entire other utilization data base

    HPCMO staff – to make corrections, with comments

  13. User Account Application Functional Requirements
  14. Interface with external data base at HPCMO to provide information to be used in generating/updating Account Applications (which are stored in the external data base, not as part of allocation/utilization data base. Larry Davis, POC

  15. Help Desk Statistics/Problem Tracking Functional Requirements

Serve as a common shared data base of trouble tickets to support cross-Center customer service support of users (e.g., ticket opened at one Center, acted on by another). Possibly needed as part of metacomputing implementation across Centers. Frank Lovato, POC

Note: Cherri Pancake, Oregon State University and NAVO PET, has a pilot for Web-based resource accounting, and needs to be included in requirements definition.