The Definition of NPAC Deliveries

The overall Intranet architecture will be built around Oracle 8i, XML and Java to satisfy requirements defined in paragraph 2.4 (SOW).


Deliverables and milestones from NPAC's perspective

(dates assume beginning of the project: 06/01/99)

1. First 2 weeks after starting the project:

(new perspective on JServer, XML, SQLJ, iFS,...)

2. End for June 1999

3. End of July 1999

3. End of August 1999 (end of the third month of the project)

4. End of September 1999

5. End of November 1999

6. End of December 1999

Training Management System (NPAC)

Alliance Intranet (NCSA)

Project Submittal System (ARL)

7. End of January

7. End of February 2000

8. End of June 2000

9. End of July 2000

10. End of August 2000

- Testing.

- Performance improvements.

- User and administration manuals.

This plan does not include components scheduled to be developed by NCSA. (User Interface, Security, Calendar, Status Report Generation)