March 1, 2000

HPCMP Corporate Initiative Project Plan


Title - Information Environment (IE)

Responsible Project Manager and Lead SRC - Charlotte Coleman, ASC MSRC

Motivation and Goals(s) - The motivation and goal of the IE project is to create a center-wide information infrastructure that will benefit both the HPCMP user community and the center support staff. For example, the HPCMP has needed program-wide access to resource allocation/utilization data since its inception. This FY offers a "right-in-time" opportunity to leverage current projects in the areas of Information and Security Technology to gain easier access to relevant information, improve interaction with center staff, simplify & standardize information exchange/interaction with users, and improve efficiency & effectiveness of center support staff. The technical goals of the project are: 1) Security - Kerberos and PKI ready; 2) Commonality - Project tool features are desired by multiple sites; 3) Adaptability/Portability - Project tools are adapted and ported to sites that want them.

Previous Related Work - Previous related efforts include site-specific projects in allocation/utilization reporting systems, queue status/process tools, and allocation exchange/matchmaker systems. These efforts will be leveraged to develop information architecture standards for state of the practice systems within the HPCMP.

Project Plan -

Government Staff - 10% FTE per target site

Contractor Staff - 33% FTE per subtask

Timeframe - FY00

Time management to accomplish projects - Varies per site and per contractor

QTR1 - $

QTR2 - $

QTR3 - $

QTR4 - $

  1. Allocation/Utilization Reporting System Subtask

  1. Queue Status/Process Status Tool Subtask

  1. Allocation Exchange/Matchmaker System Subtask

Major Milestones: 1) Define and combine S/AAA site allocation exchange/matchmaker regulations, protocols and data structures, QTR1; 2) Implement integrated data report screens, QTR2; 3) Integrate end to end kerberos and/or PKI authentication, QTR3. 4.) Port, test, and validate tool at target sites, QTR4.

Transition/Follow-on Plan - Project covers multi-site development and installation plan.

Signatures – The Center Directors are committed to IT modernization within the HPCMP. HPCMO endorsement and funding are integral success indicators for a program-wide initiative such as IE. The submitted cost, schedule and technical objectives are reasonable and achievable within the specified site infrastructure(s).