Monthly Reports

1. 4:30-5:20
   YuPing, Jake, Roman
2. YuPing downloaded and tested
   - XML parser (from Oracle) for Java
      input: XML
      output: DOM, SAX, XSL
              (SAX - Simple API for XML)
     XML generator still does not exist
      input: XML
      output: java source code
   - XML SQL Utility
      genertes XML from Tables
      loads XML into DB
      maps "elements" to "columns"
3. XSQL Servlets
      converts XML to DHTML (not downloaded and tested)
4. Request:
    add jake to "pet-ioe"
    send email to jake and yuping about apache+servlets
5. Architecture
    XML <-> Parser <-> Prog <-> DB
    YuPing: demo possible in 2 weeks