Monthly Reports

1. 4:30-5:20
   YuPing, Jake, Roman
2. XML Workbench
   - Oracle 8i
   - WebDB
   - Orcale Application server + JWeb
   ***    what JWeb is ?
   - Apache 1.3.6 + JServ 1.0
       we could use Java Web Server
   - XML Parser for Java
       produses 3 interfaces:
        DOM source tree
   - XML SQL Utility (Unix commands and classes)
   - XSQL Servlet (IE 5.0)
   ***   requires testing
         Input : *.xsql, data from DB
         Output: *.xml
3. OpenXML has lots of bugs
   - http://www.openxml.org
   - Parser: input XML, output HTML
4. Microsoft support for XML in IE 5.0
   - Parser suports:
     DTD, XSL, XML 1.0, XML DOM
5. Oracle XML support
   - parser ver 1
   - parser ver 2 (support for XML Transformation)
       parsing of XML documents through either DOM or
       SAX interfaces
   - XML Class generator for java creates Java classes
       for DTD (does not exist for version 2)
6. Architecture of Training System
   - Oracle 8, JavaWeb Server, JDBC
   ***     check the structure
7. Problems with DAD for OAS
   ***    reinstall Oracle Application Server ?
   DAD = DataBase Access Descriptor