IE Requirements
Subtask 1
Operational Requirements Utilization/Allocation Reporting System
The Utilization/Allocation Reporting System will allow users access, via the web, to utilization and allocation information by project. The user may request information in several ways to include by site or by system. The user can be the HPCMO, site management, S/AAA, account holders, and those persons with certificate authority granted by the HPCMO. The information that can be seen by each of these users is denoted in the following table.

The users will have read only access to this information, but will have the ability to download this information to a spreadsheet. A user will be able be able to review all the allocation for a project and the utilization by himself as well as other users on the same project. A total amount of utilization for the project will also be shown.
- The IE shall provide user/project information and the associated allocation and foreground and background utilization by system.
- The IE shall provide utilization/allocation by project, as requested, for all the sites, selected sites, or for a single site, and either by site or by system.
- The utilization/allocation information will denote which site and which system the allocation and utilization is from.
- The IE shall provide each site’s utilization information current as of midnight on the previous day for all jobs, which have successfully completed.
- The IE shall provide each site’s user/project and allocation information, current as midnight of the previous day.
- The IE shall maintain user/project, allocation, and utilization data for one Fiscal Year and be summarized by Year to Date, month-to-date, and by month.
- The IE shall make available summaries of user/project, allocation, and utilization data for the previous Fiscal Years.
- The IE shall only allow the proper users to access the information
. Need to provide additional information showing allowable accesses by user category.
Subtask 2
Operational Requirements Queue/Process Status System
The Queue/Process Status System will allow users to query the status of the jobs that have been submitted to any queue system within the program. The information provided to the user will be equivalent to the information provided when the queue status function is performed directly on the system, which allows users to view information about who is waiting and executing in a given queue. The user will be able to request this information via the web.
The IE shall provide current queue status for the systems and/or sites selected.
The IE shall provide queue status by site or by system.
The IE shall only provide queue status for valid account holders.
Subtask 3
Operational Requirements Allocation Matchmaker/Exchange System
The Allocation Exchange/Matchmaker System will allow an S/AAA to move hours amongst their own projects or swap hours with another S/AAA within a system.
The IE shall allow the exchange of allocation by S/AAA with other S/AAA within the same service or between services. As denoted in the following table:

The IE shall provide Allocation and Utilization information by user/project for the S/AAA requesting it
The IE shall allow S/AAA’s to post allocations to advertise that are available to swap. The allocations should include number hours, system, and site.
The IE shall allow S/AAA to search the posted allocations.
The IE shall provide a mechanism to allow S/AAA’s to notify each other to initiate the exchange of allocation.
The IE tool shall only allow the exchange of allocations for the amount of allocation less the utilization.
The allocation exchange will be effective within two business days.
The IE will maintain a history track of all allocation swaps.
The IE will allow site management and S/AAA to review the history track of allocation swaps.
Interface Requirements
- The IE shall employ proper access controls, which prevent unauthorized access.
- The IE shall be accessible via web-based interface.
- The IE shall require kerberorized access.
Administrative Requirements
- Data in the IE shall be available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, except for scheduled maintenance periods.
- Full backups of the IE shall be performed once a week and incremental backups will be performed daily.