NAVO PET Project
Web-based Access to Resource Accounting Data

Request for S/AAA Input


Please send all email to Cherri Pancake,

In response to suggestions from various S/AAAs, Oregon State is implementing a Web-based interface that would allow online access to resource usage information. This will be completed for NAVO MSRC by May. It is designed to pull in data from multiple MSRCs and present them to S/AAAs as though the data were stored in a single database. While other MSRCs have expressed their interest, we cannot guarantee that the project will be extended to other sites; we plan to do all we can to see that this is possible.

We have implemented an initial interface based on what Jeanne Osburn and Margo Frommeyer do with the data they receive from NAVO. This is just a starting point. We're hoping you'll suggest how the data would be most useful to you.

Initial Interface

After being validated as an S/AAA, the user can choose how he/she wants to see current information on how resource allocations are being used. Only the data corresponding to projects under the authority of the S/AAA are available. The choices currently are:

The lists are generated dynamically, so they will include any projects that have recently been moved under your authority.

Once your selection is made, you will see the data in a table. The order of the first 3 columns will change slightly according to whether you asked for the data by machine, by PI, or by project. The data can be downloaded directly into your favorite spreadsheet for preparing reports.

PI Project Machine Total
to date

Please Tell Us What You Want

Again based on what Jeanne and Margo do with their data, we are considering adding a number of other fields.

Tell us if you would like to see:

  1. Usage for the current quarter
  2. Usage by quarter for all quarters to date
  3. Usage for the current month
  4. Usage by month for all months in the current quarter
  5. CTA
  6. Other??? If it's being recorded in the database, we can pull it out easily. If it's not, we will see if NAVO will consider adding it to the database.

Tell us if you need other ways of restricting which records are shown to you:

  1. "enabled" projects only
  2. all projects, regardless of current status
  3. a choice between whether to show "disabled" projects or not
  4. Other???