Looks good to me. Let's start filling it up. I will send you some material to put on the server: Team (please put in alphabetical order, for some of them I do not have phone numger) Grabert, E. J. grabert@arl.mil ARL (410) 278-7157 Moses, Derek S. moses@arl.mil ARL (410) 278-2356 To, Virginia A. ginny@arl.mil ARL Melchi, John jmelchi@ncsa.uiuc.edu NCSA Fein, Doug dfein@ncsa.uiuc.edu NCSA (217) 265-0348 Coleman, Charlotte charlotte.coleman@msrc.wpafb.af.mil ASC Zilliox, William william.zilliox@msrc.wpafb.af.mil ASC Smith, Tracey Tracey.Smith@msrc.wpafb.af.mil ASC (937)255-0679 ext 366 Pierce, Marlon pierceme@asc.hpc.mil ASC Markowski, Roman roman@npac.syr.edu NPAC (315) 443-3921 Bernhold, David bernhold@npac.syr.edu NPAC (315) 443-3857 Fox, Geoffrey gcf@npac.syr.edu NPAC (315) 443-2163 Zhu, Yuping yuzhu@npac.syr.edu NPAC (315) 443-4114 Kim, Jungkee Jake jake@npac.syr.edu NPAC (315) 443-4156