***** chem, MAILS5 package body ***** is usr_query_id number; key varchar2(200); total number(8); h_id header.id%TYPE; h_msg_date header.msg_date%TYPE; h_subject header.subject%TYPE; h_sender header.sender%TYPE; h_bytes header.bytes%TYPE; h_name people.name%TYPE; h_email people.email%TYPE; h_msg_id header.msg_id%TYPE; urowid rowid; highlight varchar2(200) := NULL; session_id number(6); TYPE wordstype IS TABLE OF varchar2(100) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; word_tab wordstype; out_string varchar2(254); w_count BINARY_INTEGER; date_tag char(1); procedure asknpac(host in varchar2,address in varchar2,user in varchar2,name varchar2) is begin addvisitor(host,address,user,name); default_folder := name; home; end; procedure addvisitor(host in varchar2,address in varchar2,user in varchar2,name varchar2) is begin insert into visitor values (sysdate,host,address,user); update mailbox set visitors = (visitors + 1); commit; end; procedure home is begin htp.title('Welcome to AskNPAC !'); htp.p(''); -- select id into h_id from folder where rownum = 1 and -- name like '%'||default_folder||'%'; -- htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.p(' You must use Netscape Navigator 2.0+ to use this system.'); htp.p(''); end; procedure entry(fid integer) is begin search_button(NULL,1,fid); htp.p('
'); more(fid,per_page,NULL,0); end; procedure entry_sub(fid integer) is begin search_button(NULL,1,fid); htp.p('
'); more_sub(fid,per_page,NULL,0); end; procedure entry_lsender(fid integer) is begin search_button(NULL,1,fid); htp.p('
'); lauthor(fid,per_page,NULL,0); end; procedure next(fid integer, hit integer, curr rowid, seed number) is begin search_button(NULL,1,fid); htp.p('
'); more(fid,hit,curr,seed); end; procedure next_sub(fid integer, hit integer, curr rowid, seed number) is begin search_button(NULL,1,fid); htp.p('
'); more_sub(fid,hit,curr,seed); end; procedure next_author(fid integer, hit integer, curr rowid, seed number) is begin search_button(NULL,1,fid); htp.p('
'); lauthor(fid,hit,curr,seed); end; procedure search_button(typein varchar2,op integer,fid integer) is cursor cfolder is select id,name,n_msg from folder order by name; begin htp.p('
'); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.p(htf.formClose); htp.p('
'); htp.formOpen(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.search'); htp.p(htf.url_top(root_url,'')); htp.p(' '); htp.p(' '); htp.p(help_page); htp.p('
By: '); htp.formSelectOpen('op'); if (op = 0) then htp.p('Folder:'); select n_folder into total from mailbox; if (total > 20) then htp.p(''); end if; select sum(n_msg) into total from folder; if (fid = 0) then htp.p('
'); end; procedure search(typein varchar2,op integer) is begin search(typein,op,1); end; procedure search(typein varchar2,op integer,fid integer) is begin if (op = 1) then if (fid = 0) then select id into h_id from folder where rownum = 1 and name like '%'||default_folder||'%'; --select id into h_id from folder where rownum = 1; entry(h_id); else next(fid, per_page, NULL, 0); end if; elsif (op = 0) then by_keyword(typein,fid); elsif (op = 2) then by_date(typein,fid); elsif (op = 3) then by_sender_name(typein,fid); elsif (op = 4) then by_sender_email(typein,fid); elsif (op = 5) THEN by_url(typein,fid); else search_button(typein,3,fid); htp.p('
'); htp.p('Sorry, this search option has not been implemented yet ! Please check it back later.'); htp.p('

'||htf.url(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.entry?fid=1','Go back')||' ...'); end if; end; procedure more(fid integer, hit integer, curr rowid, seed number) is cursor cname2(lo number,hi number, cur date) is SELECT rowid,msg_date,subject,sender,bytes from header where (id between lo and hi) and (msg_date < cur) order by msg_date desc, sender asc; f_name folder.name%TYPE; n number; next boolean := false; minid folder.min_msgid%TYPE; end_down header.id%TYPE; hi header.id%TYPE; lo header.id%TYPE; curr_date date := to_date('1999','yyyy'); next_rowid rowid; begin SELECT name,n_msg into f_name,total from folder where id = fid; htp.p('

'); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); if (curr IS NOT NULL) then select msg_date into curr_date from header where rowid=curr; end if; lo := (fid-1)*maxmsg + 1; hi := lo + maxmsg - 1; open cname2(lo,hi,curr_date); n := seed; loop fetch cname2 into urowid,h_msg_date,h_subject,h_sender,h_bytes; exit when cname2%NOTFOUND; n := n + 1; header_list(n,urowid,h_bytes,h_sender,h_subject,h_msg_date); if (cname2%ROWCOUNT >= hit) then next_rowid := urowid; next := true; end_down := n + hit; if (end_down > total) then end_down := total; end if; exit; end if; end loop; close cname2; htp.p('
Mail Header List By Date in '); htp.p(htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.folderinfo?fid='||fid,f_name)||'
No.'||htf.url(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.entry_sub?fid='||fid,'Subject')||''); htp.p(htf.url(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.entry_lsender?fid='||fid,'Sender')||'DateSize(kb)
'); if (next) then htp.p(htf.url(cgi_bin||'Mails5.next?fid='||fid||'&hit='||hit|| '&curr='||next_rowid||'&seed='||n,'Next '||(n+1)||'-'||end_down)||' (of '||total||')'); end if; end; procedure more_sub(fid integer, hit integer, curr rowid, seed number) is cursor cname2(lo number,hi number, cur varchar2) is SELECT rowid,msg_date,subject,sender,bytes from header where (id between lo and hi) and (replace(lower(subject),'re: ') > cur) order by replace(lower(subject),'re: ') asc,msg_date desc, sender asc; f_name folder.name%TYPE; n number; next boolean := false; minid folder.min_msgid%TYPE; end_down header.id%TYPE; hi header.id%TYPE; lo header.id%TYPE; curr_sub header.subject%TYPE := ' '; next_rowid rowid; prev header.subject%TYPE := ' '; k integer := 0; tmp header.subject%TYPE; begin SELECT name,n_msg into f_name,total from folder where id = fid; htp.p('
'); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); if (curr IS NOT NULL) then select replace(lower(subject),'re: ') into curr_sub from header where rowid=curr; end if; lo := (fid-1)*maxmsg + 1; hi := lo + maxmsg - 1; open cname2(lo,hi,curr_sub); n := seed; loop fetch cname2 into urowid,h_msg_date,h_subject,h_sender,h_bytes; exit when cname2%NOTFOUND; tmp := replace(lower(h_subject),'re: '); if (tmp != prev) then prev := tmp; n := n + 1; h_subject := replace(h_subject,'Re: '); header_list_sub(n,urowid,h_bytes,h_sender,h_subject,h_msg_date); k := k + 1; if (k >= hit) then next_rowid := urowid; next := true; end_down := n + hit; if (end_down > total) then end_down := total; end if; exit; end if; else h_subject := NULL; header_list_sub(n,urowid,h_bytes,h_sender,h_subject,h_msg_date); end if; end loop; close cname2; htp.p('
Mail Header List By Subject in '); htp.p(htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.folderinfo?fid='||fid,f_name)||'
No.Subject'); htp.p(htf.url(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.entry_lsender?fid='||fid,'Sender')||''); htp.p(htf.url(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.entry?fid='||fid,'Date')||'Size(kb)
'); if (next) then htp.p(htf.url(cgi_bin||'Mails5.next_sub?fid='||fid||'&hit='||hit|| '&curr='||next_rowid||'&seed='||n,'Next '||(n+1)||'-'||end_down)||' (of '||total||')'); end if; end; procedure lauthor(fid integer, hit integer,curr rowid, seed number) is cursor cname1(lo number,hi number, cur varchar2) is SELECT rowid,msg_date,subject,sender,bytes from header where (id between lo and hi) and (sender > cur) order by sender asc, msg_date desc; f_name folder.name%TYPE; n number; next boolean := false; minid folder.min_msgid%TYPE; end_down header.id%TYPE; hi header.id%TYPE; lo header.id%TYPE; curr_sender header.sender%TYPE := ' '; next_rowid rowid; begin SELECT name,n_msg into f_name,total from folder where id = fid; htp.p('
'); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); if (curr IS NOT NULL) then select sender into curr_sender from header where rowid=curr; end if; lo := (fid-1)*maxmsg + 1; hi := lo + maxmsg - 1; open cname1(lo,hi,curr_sender); n := seed; loop fetch cname1 into urowid,h_msg_date,h_subject,h_sender,h_bytes; exit when cname1%NOTFOUND; n := n + 1; header_list(n,urowid,h_bytes,h_sender,h_subject,h_msg_date); if (cname1%ROWCOUNT >= hit) then next_rowid := urowid; next := true; end_down := n + hit; if (end_down > total) then end_down := total; end if; exit; end if; end loop; close cname1; htp.p('
Mail Header List By Sender in '); htp.p(htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.folderinfo?fid='||fid,f_name)||'
No.'||htf.url(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.entry_sub?fid='||fid,'Subject')|| 'Sender'); htp.p(htf.url(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.entry?fid='||fid,'Date')||'Size(kb)
'); if (next) then htp.p(htf.url(cgi_bin||'Mails5.next_author?fid='||fid||'&hit='||hit|| '&curr='||next_rowid||'&seed='||n,'Next '||(n+1)||'-'||end_down)||' (of '||total||')'); end if; end; /*procedure prompt is begin htp.p('
Article Text Frame'); htp.p('

It may take a while to load, please be patient ...

'); end; */ procedure header_list(n number,urowid rowid,bytes number, sender varchar2,subject in out varchar2,msg_date date) is cursor cname(csender varchar2) is SELECT name,email from people where email=csender; begin open cname(sender); fetch cname into h_name,h_email; if (cname%NOTFOUND) then h_name := h_email; end if; close cname; if (h_name IS NULL) then h_name := h_email; end if; subject := replace(subject,'&','&'); subject := replace(subject,'<','<'); subject := replace(subject,'>','>'); subject := replace(subject,'"','"'); if (replace(subject,' ') IS NULL) then subject := '(no subject)'; end if; htp.p(''); htp.p(n||''); htp.p(''); if (highlight IS NULL) then htp.p(htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.showbody?rid='|| urowid,substr(subject,1,40))); else htp.p(htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.showbody?rid='|| urowid||'&word='||highlight, substr(subject,1,40))); end if; htp.p(''); htp.p(''||substr(h_name,1,25)); htp.p(''|| to_char(msg_date,'Mon dd yy hh24:mi')|| ''|| to_char(bytes/1024.,'FM99D9')||''); end; procedure header_list(n number,score number,user_query_id number,urowid rowid,bytes number, sender varchar2,subject in out varchar2,msg_date date,word varchar2) is cursor cname(csender varchar2) is SELECT name,email from people where email=csender; begin open cname(sender); fetch cname into h_name,h_email; if (cname%NOTFOUND) then h_name := h_email; end if; close cname; if (h_name IS NULL) then h_name := h_email; end if; subject := replace(subject,'&','&'); subject := replace(subject,'<','<'); subject := replace(subject,'>','>'); subject := replace(subject,'"','"'); if (replace(subject,' ') IS NULL) then subject := '(no subject)'; end if; htp.p(''); htp.p(score||''); htp.p(''); htp.p(htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.showbody?rid='|| urowid||'&word='||word||'&cid='||user_query_id,substr(subject,1,40))); htp.p(''); htp.p(''||substr(h_name,1,25)); htp.p(''|| to_char(msg_date,'Mon dd yy hh24:mi')|| ''|| to_char(bytes/1024.,'FM99D9')||''); end; procedure header_list_sub(n number,urowid rowid,bytes number, sender varchar2,subject in out varchar2,msg_date date) is cursor cname(csender varchar2) is SELECT name,email from people where email=csender; begin open cname(sender); fetch cname into h_name,h_email; if (cname%NOTFOUND) then h_name := h_email; end if; close cname; if (h_name IS NULL) then h_name := h_email; end if; htp.p(''); if (subject IS NOT NULL) then subject := replace(subject,'&','&'); subject := replace(subject,'<','<'); subject := replace(subject,'>','>'); subject := replace(subject,'"','"'); if (replace(subject,' ') IS NULL) then subject := '(no subject)'; end if; htp.p(n||''); htp.p(''); htp.p(substr(subject,1,40)); htp.p(''); else htp.p('
'); htp.p('
'); end if; htp.p(''); if (highlight IS NULL) then htp.p(htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.showbody?rid='|| urowid,substr(h_name,1,25))); else htp.p(htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.showbody?rid='|| urowid||'&word='||highlight,substr(h_name,1,25))); end if; htp.p(''|| to_char(msg_date,'Mon dd yy hh24:mi')|| ''|| to_char(bytes/1024.,'FM99D9')||''); end; procedure showbody(rid in rowid, word in varchar2, cid in number) is begin highlight := word; session_id := cid; -- select rowid into rid from header where id=fid; showbody(rid); end; procedure showbody(rid in rowid) is bid header.id%TYPE; fid header.id%TYPE; fpath folder.path%TYPE; gname folder.name%TYPE; n header.id%TYPE; i header.id%TYPE; j header.id%TYPE; k header.id%TYPE; body_all long; tmp long; h_cc header.cc%TYPE; h_receiver header.receiver%TYPE; h_replied_id header.replied_id%TYPE; url varchar2(254); n1 header.id%TYPE; m header.id%TYPE; cursor reply(low_id number,high_id number,repid varchar2) is select rowid from header where (id between low_id and high_id) and (msg_id = repid); --* highlight_temp -> hightab (Changed for upgrading, Jake) cursor highcur is select offset, length from hightab where query_id = session_id order by offset desc; -- cursor cbody(rid number) is -- select id,BODY_TYPE,CHARS,WORDS,LINES,msg_body1,msg_body2, -- msg_body3,msg_body4,msg_body5,msg_body6, -- msg_body7,msg_body8,msg_body9,msg_body10,msg_body11 -- from body where id=rid; cursor creply(low_id number,high_id number,repid varchar2) is select rowid,sender from header where (id between low_id and high_id) and (replied_id = repid) order by msg_date asc; cursor cname(csender varchar2) is SELECT name from people where email=csender; body_rec body%ROWTYPE; min_id header.id%TYPE; replied_rid rowid; hword varchar2(200); word varchar2(200); key varchar2(200); begin SELECT id,msg_date,subject,sender,receiver,cc,msg_id,replied_id into bid,h_msg_date,h_subject,h_sender,h_receiver,h_cc,h_msg_id,h_replied_id from header where rowid = rid; SELECT name,email into h_name,h_email from people where email=h_sender; htp.p('article body'); htp.p('
'); fid := floor(bid/maxmsg) + 1; select name,path into gname,fpath from folder where id = fid; select * into body_rec from body where id=bid; body_all := body_rec.msg_body; if (highlight IS NOT NULL) then ---- highlight keyword in hightlight key := replace(highlight,'~','&'); ctx_doc.highlight( 'msg_index', body_rec.id, key, 'hightab', session_id, FALSE); /** ctx_query.highlight( 'CHEM_POLICY', body_rec.id, key, session_id, null, null, 'highlight_temp', null, null); for hc in highcur loop body_all := substr(body_all,1,hc.offset - 1) || '~~'|| substr(body_all,hc.offset,hc.length) || '^^'|| substr(body_all,hc.offset + hc.length); end loop;*/ end if; body_all := replace(body_all,'&','&'); body_all := replace(body_all,'<','<'); body_all := replace(body_all,'>','>'); body_all := replace(body_all,'"','"'); body_all := replace(body_all,'<br>',''); body_all := replace(body_all,'\$','$'); --- left by the perl parser -- highlighting body_all := replace(body_all,'~~',''); body_all := replace(body_all,'^^',''); i := 1; m := instr(body_all,'http://',i,1); while ( m != 0) loop tmp := substr(body_all,m); k := instr(tmp,' '); --- for both > and " n1 := instr(tmp,'&'); if ((k = 0) or ((n1 != 0) and (n1 < k)) ) then k := n1; end if; n1 := instr(tmp,')'); if ((k = 0) or ((n1 != 0) and (n1 < k)) ) then k := n1; end if; n1 := instr(tmp,','); if ((k = 0) or ((n1 != 0) and (n1 < k)) ) then k := n1; end if; n1 := instr(tmp,'|'); if ((k = 0) or ((n1 != 0) and (n1 < k)) ) then k := n1; end if; n1 := instr(tmp,';'); if ((k = 0) or ((n1 != 0) and (n1 < k)) ) then k := n1; end if; n1 := instr(tmp,''''); if ((k = 0) or ((n1 != 0) and (n1 < k)) ) then k := n1; end if; n1 := instr(tmp,chr(10)); if ((k = 0) or ((n1 != 0) and (n1 < k)) ) then k := n1; end if; if (k != 0) then url := substr(tmp,1,k-1); body_all := substr(body_all,1,m-1)||htf.url(url,url)||substr(tmp,k); i := m + 2*length(url)+11; else i := m + 5; end if; m := instr(body_all,'http://',i,1); end loop; h_receiver := substr(h_receiver,1,150); h_receiver := replace(h_receiver,'<','<'); h_receiver := replace(h_receiver,'>','>'); h_receiver := replace(h_receiver,'\$','$'); if (h_cc IS NOT NULL) then h_cc := substr(h_cc,1,150); h_cc := replace(h_cc,'<','<'); h_cc := replace(h_cc,'>','>'); h_cc := replace(h_cc,'\$','$'); end if; h_subject := substr(h_subject,1,150); h_subject := replace(h_subject,'\$','$'); h_subject := replace(h_subject,'&','&'); h_subject := replace(h_subject,'<','<'); h_subject := replace(h_subject,'>','>'); h_subject := replace(h_subject,'"','"'); htp.p('
'); m := (fid-1)*maxmsg + 1; n := m + maxmsg - 1; if (h_replied_id IS NULL) then htp.p(h_subject); else h_replied_id := replace(h_replied_id,chr(10)); open reply(m,n,h_replied_id); fetch reply into replied_rid; if (reply%NOTFOUND) then htp.p(h_subject); else htp.p(htf.url(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.showbody?rid='||replied_rid, h_subject)); end if; close reply; end if; htp.p('
'); if (h_name IS NULL) then h_name := h_email; end if; htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); if (h_cc IS NOT NULL) then htp.p(''); htp.p(''); end if; htp.p(''); htp.p(''); open creply(m,n,h_msg_id); fetch creply into urowid,h_sender; if (creply%FOUND) then htp.p(''); end if; htp.p('
From:'||htf.url(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.by_people?uid='|| h_email,h_email)||' ('||h_name||')
Date:'||to_char(h_msg_date,'Mon dd yyyy hh24:mi')||'
Replied-by:'); loop open cname(h_sender); fetch cname into h_name; if (cname%NOTFOUND) then h_name := h_sender; end if; close cname; if (creply%ROWCOUNT > 1) then htp.p(', '); end if; htp.p(htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.showbody?rid='||urowid,h_name)); fetch creply into urowid,h_name; exit when creply%NOTFOUND; end loop; close creply; htp.p('
        -- highlight keywords
/*        if (highlight IS NOT NULL) then
                        k := instr(highlight,' ');
                        exit when k=0;
                        word := substr(highlight,1,k-1);
                        highlight := substr(highlight,k+1);
                        hword := ''||word||'';
                        body_all := replace(body_all,word,hword);
                        body_all := replace(body_all,upper(word),hword);
                        body_all := replace(body_all,INITCAP(word),hword);
                end loop;
                hword := ''||highlight||'';
                body_all := replace(body_all,highlight,hword);
                body_all := replace(body_all,upper(highlight),hword);
                body_all := replace(body_all,INITCAP(highlight),hword);
        end if;
n := length(body_all);
        i := 1;
        while ( (i+253) <= n) loop
                out_string := substr(body_all,i,254);
                k := instr(out_string,chr(10),-1,1);
                if (k = 0) then
                        i := i + 254;
                        i := i + k;
                end if;
        end loop;
        if (i <= n) then
        end if;
'); htp.p(htf.line); if (instr(gname,'Chat-') != 0) then /* Chat board */ htp.p(htf.url(cgi_bin||'MAILS3.index_chat1?email=&host=&name=&uid=&subject=Re:+'|| replace(h_subject,' ','+')||'&body=','')); htp.p(htf.url(cgi_bin1||'index_chat','Post') ); else /* MH */ h_subject := 'Re: '||h_subject; htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); if (h_cc IS NOT NULL) then htp.p(''); else htp.p(''); end if; htp.p(' '); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); end if; htp.p('
'); htp.p('
'); wow.sig; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then htp.p(htf.line); wow.sig; end; procedure by_people(uid varchar2) is p_userid people.userid%TYPE; p_name people.name%TYPE; p_email people.email%TYPE; p_msg_received header.id%TYPE; p_html people.html%TYPE; myid url.id%TYPE; myhtml url.html%TYPE; n integer; begin select userid,name,email,msg_received,html into p_userid,p_name,p_email,p_msg_received,p_html from people where email=uid; if (p_name IS NULL) then p_name := p_userid; end if; htp.p('
'); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); select rowid,msg_date,subject into urowid,h_msg_date,h_subject from header where id=p_msg_received; htp.p(''); htp.p(''); if (p_html IS NOT NULL) then htp.p(''); end if; htp.p('
About '||htf.bold(p_name)||'
Name: '||htf.bold(p_name)||'
Email Address: '||htf.bold(p_email)||'
User Id: '||htf.bold(p_userid)||'
Most Recent Mail: '); htp.p(htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.showbody?rid='||urowid,h_subject)); htp.p(' at '||to_char(h_msg_date,'Mon dd yy hh24:mi')||'
All Mails: '|| htf.url(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.by_sender?semail='||uid,'Click Here')||'
Related HTML Page: '); n := instr(p_html,','); while (n != 0) loop myid := substr(p_html,1,n-1); p_html := substr(p_html,n+1); select html into myhtml from url where id=myid; htp.p(''); n := instr(p_html,','); end loop; htp.p('
'); end; procedure by_keyword(typein varchar2,fid number) is begin search_button(typein,0,fid); htp.p('
'); keyword(typein,fid); end; procedure keyword(typein varchar2,fid number) is cursor cresult(cid number,lo number, hi number) is select * from body_hitlist where conid=cid and (id between lo and hi) order by score desc; result_rec body_hitlist%ROWTYPE; front boolean := true; more boolean := false; ch char(1); k integer; query_word varchar2(200); ii BINARY_INTEGER; body_all long; body_rec body%ROWTYPE; n number(6) := 0; hit integer := 10; next_rowid rowid; last_rowid rowid; end_num integer; lo header.id%TYPE := 1; hi header.id%TYPE := 100*maxmsg; f_name folder.name%TYPE := htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.showmailbox','All folders'); browid rowid; found boolean := true; prev header.msg_id%TYPE := ' '; begin parse_typein(typein); if (w_count = 0) then htp.p('

You must choose a word to start the keyword search. Try again.'); return; end if; if (fid != 0) then lo := (fid-1)*maxmsg + 1; hi := lo + maxmsg - 1; SELECT name,n_msg into f_name,total from folder where id = fid; f_name := htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.folderinfo?fid='||fid,f_name); else select sum(n_msg) into total from folder; end if; if ((instr(typein,'&') = 0) and (instr(typein,'|') = 0) and (instr(typein,'-') = 0) and (instr(typein,',') = 0)) then for n in 1 .. length(typein) loop ch := substr(typein,n,1); if (ch != ' ') then if (front) then key := ch; front := false; elsif (more) then more := false; key := key||'&'||ch; else key := key||ch; end if; else if (not (front or more)) then more := true; end if; end if; end loop; else key := replace(typein,' '); end if; if (key IS NULL) then htp.p('Please type one or more keywords to start your search'); wow.sig; return; end if; highlight := key; query_word := '('||key ||'):3000'; select query_id.nextval into usr_query_id from dual; --* ctx_query.contains('CHEM_POLICY',query_word,'QUERY_TEMP',1,usr_query_id,NULL); -- select count(*) into n from query_temp where conid=usr_query_id select count(*) into n from body_hitlist where conid=usr_query_id and (id between lo and hi); htp.p('

'); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); key := replace(key,'&','~'); open cresult(usr_query_id, lo, hi); k := 0; for i in 1..10 loop fetch cresult into result_rec; exit when cresult%NOTFOUND; select rowid into urowid from header where id=result_rec.id; select subject,sender,msg_date,bytes into h_subject,h_sender,h_msg_date,h_bytes from header where id=result_rec.id; header_list(n,result_rec.score,usr_query_id,urowid,h_bytes,h_sender,h_subject,h_msg_date,key); next_rowid := urowid; k := k+1; end loop; htp.p(''||''); htp.p('
Keyword ('||htf.bold(highlight)||') Search in '); htp.p(f_name||'
Found: '||n||'Keyword: '||htf.bold(highlight)|| 'Searched: '||total||'When: '|| to_char(sysdate,'Mon dd yy hh24:mi')||' EST
'); if (k = 10) and (k < n ) then if ( k+10 < n ) then end_num := k + 10; else end_num := n; end if; htp.p(htf.url(cgi_bin||'Mails5.more_url?fid='||fid||'&key='||key|| '&user_id='||usr_query_id|| '&seed='||k,'Next '||(k+1)||'-'|| end_num)||' (of '||n||')'); end if; -- htp.p('
'); close cresult; wow.sig; end; procedure more_url(fid integer, key varchar2,user_id number,seed number) is cursor cresult(cid number, lo number, hi number) is select * from body_hitlist where conid=cid and ( id between lo and hi) order by score desc; result_rec body_hitlist%ROWTYPE; url varchar2(200) := root_url||cgi_bin||'test.view_body?keyword='; k integer; n number(6) := 0; --hit integer :10; last_end_num integer; end_num integer; next_rowid rowid; lo header.id%TYPE := 1; hi header.id%TYPE := 100*maxmsg; f_name folder.name%TYPE := htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.showmailbox','All folders'); typein1 varchar2(200); begin typein1 := replace(key,'~','&'); search_button(typein1,0,fid); htp.p('
'); if (fid != 0) then lo := (fid-1)*maxmsg + 1; hi := lo + maxmsg - 1; SELECT name,n_msg into f_name,total from folder where id = fid; f_name := htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.folderinfo?fid='||fid,f_name); select count(*) into n from body_hitlist where conid=user_id and (id between lo and hi); else select sum(n_msg) into total from folder; select count(*) into n from body_hitlist where conid=user_id; end if; htp.p('
'); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); open cresult(user_id, lo, hi); for i in 1..seed loop fetch cresult into result_rec; end loop; k := seed; last_end_num := k ; for i in 1..10 loop fetch cresult into result_rec; exit when cresult%NOTFOUND; select rowid into urowid from header where id=result_rec.id; select subject,sender,msg_date,bytes into h_subject,h_sender,h_msg_date,h_bytes from header where id=result_rec.id; header_list(n,result_rec.score,user_id,urowid,h_bytes,h_sender, h_subject,h_msg_date,key); next_rowid := urowid; k := k+1; end loop; htp.p(''|| ''); htp.p('
Keyword('||htf.bold(typein1)||') Search in '); htp.p(f_name||'
Found: '||n||'Keyword:'||htf.bold(typein1)|| 'Searched: '||total||'When: '|| to_char(sysdate,'Mon dd yy hh24:mi')||'EST
'); if (k = seed + 10 ) and (k < n ) then if ( k+10 < n ) then end_num := k + 10; else end_num := n; end if; htp.p(''); htp.p('
'); htp.p(htf.url(cgi_bin||'Mails5.more_url?fid='||fid||'&key='||key|| '&user_id='||user_id|| '&seed='||k,'Next '||(k+1)||'-'||end_num)||' (of '||n||')'); end if; if k > 10 then htp.p(''); htp.p(htf.url(cgi_bin||'Mails5.more_url?fid='||fid||'&key='||key|| '&user_id='||user_id|| '&seed='|| (seed - 10), 'Prev'||(last_end_num - 9)||'-'|| last_end_num )||' (of '||n||')'); end if; htp.p('
'); close cresult; wow.sig; end; procedure by_sender_name(typein varchar2,fid number) is begin parse_typein(typein); search_button(typein,3,fid); htp.p('
'); if (w_count = 0) then if (fid = 0) then lauthor(1,per_page,NULL,0); else lauthor(fid,per_page,NULL,0); end if; else sender_email(fid,0); end if; end; procedure by_sender_email(typein varchar2,fid number) is begin parse_typein(typein); search_button(typein,4,fid); htp.p('
'); if (w_count = 0) then if (fid = 0) then lauthor(1,per_page,NULL,0); else lauthor(fid,per_page,NULL,0); end if; else sender_email(fid,1); end if; end; procedure by_sender(semail varchar2) is begin w_count := 1; word_tab(1) := semail; highlight := semail; sender_email(0,1); end; procedure sender_email(fid number,op integer) is lo header.id%TYPE := 1; hi header.id%TYPE := 100*maxmsg; f_name folder.name%TYPE := htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.showmailbox','All folders'); word varchar2(150); i integer; cursor csender(lo number,hi number, cname varchar2) is SELECT h.rowid,h.msg_date,h.subject,h.sender,h.bytes from header h,people p where (h.id between lo and hi) and (h.sender=p.email) and lower(p.name) like '%'||cname||'%' order by p.name; cursor cemail(lo number,hi number, cname varchar2) is SELECT rowid,msg_date,subject,sender,bytes from header where (id between lo and hi) and lower(sender) like '%'||cname||'%' order by sender; begin highlight := NULL; word := word_tab(1); if (fid != 0) then lo := (fid-1)*maxmsg + 1; hi := lo + maxmsg - 1; SELECT name,n_msg into f_name,total from folder where id = fid; f_name := htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.folderinfo?fid='||fid,f_name); else select sum(n_msg) into total from folder; end if; htp.p('
'); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); if (op = 0) then open csender(lo,hi,lower(word)); loop fetch csender into urowid,h_msg_date,h_subject,h_sender,h_bytes; exit when csender%NOTFOUND; header_list(csender%ROWCOUNT,urowid,h_bytes,h_sender,h_subject,h_msg_date); end loop; htp.p(''||''); close csender; else open cemail(lo,hi,lower(word)); loop fetch cemail into urowid,h_msg_date,h_subject,h_sender,h_bytes; exit when cemail%NOTFOUND; header_list(cemail%ROWCOUNT,urowid,h_bytes,h_sender,h_subject,h_msg_date); end loop; htp.p(''||''); close cemail; end if; htp.p('
Mails By Sender (*'||htf.bold(word)||'*) in '||htf.bold(f_name)||'
Found: '||csender%ROWCOUNT||'Keyword: '||htf.bold(word)|| 'Searched: '||total||'When: '|| to_char(sysdate,'Mon dd yy hh24:mi')||' EST
Found: '||cemail%ROWCOUNT||'Keyword: '||htf.bold(word)|| 'Searched: '||total||'When: '|| to_char(sysdate,'Mon dd yy hh24:mi')||' EST
'); end; procedure folderinfo (fid in number) is f_name folder.name%TYPE; f_creation_time date; f_logo folder.logo%TYPE; f_desc folder.description%TYPE; maxid header.id%TYPE := 0; minid header.id%TYPE := 0; mdate date; begin SELECT name,n_msg,creation_time,logo,description, (max_msgid+(id-1)*maxmsg),(min_msgid+(id-1)*maxmsg) into f_name,total,f_creation_time,f_logo,f_desc,maxid,minid from folder where id = fid; htp.p('
'); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); select ROWID,subject,msg_date into UROWID,h_subject,mdate from header where id = maxid and (msg_date-sysdate) <=2; htp.p(''); select ROWID,subject,msg_date into UROWID,h_subject,mdate from header where id = minid; htp.p(''); htp.p(''); if (f_desc IS NOT NULL) then htp.p(''); end if; htp.p('
'||htf.gif(f_logo)); htp.p(' Folder '||htf.bold(f_name)||' Summary
Name: '||htf.bold(f_name)||'
Total Mails Archived: '||htf.bold(total)||'
The Most Recent Mail: '); htp.p(htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.showbody?rid='||urowid,substr(h_subject,1,40))); htp.p(' - '||to_char(mdate,'Mon dd, yy hh24:mi')||'
The Least Recent Mail: '); htp.p(htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.showbody?rid='||urowid,substr(h_subject,1,40))); htp.p(' - '||to_char(mdate,'Mon dd, yy hh24:mi')||'
Archive Started at: '|| htf.bold(to_char(f_creation_time,'Mon dd, yy hh24:mi'))||'
Newsgroup Topic and Statistics:'); htp.bp(f_desc||'
'); end; procedure showmailbox is m_name mailbox.name%TYPE; m_n_msg number(8); m_creation_time date; m_logo mailbox.logo%TYPE; m_n_folder number(6); mdate date; begin select name,n_folder,creation_time,logo into m_name,m_n_folder,m_creation_time,m_logo from mailbox; htp.p('
'); htp.p(''); select sum(n_msg) into total from folder; htp.p(''); htp.p(''); select rowid,subject,msg_date into urowid,h_subject,mdate from header where msg_date=(select max(msg_date) from header where id in (select max_msgid+(id-1)*maxmsg from folder) and (msg_date-sysdate) <=2) and rownum=1; htp.p(''); select rowid,subject,msg_date into urowid,h_subject,mdate from header where msg_date=(select min(msg_date) from header where id in (select min_msgid+(id-1)*maxmsg from folder)) and rownum=1; htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.p('
'); htp.p(htf.gif(replace(m_logo,' '))); htp.p(' Mailbox '||htf.bold(m_name)||' Summary
Name: '||htf.bold(m_name)||'
Total Mails Archived: '||htf.bold(total)||'
Total Folders: '||htf.bold(m_n_folder)||'
The Most Recent Mail: '); htp.p(htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.showbody?rid='||urowid,substr(h_subject,1,40))); htp.p(' - '||to_char(mdate,'Mon dd, yy hh24:mi')||'
The Least Recent Mail: '); htp.p(htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.showbody?rid='||urowid,substr(h_subject,1,40))); htp.p(' - '||to_char(mdate,'Mon dd, yy hh24:mi')||'
Archive Started at: '|| htf.bold(to_char(m_creation_time,'Mon dd, yy hh24:mi'))||'
'); end; procedure by_date(typein varchar2,fid integer) is begin parse_date(typein); if (w_count = 0) then if (fid = 0) then --select id into h_id from folder where rownum = 1; select id into h_id from folder where rownum = 1 and name like '%'||default_folder||'%'; entry(h_id); else entry(fid); end if; else search_button(typein,2,fid); htp.p('
'); date_search(fid); --htp.p('Sorry, this search option has not been implemented yet ! Please check it back later.'); --htp.p('

'||htf.url(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.entry?fid=1','Go back')||' ...'); end if; end; procedure parse_typein(typein varchar2) is words varchar2(300); i integer; begin w_count := 0; words := typein; loop while ((words IS NOT NULL) and (substr(words,1,1) = ' ')) loop words := substr(words,2); end loop; if (words IS NULL) then exit; end if; w_count := w_count + 1; i := instr(words,' '); if (i = 0) then word_tab(w_count) := lower(words); if (highlight IS NULL) then highlight := word_tab(w_count); else highlight := highlight||'+'||word_tab(w_count); end if; exit; else word_tab(w_count) := lower(substr(words,1,i-1)); if (highlight IS NULL) then highlight := word_tab(w_count); else highlight := highlight||'+'||word_tab(w_count); end if; words := substr(words,i+1); end if; end loop; end; procedure parse_date(typein varchar2) is words varchar2(300); i integer := 1; j integer; n integer; begin w_count := 0; words := typein; while ((words IS NOT NULL) and (substr(words,1,1) = ' ')) loop words := substr(words,2); end loop; if (words IS NULL) then return; end if; n := length(words); -- 47 = '/'; 48-57 = '0'-'9' while (i<=n and (ascii(substr(words,i,1)) between 47 and 57)) loop i := i + 1; end loop; if (i = 1) then words := substr(words,2); while ((words IS NOT NULL) and not (ascii(substr(words,1,1)) between 47 and 57)) loop words := substr(words,2); end loop; -- when i>n w_count=0 is used to indicate the null typein if (words IS NOT NULL) then date_tag := '<'; -- before one date n := length(words); i := 1; while (i<=n and (ascii(substr(words,i,1)) between 47 and 57)) loop i := i + 1; end loop; w_count := w_count + 1; word_tab(w_count) := substr(words,1,i-1); end if; elsif (i > n) then date_tag := 'o'; -- one date item only w_count := w_count + 1; word_tab(w_count) := words; else w_count := w_count + 1; word_tab(w_count) := substr(words,1,i-1); words := substr(words,i); n := length(words); i := 1; while (i<=n and not (ascii(substr(words,i,1)) between 47 and 57)) loop i := i + 1; end loop; if (i > n) then date_tag := '>'; -- after one date else date_tag := 'b'; -- between two date items words := substr(words,i); n := length(words); i := 1; while (i<=n and (ascii(substr(words,i,1)) between 47 and 57)) loop i := i + 1; end loop; w_count := w_count + 1; word_tab(w_count) := substr(words,1,i-1); end if; end if; /*for i in 1..w_count loop htp.p(i||':'||word_tab(i)||'
'); end loop; htp.p('date_tag ='||date_tag); */ end; procedure by_url(typein varchar2,fid integer) is begin search_button(typein,5,fid); htp.p('

'); parse_typein(typein); if (w_count=0) then if (fid=0) then url_more(1,per_page, NULL, 0); else url_more(fid,per_page, NULL, 0); end if; else url_keyword(fid); end if; end; procedure url_list(n number,urowid rowid,link varchar2, sender varchar2,subject in out varchar2,msg_date date) is cursor cname(csender varchar2) is SELECT name,email from people where email=csender; begin subject := replace(subject,'&','&'); subject := replace(subject,'<','<'); subject := replace(subject,'>','>'); subject := replace(subject,'"','"'); if (replace(subject,' ') IS NULL) then subject := '(no subject)'; end if; open cname(sender); fetch cname into h_name,h_email; if (cname%NOTFOUND) then h_name := h_email; end if; if (h_name IS NULL) then h_name := h_email; end if; close cname; htp.p(''); if (link IS NOT NULL) then htp.p(n); end if; htp.p(''); if (link IS NOT NULL) then htp.p(htf.url_right(link,substr(link,1,40))); end if; htp.p(''); htp.p(htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.showbody?rid='|| urowid,substr(subject,1,30))); htp.p(''); htp.p(''||substr(h_name,1,20)||''||to_char(msg_date,'Mon dd yy')|| ''); end; procedure url_more(fid integer,hit integer, curr rowid, seed number) is cursor cname2(hid number) is SELECT rowid,msg_date,subject,sender from header where (id = hid); cursor curl(uid number) is select rowid,html,head_id from url where id > uid order by id asc; f_name folder.name%TYPE; n number; next boolean := false; minid folder.min_msgid%TYPE; end_down header.id%TYPE; hi header.id%TYPE; lo header.id%TYPE; curr_urlid url.id%TYPE := 0; next_rowid rowid; uhtml url.html%TYPE; uhid url.head_id%TYPE; m integer; k integer := 0; browid rowid; found boolean := false; begin SELECT name into f_name from folder where id = fid; select count(*) into total from url; htp.p('
'); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); if (curr IS NOT NULL) then select id into curr_urlid from url where rowid=curr; end if; lo := (fid-1)*maxmsg + 1; hi := lo + maxmsg - 1; open curl(curr_urlid); n := seed; loop fetch curl into browid,uhtml,uhid; exit when curl%NOTFOUND; m:=instr(uhid,',',1); found := false; while(m!=0) loop h_id:=to_number(substr(uhid, 1, m-1)); uhid := substr(uhid,m+1); m := instr(uhid,',',1); if (h_id between lo and hi) then open cname2(h_id); fetch cname2 into urowid,h_msg_date,h_subject,h_sender; if (cname2%FOUND) then if (not found) then n := n + 1; k := k + 1; found := true; else uhtml := NULL; end if; url_list(n,urowid,uhtml,h_sender,h_subject,h_msg_date); end if; close cname2; end if; end loop; if (k >= hit) then next_rowid := browid; next := true; end_down := n + hit; if (end_down > total) then end_down := total; end if; exit; end if; end loop; close curl; htp.p('
URLs in '); htp.p(htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.folderinfo?fid='||fid,f_name)||'
No.URL'); htp.p('SubjectSenderDate
'); if (next) then htp.p(htf.url(cgi_bin||'Mails5.next_url?fid='||fid||'&hit='||hit|| '&curr='||next_rowid||'&seed='||n,'Next '||(n+1)||'-'||end_down)); end if; end; procedure next_url(fid integer, hit integer, curr rowid, seed number) is begin search_button(NULL,5,fid); htp.p('
'); url_more(fid,hit,curr,seed); end; procedure url_keyword(fid number) is cursor curl(uword varchar2) is select html,head_id from url where lower(html) like '%'||uword||'%'; cursor cname2(hid number) is SELECT rowid,msg_date,subject,sender,msg_id from header where (id = hid); k integer; ii BINARY_INTEGER; n number(6) := 0; lo header.id%TYPE := 1; hi header.id%TYPE := 100*maxmsg; f_name folder.name%TYPE := htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.showmailbox','All folders'); found boolean := true; uhtml url.html%TYPE; uhid url.head_id%TYPE; m integer; prev header.msg_id%TYPE := ' '; begin if (fid != 0) then lo := (fid-1)*maxmsg + 1; hi := lo + maxmsg - 1; SELECT name,n_msg into f_name,total from folder where id = fid; f_name := htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.folderinfo?fid='||fid,f_name); else select sum(n_msg) into total from folder; end if; htp.p('
'); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); open curl(word_tab(1)); loop fetch curl into uhtml,uhid; exit when curl%NOTFOUND; if (w_count != 1) then found := true; for ii in 2..w_count loop k := instr(lower(uhtml),word_tab(ii)); if (k = 0) then found := false; exit; end if; end loop; if (not found) then goto nnn; end if; end if; m:=instr(uhid,',',1); found := false; while(m!=0) loop h_id:=to_number(substr(uhid, 1, m-1)); uhid := substr(uhid,m+1); m := instr(uhid,',',1); if (h_id between lo and hi) then open cname2(h_id); fetch cname2 into urowid,h_msg_date,h_subject,h_sender,h_msg_id; if (cname2%FOUND) then if (h_msg_id != prev) then prev := h_msg_id; if (not found) then n := n + 1; found := true; else uhtml := NULL; end if; url_list(n,urowid,uhtml,h_sender,h_subject,h_msg_date); end if; end if; close cname2; end if; end loop; <> null; end loop; close curl; htp.p(''||''); htp.p('
URLs of ('||htf.bold(highlight)||') Search in '); htp.p(f_name||'
No.URL'); htp.p('SubjectSenderDate
Found: '||n||'Keyword: '||htf.bold(highlight)|| 'Searched: '||total||'When: '|| to_char(sysdate,'Mon dd yy hh24:mi')||' EST
'); end; procedure date_search(fid integer) is cursor cdate(lo number,hi number,date1 date,date2 date) is SELECT rowid,msg_date,subject,sender,bytes from header where (id between lo and hi) and (msg_date between date1 and date2) order by msg_date desc; day1 date; day2 date; tag char(1); lo header.id%TYPE := 1; hi header.id%TYPE := 100*maxmsg; f_name folder.name%TYPE := htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.showmailbox','All folders'); words varchar2(100); begin day(word_tab(1),day1,tag); if (day1 = NULL) then return; end if; if (date_tag = 'b') then day(word_tab(2),day2,tag); if (day2 = NULL) then return; end if; if (tag = 'y') then day2 := to_date('3112'||to_char(day2,'yy'),'ddmmyy'); elsif (tag = 'm') then day2 := to_date(to_char(last_day(day2),'dd')||to_char(day2,'mmyy'),'ddmmyy'); end if; words := 'Between '||to_char(day1,'mm/dd/yy')||' And '|| to_char(day2,'mm/dd/yy')||''; elsif (date_tag = 'o') then if (tag = 'y') then day2 := to_date('3112'||to_char(day1,'yy'),'ddmmyy'); words := 'in '||to_char(day1,'yyyy')||''; elsif (tag = 'm') then day2 := to_date(to_char(last_day(day1),'dd')||to_char(day1,'mmyy'),'ddmmyy'); words := 'in '||to_char(day1,'Month yy')||''; else day2 := day1 + 1; words := 'on '||to_char(day1,'mm/dd/yy')||''; end if; elsif (date_tag = '>') then day2 := to_date('2050','yyyy'); words := 'After '||to_char(day1,'mm/dd/yy')||''; else day2 := day1; day1 := to_date('1990','yyyy'); words := 'Before '||to_char(day2,'mm/dd/yy')||''; end if; if (fid != 0) then lo := (fid-1)*maxmsg + 1; hi := lo + maxmsg - 1; SELECT name,n_msg into f_name,total from folder where id = fid; f_name := htf.url_right(cgi_bin||'MAILS5.folderinfo?fid='||fid,f_name); else select sum(n_msg) into total from folder; end if; htp.p('
'); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); open cdate(lo,hi,day1,day2); loop fetch cdate into urowid,h_msg_date,h_subject,h_sender,h_bytes; exit when cdate%NOTFOUND; header_list(cdate%ROWCOUNT,urowid,h_bytes,h_sender,h_subject,h_msg_date); end loop; htp.p(''||''); close cdate; htp.p('
Mails '||words||' in '||htf.bold(f_name)||'
Found: '||cdate%ROWCOUNT||'Keyword: '||words|| 'Searched: '||total||'When: '|| to_char(sysdate,'Mon dd yy hh24:mi')||' EST
'); end; procedure day(str varchar2,result out date,tag in out char) is i integer := 1; one varchar2(8) := null; two varchar2(8) := null; three varchar2(8) := null; n integer; j integer := 1; string varchar2(100); begin string := str; while ( string IS NOT NULL and (substr(string,1,1) = '/')) loop string := substr(string,2); end loop; n := length(string); while ((i <= n) and (substr(string,i,1) != '/')) loop i := i + 1; end loop; one := substr(string,1,i-1); if (i > n) then tag := 'y'; else string := substr(string,i+1); n := length(string); i := 1; while (i <= n and (substr(string,i,1) != '/')) loop i := i + 1; end loop; two := substr(string,1,i-1); if (i > n) then tag := 'm'; else string := substr(string,i+1); n := length(string); i := 1; while (i <= n and (substr(string,i,1) != '/')) loop i := i + 1; end loop; three := substr(string,1,i-1); tag := 'd'; end if; end if; -- check the validated date format if (tag = 'y') then i := length(one); one := substr(one,-2,2); result := to_date('0101'||one,'ddmmyy'); else one := lpad(one,2,'0'); if ((to_number(one) < 1) or (to_number(one) > 12)) then htp.p('
Date format error2: '||str||'

'); result := NULL; else if (tag = 'm') then two := substr(two,-2,2); result := to_date(one||two,'FXFMmmyy'); else two := lpad(two,2,'0'); if (to_number(two) > to_char(last_day(to_date(one,'mm')),'dd')) then htp.p('

Date format error2: '||str||'

'); result := NULL; return; end if; i := length(three); if (i <= 4) then three := substr(three,-2,2); result := to_date(one||two||three,'FXFMmmddyy'); end if; end if; end if; end if; end; end MAILS5;