From cpsedu-owner Fri Feb 12 10:24 EST 1999 Received: (from majordom@localhost)
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Subject: [cpsedu] more notes from gcf
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:24:08 -0500
From: Nancy McCracken <>
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This proposal draft from gcf has more notes on his ideas for technologies for distance education.
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Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:21:32 -0500
From: Geoffrey Fox <>
Organization: Syracuse University
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Subject: [tango] Universal Access and Tango
There is a rather dull missing figure which if you want I have in Word version
Comments welcome
it is to be part of Proposal on "Universal Access"
Technology Approach and Detailed Plan
Our research will be built around an emerging architecture for distributed systems that we call the “Pragmatic Object Web”. This notes the ongoing convergence of web and distributed object technologies to form what is usually called the object web. This is currently approached from four major points of view: CORBA (from an Industry Consortium) the Object Management Group, Java from Sun Microsystems, COM from Microsoft and a set of technologies from the web consortium W3C including XML and a document object model (DOM). These approaches are somewhat complementary but often competitive and in constructing real systems, we pragmatically propose to use the best of each approach – this assumes that some complex unpredictable worldwide process will blend these four giants into a composite distributed system architecture and technology base. Our pragmatic approach appears more likely than any other to lead to systems that are both powerful today and likely to be quite consistent with future changes. These ideas are described in a book that we are writing “Building Distributed Systems on the Pragmatic Object Web” which gives examples and detailed discussion of the concepts.
The object web revolution has been driven as much by the adoption of open
standards such as HTML, JDBC and IIOP as by the more obvious remarkable software
artifacts and technologies such as browsers and the Java language. These object web
standards and technologies appear to offer significant potential for improvements in
universal access. In particular the object web standards allow the development of a more
structured uniform information space wherein reusable universal access interfaces can be
developed and used in a wide variety of circumstances. Although this potentially
possible, it is by no means guaranteed as an unguided haphazard development of object
web applications could lead to a situation actually worse than that now with increased
information served by more and not less data structures. As a relevant example, XML
technology could allow the definition of the structure of glossary items used to support
more or less all education and training applications. We could then optimize universal
access for this structure. On the other hand, it is also possible for each web site to develop
and use a different XML syntax for their glossary and force the costly and inefficient
scenario with a separate universal access mechanism in each case.
This proposal aims to help and accelerate the development of common
information structures that can both express the application in a general fashion and
support well cross disability interfaces. In this fashion, our project will help the
development of both universal access and the ongoing activities defining key object web
standards. The Trace center is already a participant in the key W3C object model
discussions. Our results will have broad applicability to general information spaces but
we will concentrate on “distributed educational objects” (DEO) as these illustrate general
principles and allow focussed technology, outreach and testbed activities.
We now discuss the technical approach in more detail. We adopt a conventional
hybrid information object model and define a DEO with a tuple (Page_URL,
Component_DOM). This views information as a collection of components (labeled by
Component_DOM) arranged in pages labeled by Page_URL. Pages are accessed through
web address, file location, CORBA or Java naming service or whatever hierarchical
naming scheme evolves on the object web. A “Page” is for traditional education, the
basic curriculum unit. It is a “screenfull” or “foil” which is discussed by the lecturer or
studied by the student as a single unit with cross referencing between concepts not
requiring tiresome browsing and reloading of the browser page. A hierarchical labeling of
Page_URL seems quite natural for future web education and training with some name
like university/college/department/program/course/lecture. However the information
within a given page is much less structured and consists of some often-haphazard
arrangement of multimedia information nuggets.
In this proposal, we will focus on universal access issues connected to the control
and display of the complex information within a page, which is described by
Component_DOM. We will start with activities built around the existing proposed W3C
DOM. However the latter clearly can be improved for universal access and in the last two
years of this project, we intend to design and test more advanced document object
The proposal activities can be divided into five broad areas:
1) UA Architectures and Systems Design
2) UA Object Web Technology Implementation
3) UA Hardware Interfaces
4) UA Curriculum Development
5) UA Testbed and evaluation
Here we discuss the first two of these areas. Both the hardware and software
infrastructure of the object web is changing with remarkable speed and so our plans are
necessarily tentative especially in out years. However we believe that the activities
discussed below illustrate clearly our approach and in some sense represent a lower
bound to our goals for they do not require any major new object web base technology
developments. Of course, we will take advantage of any significant new relevant
technologies that become available during the performance period and modify our plans
accordingly. We intend two major technology thrusts. First investigate UA in terms of the
existing W3C DOM with educational objects of varying degrees of sophistication and
different implementation strategies. Secondly we will investigate a novel approach to a
document object models, which appears to allow a more powerful approach to UA.
We assume in all activities, the basic architecture sketched below:
TangoInteractive manages the sharing of educational objects and allows each
client to optimize its view of the DEO based on user preferences and capabilities of the
client machine and network connection. This capability is available in any system using a
shared event collaboration model, which allows separation of display and shared object
specification. As a simple example, a client with a low bandwidth network connection
would request the low resolution version of an image and one serving a user with
impaired vision, the audio augmentation of this image. As shown above, we encapsulate
this optimized choice of DEO component display in terms of a knowledge agent.
Collaborative systems like TangoInteractive, can be used to share DEO’s between
different users or between different display devices for a given user. This replication of
object between different display modalities can be implemented within a single machine
or between multiple machines serving a single user. Note that although it may seem
extravagant, using multiple machines for a given user is quite practical given the rapidly
decreasing hardware prices. In fact, we regularly use this strategy when teaching, so that
one puts the key functionalities of audio/video conferencing, chosen curriculum page and
chat/white boards on different machines assigned to the teacher. Students in this example
typically view the curriculum on their own lab machine while a single machine handles
audio and video for collocated students.
We note that our model for instruction includes both asynchronous and
synchronous modes supported in a common fashion for UA. We assume that in each
case, students and teachers access curriculum material stored as DEO’s on web servers,
object brokers or equivalent. Asynchronous or self-paced learning occurs when each
participant accesses this material in his or her own time. Synchronous learning occurs
when this same material is replicated among a class and discussed interactively. This
model allows a single approach to universal access, which is independent of learning
In our first thrust, we use the existing W3C DOM as supported by Netscape and
Microsoft version 4 and higher browsers. We will also make extensive use of XML,
which is here viewed as the most powerful way available to express the structure and
internal linkage of document components. XML will be used both on the client and
server side.
We will look at Universal Access for the following types of educational pages
which show increasing sophistication in terms of authoring tools and hence internal W3C
DOM structure.
1) Plain HTML Pages
2) PowerPoint exported to the web using Microsoft’s Internet Assistant and modest
restructuring (with an existing filter) to better define object components
3) PowerPoint accessed via COM components, which allows to properly define base
object model. Existing NPAC technologies allows one to export this to the web using
XML templates. This is an example of a modestly sophisticated object structure
defined in a clean way via XML rather than the heuristic choices that need to made in
interpreting the HTML tags in the first two cases.
4) We can embroider the object structure in page types 1) through 3) in various ways,
such as through the addition of glossaries, notes and quizzes in fashions popularized
by tools like WebCT. If the results of the first studies suggest it would be valuable,
we will consider the effect of such additional components which can be added using
dynamic HTML (DHTML) so that they appear indeed as direct extensions of the
DEO Component_DOM rather than as additional windows.
5) In the last phase of this thrust, we will look at educational material produced with
high end authoring tools. Macromedia Authorware is quite popular and typical of the
systems we have in mind. The state of the art will probably change over the next two
years but we expect there to several good systems capable of authoring the rich
dynamic pages with essential multimedia flavor that are characteristic of Macromedia
pages. One can also expect embedded interactive Java applets to be of growing
importance. We intend to take state of the art pages of this type and explore the
ramifications of this richer DOM for universal access.
We emphasize that the basic linkage of TangoInteractive to pages of this type will
be available through work funded at NPAC by other sources. Thus this proposal focuses
on studying the UA issues for these different document object structures.
TangoInteractive is particularly well suited for this study as it has a native JavaScript
interface, which can access the full W3C DOM structure. For instance, we can identify
the images contained in a document and so manage the rendering of these in the modality
required by the user. TangoInteractive also captures all events in a page and so precisely
shares all form input and output. Again this control of form fields and buttons, allows it
manage alternative cross disability text and button input or output display devices on the
different clients sharing the form. We can illustrate the difference between page types 2)
and 3) above. In case 2), one must use a heuristic to distinguish the image which
corresponds to the PowerPoint slide web export from those images which are buttons
defining “home”, “next”, “previous” etc. In case 3), the XML structure defines exactly
which image is which as XML defines the document structure. It also allows one to
associate with image multi-resolution and sonified versions.
So what’s wrong with this approach? Well many things no doubt but here we note
a critical flaw in the current W3C DOM that it does indeed define reasonably the
individual page components. However their relationship requires an understanding of the
page layout and the dynamic structure of any DHTML which must be either done
heuristically of by an approach such as 3) above which essentially captures the COM
structure in XML. In general, good universal access requires both a definition of the
individual components and their relationship (such as order of presentation) as well a
clear definition of alternative forms needed in universal access. In our second technical
thrust, we will investigate a new approach to document object models, which is designed
to support both an easier definition of the overall structure of the document and the
dynamic linkage of input-output devices to components. One approach that is attractive
today is to use Sun Microsystems JavaSpaces and Jini technologies but these are of
course only illustrative of appropriate technologies and better choices may become
available. We suppose that all the components for a given lecture or self-paced study
session form a JavaSpace together with all relevant devices. Note that we intend to use
classic hierarchical naming and access schemes for coarse-grained views of educational
objects such as those at the course and higher levels. However in any given session, it
seems more appropriate to support a richer structure both inside each document and for
the presentation material that one wishes to pick and choose between with an order that is
determined in real-time. Jini offers its leasing concept to support dynamic component
structure and applet download of interfaces to support dynamic device capabilities. In this
model, the agent in the above figure, is a matching service between the curricula and
device entries in the JavaSpace. As explained above, the agent will also effectively
generate the dynamic “index” supporting navigation between components.
Note that this architecture illustrates our Pragmatic Object Web with multiple
object models coexisting. Java provides the content and display device registration and
discovery. We expect to use XML to define the properties of the JavaSpace components
and of course HTML to define final layout. The base educational objects can perhaps be
served from a CORBA object broker and originate (as in PowerPoint) with a COM
We will build a prototype of such a rich object model linked to TangoInteractive.
This will be in last half of the project after we have further experience from using the
existing W3C DOM. We expect this JavaSpace based model to give considerable insight
to future designs of object models with richer navigation models, definition of document
components and their dynamic linkage as well as their interface to input-output devices.