Lotus Development Corporation

LotusXSL Version 0.17.4

The Lotus XSL Processor
An experimental implementation of the the XSLT World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Working Draft (24-April-1999).
XSLT provides a mechanism for formatting and transforming XML, either at the browser or on the server. It allows the developer to take the abstract data semantics of an XML instance and transform it into a presentation language such as HTML.
LotusXSL implements an XSL processor in Java, and can interface to APIs that conform to the October 1 Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 Specification. The processor can be used from the command line or from an wrapper applet, or it can be used as a submodule of other programs, and accessed via the API.
You can see a demo, download the zip file, read the Readme file for a detailed description, or look at the API Documentation. Also view the IBM AlphaWorks LotusXSL License Agreement.

  • Uses IBM's XML4J XML Parser 1.1.16 or 2.0.6.
  • Can interface to any Java DOM Tree producing processor.
  • Can output to SAX or DOM.
  • Includes applet and servlet wrappers.
  • Experimental uri() function in the expression language.
  • API for query engine.
  • Experimental drop-in extensions.
  • All Java.

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