Saleh Elmohamed Northeast Parallel Architectures Center 111 College Place CST Bldg, Rm 3-217 Syracuse University Syracuse, NY 13244-4100 E-mail: Telephones: (315) 443-1073 (office) (315) 422-8497 (home) (315) 443-1973 (Fax) Career Objective ---------------- Interested in opportunities in software architecture, visual processing, computational modeling and simulation on heterogeneous computing environments, distributed/shared-memory systems (hardware & software), algorithms and heuristics for data mining applications, and in designing Web-based scientific tools for distance learning. I'm also quite interested in object-oriented software analysis and development, developing heuristics for NP-complete problems, computational methods and pattern/speech recognition systems. Looking forward to join a group of highly motivated and intelligent researchers to work on some of these areas. Education --------- 1. PhD in Computer Science, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY (projected date: 2/1999). 2. Master of Science in Computer Science, Syracuse University (1995). 3. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Computer Science, Michigan (1982). Areas of Knowledge ------------------ 1. Parallel and Distributed/ Shared-Memory Computing and Programming Models. 2. Non-Euclidean Combinatorial Optimization (e.g. Scheduling, Routing). Heuristics and algorithms for tackling these type of problems. 3. Approximation Algorithms. 4. Building Web-based Programming Tools for Distance Learning/Education. 5. Scientific Computing using Java/MPI, C/MPI on Networks of Workstations and High Performance Computer Architectures. 6. Computational Science and Modeling. 7. Software Engineering (particularly, object-oriented software design and analysis). 8. Database Systems and Algorithms for Data Mining applications. 9. Java-based Technologies for Scientific and Engineering Applications, and Visual Learning Tools. Software/Hardware Systems and Languages --------------------------------------- 1. Programming Skills: proficient in C, Java, Lisp, Prolog, Ada, Fortran, C++, Modula-3, and (SQL, CGI/Perl). 2. OS knowledge and experience (High): Unix, Solaris, VMS, and IRIX. (Moderate): NT, ... 3. Hardware systems experience in: SUN UltraSparcs and Servers, HP Stations, SGI Origin 2000, IBM SP-2, Intel Paragon, Cray T3E/T3D, PCs, and Macs. Related Work and Experience --------------------------- *1. Researcher at the Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse, NY, (1995 till now). 1.1 Worked on High Performance Computing using MPI and Java/MPI on clusters of NT-based and Sun workstations. 1.2 Worked on designing a Virtual Programming Laboratory (VPL) for programming in Java, Java/MPI, C/MPI, on a network of workstations. Currently part of NPAC distance education efforts, using a cluster of Sun Servers. 1.3 Designed and successfully implemented scheduling and timetabling for Syracuse University using optimization-based methods such as Simulated Annealing, Mean Field Annealing and Rule-based approaches. Currently using Similar Algorithms for Data Mining Applications. 1.4 Worked and continue to work on Java Tools for Scientific and Engineering Applications such as Computational Fluid Dynamics, N-body simulations, and general Web-based computing for distance learning. 1.5 Fall 1996, 1997, and 1998 co-taught, with Geoffrey Fox, Computational Science for Simulation Applications and Parallel Computing. 1.6 Spring 1998, co-taught, also with Geoffrey Fox, and worked on Computational Methods for Distributed Information Systems. 1.7 Database Systems (current work mainly using Oracle8 on a network of SMPs). 1.8 Coupling message-passing with Java for distributed and parallel computing. *2. Systems and Software Engineer at the Petroleum and Minerals Exploration and Engineering Center (ExPeC), Aramco, July 84 - 1986 (full time), 86 - July 92 (part time). [London - Dubai - Houston - Dhahran] 2.1 Designed, modified and tested various network protocols for the center's mini- and workstations. Ported knowledge-based and database software tools between different environments. 2.2 Designed, implemented, and analyzed the efficiency of various process control algorithms. 2.3 Designed various process control software tools and worked in their portabilities between different computing systems. 2.4 Designed and implemented graph-based software tools for data analysis. *3. Network and Communications Lab Assistant at the Oregon State University, Sept 1983 - June 1984. 3.1 Worked on design and implementation of scientific and Applied Math software tools on the HP-9836 workstations. 3.2 Worked on fault-tolerant communication protocols. 3.3 Maintained the lab's communication network. Languages and Communication Skills ---------------------------------- Have an excellent command of the English language as well as knows some French. Publication ----------- 1. S. Elmohamed and T. Minoura, Design and implementation of communication protocols between HP-9836 workstations and Vax-750s, CS research report and Applied Math report MAT-AM-84/22, Oregon State Univ. 1984. 2. S. Elmohamed, Software porting between VAX and HP-9836 workstations, CS Dept. Research memo, Oregon State Univ. 1984. 3. S. Elmohamed, R. Guenther, and J. Davis, Modeling and Simulation of An Ecosystem: a small case of pollution and its effects on human population growth, and vice verse}, Applied Math & Forestry report 121, Oregon State Univ. 1984. 4. S. Elmohamed, Some issues of reducibility and equivalence in feedforward neural networks, NPAC TR 94-60, Syracuse University, 1995. (submitted for publication) 5. S. Elmohamed, G. Fox, P. Coddington, Optimization Networks and Annealing for scheduling on a cluster of workstations, NPAC Tech Report, Syracuse University, 1997. (To appear in Journal of Physics C) 6. S. Elmohamed, G. Fox, M. McMahon, Web-based CFD Educational Example: Parallel Implementations and Analysis, NPAC Tech Report, Syracuse University, 1997. (To appear in Journal of Physics C) MPI/Java demos of this software were given at Supercomputing 1997 in San Jose and Supercomputing 1998 in Orlando, by our colleague Bryan Carpenter. 7. S. Elmohamed, G. C. Fox, P. Coddington, A Comparison of Annealing Techniques for Academic Course Scheduling, in Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling II, Edmund Burke & Michael Carter (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 1408, 1998. References ---------- 1. Professor Geoffrey C. Fox, Director, NPAC, 111 college place, CST Bldg, Rm 3-217, Syracuse, NY 13244-4100. phone: 315-443-2163 email: 2. Dr. Paul D. Coddington, Department of Computer Science, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia. email: 3. Professor Ernest Sibert, Engineering and Computer Science, 111 College Place, CST Bldg, Rm 2-120, Syracuse, NY 13244. phone: 315-443-3110 email: 4. Dr. Bryan Carpenter, Senior Research Scientist, NPAC, 111 College Place, CST Bldg, Rm 3-217, Syracuse, NY 13244-4100. phone: 315-443-5068 email: 5. Professor Nancy McCracken, Engineering and Computer Science, Syracuse University, 111 College Place, CST Bldg, Syracuse, NY 13244. phone: 315-443-4687 email: Homepage --------