Curriculum Vita of Geoffrey Charles Fox

Syracuse University
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
111 College Place
Room 3-201 CST
Syracuse, NY 13244-4100
(315) 443-1723

Birth: June 7, 1944, in Dunfermline, Scotland

B.A. in Mathematics from Cambridge University, Cambridge, England (1961-64).

Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from Cambridge University, (1964-67).

M.A. from Cambridge University (1968).

Research Experience
Director, Northeast Parallel Architectures Center (August, 1990-present)
Professor of Computer Science (August, 1990-present)
Professor of Physics (August, 1990-present)
Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York 13244 (1990-present)
Associate Provost for Computing (January, 1986-December, 1988)
Dean for Educational Computing (September, 1983-December 1985)
Professor of Physics (July, 1971-July, 1990)
Executive Officer of Physics (September, 1981-September, 1983)
Millikan Research Fellow in Theoretical Physics (September 1970-June, 1971)
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 (1970-1990)
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York (1970) and Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois (1970), visiting scientist.
Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, England (1969-1970). Research Fellow
at Peterhouse College
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720 (1968-69). Research Scientist
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey 08540, (1967-68).
Member of School of Natural Sciences.


  1. Fox, G. C. and Holmes, K. C. ``An Alternative Method of Solving the Layer Scaling Equations of Hamilton, Rollett, and Sparks,'' Acta Cryst. 20, 886 (1966).

  2. Fox, G. C. and Leader, E. ``Factorization of Helicity Amplitudes at High Energies,'' Phys. Rev. Lett., 18, 628 (1967).

  3. Fox, G. C. ``Methods for Constructing Invariant Amplitudes Free from Kinematic Singularities and Zeros,'' Phys. Rev., 157, 1493 (1967).

  4. Fox, G. C. ``Characteristic Features of the Scattering of Elementary Particles Arising from Their Spin and Electromagnetic Interaction,'' (unpublished), Ph.D. Dissertation, Cambridge, England (1967).

  5. Fox, G. C. and Sertorio, L. ``Regge Secondary Trajectories,'' Phys. Rev., 176, 1739 (1968).

  6. Fox, G. C. and Freedman, D. Z. ``Compton Scattering Sum Rules and Their Saturation,'' Phys. Rev., 182, 1628 (1969).

  7. Fox, G. C., Goldhaber, A. S. and Quigg, C. ``Theory of Interference in Production,'' Phys. Lett., 30B, 249 (1969).

  8. Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``Pion-Nucleon and Kaon-Nucleon Scattering in the Veneziano Model,'' Phys. Rev., 188, 2120 (1969).

  9. Fox, G. C. ``Skeletons in the Regge Cupboard,'' Proceedings of the Stony Brook Conference on High Energy Physics, 1969 (Gordon & Breach, Science Publishers, Inc., New York, New York (1970).

  10. Fox, G. C. and Quigg, C., ``Compilation of Elastic Scattering Data,'' UCRL-20001, January 1970. Interim report from the Particle Data Group, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Berkeley, California.

  11. Fox, G. C., ``A Veneziano Model without Parity Doubling for Production Processes,'' preprint, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, England, February, 1970.

  12. Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``Decisive Tests of High Energy Models,'' Phys. Rev. Lett., 25, 1783 (1970).

  13. Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``Comparative Evaluation of Theories of Backward Scattering,'' Nuclear Physics, B26, 1 (1971).

  14. Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``Phenomenology of Backward Photoproduction,'' Nuclear Physics, B30, 1 (1971).

  15. Fox, G. C., Engelmann, R., Musgrave, B., Schweingruber, F., Yuta, H., Forman, B., Gelfand, N. and Schultz, H., ``The Charge Exchange Production Mechanism for K*(890),'' Phys. Rev., D4, 2647 (1971).

  16. Fox, G. C., ``The Importance of Being an Amplitude,'' in Phenomenology in Particle Physics 1971, edited by C. B. Chiu, G. C. Fox and A. J. G. Hey (Caltech, 1971).

  17. Fox, G. C., ``-exchange,'' in Planning for the Future, ANL/HEP-7208, p. 545, Proceedings of Summer Workshop (1971).

  18. Fox, G. C., ``Experiments with Polarized Targets,'' in Planning for the Future, ANL-HEP-7208, p. 1072, Proceedings of Summer Workshop (1971).

  19. Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``High Energy Physics with Polarized Proton Beams,'' in 2nd International Conference on Polarized Targets, proceedings edited by G. Shapiro (Berkeley 1971).

  20. Fox, G. C., ``Past Lessons and Future Dreams from Polarization Data in High Energy Physics,'' 2nd International Conference on Polarized Targets, proceedings edited by G. Shapiro (Berkeley 1971).

  21. Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``Line-Reversal-Symmetry Breaking and Interference Effects Between Resonances on a Dalitz Plot,'' Physics Letters, 36B, 389 (1971).

  22. Fox, G. C., ``Peripheral Production of Resonances,'' in 3rd International Conference on Experimental Meson Spectroscopy, edited by K. W. Lai and A. H. Rosenfeld (AIP 1972).

  23. Fox, G. C. and Pilcher, J. E., ``High Energy Collisions I and II: Summary of Parallel Sessions,'' in Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, edited by J. D. Jackson and A. Roberts (NAL 1972).

  24. Fox, G. C. and Griss, M. L., ``A Criticism of the Accelerated-Convergence-Expansion Partial-Wave Analysis of Elastic Scattering,'' Phys. Rev., D7, 74 (1973).

  25. Fox, G. C. and Hey, A. J. G., ``Non-diffractive Production of Meson Resonances,'' Nuclear Physics, B56, 386 (1973).

  26. Fox, G. C., Berger, E. L. and Kryzwicki, A., ``Quantitative Measure of Cluster Formation in Multiparticle Production,'' Physics Letters, 43B, 132 (1973).

  27. Fox, G. C., Johnson, D., Cho, Y., Derrick, M., Musgrave, B., Wangler, T., Ammar, R., Davis, R., Kropac, W., and Yarger, H., ``Reactions and \at 5.5 GeV/c,'' Phys. Rev., D7, 2537 (1973).

  28. Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``Multiplicity Distributions and Inclusive Spectra in a Multiperipheral Cluster Emission Model,'' Physics Letters, 47B, 162 (1973).

  29. Fox, G. C. and Quigg, C., ``Production Mechanisms of Two-to-Two Scattering Processes at Intermediate Energies,'' Annual Review of Nuclear Science, Vol. 23 (1973).

  30. Fox, G. C., ``Inclusive Structure of Diffractive Scattering,'' in High Energy Collisions---1973, Stony Brook Conference Proceedings, edited by C. Quigg, (AIP 1973).

  31. Fox, G. C., ``Polarization Effects for Diffractive Processes in the Deck Model,'' Phys. Rev., D11, 3196 (1974).

  32. Fox, G. C. and Griss, M. L., ``Study of the Scattering Amplitude I: Threshold to 1 GeV Region,'' Nuclear Physics, B80, 403 (1974).

  33. Fox, G. C. and Field, R. D., ``Triple Regge and Finite Mass Sum Rule Analysis of Inclusive Proton Production in pp Scattering from 10 GeV to ISR Energies,'' Nuclear Physics, B80, 367 (1974).

  34. Fox, G. C., ``A Spin for Everybody,'' Caltech preprint CALT-68-461, invited talk for the Workshop on Polarization, Brookhaven National Laboratory (1974)---published in BNL 20415 (Proceedings of Workshop).

  35. Fox, G. C., Field, R. D., and Tollestrup, A. V., ``Estimates of the Peripheral Production of the Charmed Eta,'' preprint CALT-68-491 unpublished (1975).

  36. Fox, G. C. and Stevens, P. R., (Particle Data Group and High Energy Physics Laboratory representatives), ``Compilation of Current High Energy Physics Experiments,'' LBL-91 (1976).

  37. Fox, G. C., ``Phenomenology of High Scattering,'' invited talk at APS meeting at Brookhaven, October 1976. Published in ``Particles and Fields---1976,'' edited by H. Gordon and R. F. Peierls (BNL report 50598).

  38. Fox, G. C., (with experimental groups at Caltech, UCLA, Chicago Circle, Fermilab and Indiana University), ``Observation of the Production of Jets of Particles at High Transverse Momentum and Comparison with Single Particle Reactions,'' Phys. Rev. Letters, 38, 1447 (1977).

  39. Fox, G. C., Feynman, R. P., and Field, R. D., ``Correlations Among Particles and Jets with Large Transverse Momenta,'' Nuclear Physics, B128, 1 (1977).

  40. Fox. G. C., ``Phenomenology of Asymptotically Free Theories in Deep Inelastic Scattering, I: Electron and Muon Scattering,'' Nuclear Physics, B131, 107 (1977).

  41. Fox, G. C., ``Phenomenology of Asymptotically Free Theories in Deep Inelastic Scattering, II: Neutrino Scattering,'' Nuclear Physics, B134, 269 (1978).

  42. Fox, G. C., (with experimental groups at Caltech, UCLA, Chicago Circle, Fermilab and Indiana University), ``Production of Jets and Single Particles at High in 200 GeV Hadron Beryllium Collisions,'' Nuclear Physics, B134, 189 (1978).