Curriculum Vita of Geoffrey Charles Fox
Syracuse University
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
111 College Place
Room 3-201 CST
Syracuse, NY 13244-4100
(315) 443-1723
Birth: June 7, 1944, in Dunfermline, Scotland
B.A. in Mathematics from Cambridge University, Cambridge, England
Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from Cambridge University, (1964-67).
M.A. from Cambridge University (1968).
- Research Experience
- Director, Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
(August, 1990-present)
- Professor of Computer Science (August, 1990-present)
- Professor of Physics (August, 1990-present)
- Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York 13244 (1990-present)
- Associate Provost for Computing (January, 1986-December, 1988)
- Dean for Educational Computing (September, 1983-December 1985)
- Professor of Physics (July, 1971-July, 1990)
- Executive Officer of Physics (September, 1981-September, 1983)
- Millikan Research Fellow in Theoretical Physics (September
1970-June, 1971)
- California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125
- Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York (1970) and
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois (1970), visiting
- Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, England (1969-1970). Research
at Peterhouse College
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720
(1968-69). Research Scientist
- Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey 08540,
Member of School of Natural Sciences.
- Fox, G. C. and Holmes, K. C. ``An Alternative Method of
Solving the Layer Scaling Equations of Hamilton, Rollett, and
Sparks,'' Acta Cryst. 20, 886 (1966).
- Fox, G. C. and Leader, E. ``Factorization of Helicity
Amplitudes at High Energies,'' Phys. Rev. Lett., 18, 628
- Fox, G. C. ``Methods for Constructing Invariant Amplitudes
Free from Kinematic Singularities and Zeros,'' Phys. Rev.,
157, 1493 (1967).
- Fox, G. C. ``Characteristic Features of the Scattering of
Elementary Particles Arising from Their Spin and Electromagnetic
Interaction,'' (unpublished), Ph.D. Dissertation, Cambridge, England
- Fox, G. C. and Sertorio, L. ``Regge Secondary Trajectories,''
Phys. Rev., 176, 1739 (1968).
- Fox, G. C. and Freedman, D. Z. ``Compton Scattering Sum
Rules and Their Saturation,'' Phys. Rev., 182, 1628
- Fox, G. C., Goldhaber, A. S. and Quigg, C. ``Theory of Interference in Production,'' Phys.
Lett., 30B, 249 (1969).
- Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``Pion-Nucleon and Kaon-Nucleon
Scattering in the Veneziano Model,'' Phys. Rev., 188, 2120
- Fox, G. C. ``Skeletons in the Regge Cupboard,''
Proceedings of the Stony Brook Conference on High Energy Physics, 1969
(Gordon & Breach, Science Publishers, Inc., New York, New York
- Fox, G. C. and Quigg, C., ``Compilation of Elastic
Scattering Data,'' UCRL-20001, January 1970. Interim report from the
Particle Data Group, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Berkeley,
- Fox, G. C., ``A Veneziano Model without Parity Doubling for
Production Processes,'' preprint, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge,
England, February, 1970.
- Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``Decisive Tests of High
Energy Models,'' Phys. Rev. Lett., 25, 1783 (1970).
- Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``Comparative Evaluation of
Theories of Backward Scattering,'' Nuclear Physics,
B26, 1 (1971).
- Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``Phenomenology of Backward
Photoproduction,'' Nuclear Physics, B30, 1 (1971).
- Fox, G. C., Engelmann, R., Musgrave, B., Schweingruber, F.,
Yuta, H., Forman, B., Gelfand, N. and Schultz, H., ``The Charge
Exchange Production Mechanism for K*(890),'' Phys. Rev.,
D4, 2647 (1971).
- Fox, G. C., ``The Importance of Being an Amplitude,'' in
Phenomenology in Particle Physics 1971, edited by C. B. Chiu, G. C.
Fox and A. J. G. Hey (Caltech, 1971).
- Fox, G. C., ``-exchange,'' in Planning for the Future,
ANL/HEP-7208, p. 545, Proceedings of Summer Workshop (1971).
- Fox, G. C., ``Experiments with Polarized Targets,'' in
Planning for the Future, ANL-HEP-7208, p. 1072, Proceedings of
Summer Workshop (1971).
- Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``High Energy Physics with
Polarized Proton Beams,'' in 2nd International Conference on
Polarized Targets, proceedings edited by G. Shapiro (Berkeley 1971).
- Fox, G. C., ``Past Lessons and Future Dreams from
Polarization Data in High Energy Physics,'' 2nd International
Conference on Polarized Targets, proceedings edited by G. Shapiro
(Berkeley 1971).
- Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``Line-Reversal-Symmetry
Breaking and Interference Effects Between Resonances on a Dalitz
Plot,'' Physics Letters, 36B, 389 (1971).
- Fox, G. C., ``Peripheral Production of Resonances,'' in
3rd International Conference on Experimental Meson Spectroscopy,
edited by K. W. Lai and A. H. Rosenfeld (AIP 1972).
- Fox, G. C. and Pilcher, J. E., ``High Energy Collisions I
and II: Summary of Parallel Sessions,'' in Proceedings of the XVI
International Conference on High Energy Physics, edited by J. D.
Jackson and A. Roberts (NAL 1972).
- Fox, G. C. and Griss, M. L., ``A Criticism of the
Accelerated-Convergence-Expansion Partial-Wave Analysis of
Elastic Scattering,'' Phys. Rev., D7, 74 (1973).
- Fox, G. C. and Hey, A. J. G., ``Non-diffractive Production
of Meson Resonances,'' Nuclear Physics, B56, 386 (1973).
- Fox, G. C., Berger, E. L. and Kryzwicki, A., ``Quantitative
Measure of Cluster Formation in Multiparticle Production,'' Physics
Letters, 43B, 132 (1973).
- Fox, G. C., Johnson, D., Cho, Y., Derrick, M., Musgrave, B.,
Wangler, T., Ammar, R., Davis, R., Kropac, W., and Yarger, H.,
``Reactions and \at 5.5 GeV/c,'' Phys. Rev., D7, 2537
- Fox, G. C. and Berger, E. L., ``Multiplicity Distributions
and Inclusive Spectra in a Multiperipheral Cluster Emission Model,''
Physics Letters, 47B, 162 (1973).
- Fox, G. C. and Quigg, C., ``Production Mechanisms of
Two-to-Two Scattering Processes at Intermediate Energies,'' Annual
Review of Nuclear Science, Vol. 23 (1973).
- Fox, G. C., ``Inclusive Structure of Diffractive
Scattering,'' in High Energy Collisions---1973, Stony Brook
Conference Proceedings, edited by C. Quigg, (AIP 1973).
- Fox, G. C., ``Polarization Effects for Diffractive
Processes in the Deck Model,'' Phys. Rev., D11, 3196 (1974).
- Fox, G. C. and Griss, M. L., ``Study of the
Scattering Amplitude I: Threshold to 1 GeV Region,'' Nuclear
Physics, B80, 403 (1974).
- Fox, G. C. and Field, R. D., ``Triple Regge and Finite Mass
Sum Rule Analysis of Inclusive Proton Production in pp Scattering from
10 GeV to ISR Energies,'' Nuclear Physics, B80, 367 (1974).
- Fox, G. C., ``A Spin for Everybody,'' Caltech preprint
CALT-68-461, invited talk for the Workshop on Polarization,
Brookhaven National Laboratory (1974)---published in BNL 20415
(Proceedings of Workshop).
- Fox, G. C., Field, R. D., and Tollestrup, A. V.,
``Estimates of the Peripheral Production of the Charmed Eta,''
preprint CALT-68-491 unpublished (1975).
- Fox, G. C. and Stevens, P. R., (Particle Data Group and
High Energy Physics Laboratory representatives), ``Compilation of
Current High Energy Physics Experiments,'' LBL-91 (1976).
- Fox, G. C., ``Phenomenology of High Scattering,''
invited talk at APS meeting at Brookhaven, October 1976. Published in
``Particles and Fields---1976,'' edited by H. Gordon and R. F. Peierls
(BNL report 50598).
- Fox, G. C., (with experimental groups at Caltech, UCLA,
Chicago Circle, Fermilab and Indiana University), ``Observation of
the Production of Jets of Particles at High Transverse Momentum and
Comparison with Single Particle Reactions,'' Phys. Rev. Letters,
38, 1447 (1977).
- Fox, G. C., Feynman, R. P., and Field, R. D., ``Correlations
Among Particles and Jets with Large Transverse Momenta,'' Nuclear
Physics, B128, 1 (1977).
- Fox. G. C., ``Phenomenology of Asymptotically Free Theories
in Deep Inelastic Scattering, I: Electron and Muon Scattering,''
Nuclear Physics, B131, 107 (1977).
- Fox, G. C., ``Phenomenology of Asymptotically Free Theories
in Deep Inelastic Scattering, II: Neutrino Scattering,'' Nuclear
Physics, B134, 269 (1978).
- Fox, G. C., (with experimental groups at Caltech, UCLA,
Chicago Circle, Fermilab and Indiana University), ``Production of Jets
and Single Particles at High in 200 GeV Hadron Beryllium
Collisions,'' Nuclear Physics, B134, 189 (1978).