[ The following is notes on the NHSE and how it would provide a support mechanism for the CTA teams. More words on this can be found from Kennedy's text. ] The National HPCC Software Exchange (NHSE) is a project of the Center for Research on Parallel Computation (CRPC) to build a repository of software for and information about HPCC systems. As well as containing a catalog of free software which is directly downloadable, it also contains an embryo guide to commercial software packages for HPCC systems. A ``roadmap'' guide is also under construction to assist both newcomers and experienced HPCC professions to navigate the information and choose the most suitable software package for their needs. The NHSE material is built using World Wide Web technology and is physically distributed amongst several CRPC sites. Search engines allow the remote user to perform keyword seaches and the roadmap provides a hypertextual dictionary level access to HPCC terminology and software packages. Various surveys and databases are provided such as for HPCC hardware platforms and for HPCC conferences and meetings. We envisage that the NHSE mechanism can be used as a prototype for MSRC users. Each CTA could have its own customised access point to the exsiting NHSE material, as well as special purpose collections of material that can be put in place especially for CTA users. This new material might be collected by the proposed CTA support teams and coordinated by the CTA lead sites either on their own WWW servers or using MSRC servers as required. The CTA team staff put in place at MSRC sites will be familiar with the material in each CTA WWW server and will also be able to pass on requirements to the maintainers as well as collecting other feedback from the MSRC users. We can employ all the experiences and expertise from building the NHSE to provide customised WWW facilities for each CTA. Not only can we build the prototypes for these CTA access points, but we can transfer the technology required to build and maintain these to the MSRC sites themselves, so they can uptake this technology for their own long term use. In addition we can provide early access to many of the WWW-based software tools and systems that we are developing, and can allow MSRC users the opportunity to provide feedback into how these tools should be devloped to best support MSRC. -------------- [ The NHSE mechanism could be adapted as a technological support activity for the CTA teams. We should empasise that we (CRPC at least) uses all this technology in its day to day operations and that we are not proposing some artificial technological white elephant here. We can transfer the technology itself as well as the means to actually use it to MSRC users. This section also links to the software catalog, as the NHSE is already such a catalog. We should emphasise that the CTA servers will build on existing work, and provide customised access to a national resource. The customised access will make MSRC users' searches better coordinated and faster. ]