1. Architecture of Scalable Libraries
    1. Michael Hearn Illinois
  2. Hearn Presentation -- Questions
    1. *Usability -- Must Hide Complexity
    2. *Software Development costs time ...
      1. -Immature Computing Environment
      2. -Moving Targets
      3. -Lack of standards
      4. -Complexity
    3. *Portability
      1. -No standard or dominant parallel architecture
      2. -Programming Investment not protected
  3. Hearn -- Answers to problems
      1. -more BLAS?
      2. -Object Oriented?
      3. -PSE's ?
  4. Grimes -- Background
    1. *Manages Mathematical software group in Boeing
    2. *Hired by Sinjovec while he was at Boeing
    3. *BCSLIB is Boeing's IMSL
    4. *Supports sparse matrix library at Boeing
  5. Grimes -- Why is Library/PSE succesful
    1. *Solves a problem that somebody wants
    2. *Useful Interfaces
    3. *Transportable -- must run on 10 platforms from mainframe to many types of WS/PC's
    4. *Affordable sustaining costs
    5. *Can be extended/modified easily
    6. *efficient
    7. *solves as big a problem as possible
  6. Sinjovec
    1. *Scalable libraries are building blocks
    2. *Multimedia Interface
    3. *Geographically distributed
    4. *Likes WWW and suggests need software tools to exploit
    5. *Paradigm shift from homogeneous MPP to metacomputing
    6. *PSE is everything available on network
  7. Sinjovec
  8. Object-Oriented Approach
    1. *Abstract Data types(ADT)
      1. -ADA Modula2 find programs easier to write/re-use
    2. *Interfaces are independent of implementation whereas
      1. -subroutine libraries require user to understand data structures and algorithms
    3. *Parallel Programming
      1. -encapsulate parallelism in coarse grain objects
  9. Sinjovec Briefing I
    1. *Has example of ADA to Fortran linking where needed to use packages to hide Fortran data structures
    2. *Standards for parallel objects are needed
      1. -HPF has started this
    3. *Tools that enhance re-use such as CORBA/OLE are needded but these are sequential
  10. Sinjovec Briefing II
    1. *Interested in secure repositories -- don't keep bringing software over net
      1. -compute servers
    2. *Is an ADA fan
    3. *Has a set of language object oriented features
    4. *need heirarchy of object-oriented abstractions -- ADT's
  11. Skjellum Briefing
    1. *Skjellum agrees with Sinjovec
      1. -Software engineering should be studied and used
    2. *Standard components are not used now!
    3. *Inheritance is a limited value
    4. *hierarchies produce inefficiences as a lot of copying
  12. Questions from the Audience--I
    1. *Hearn -- can one achieve these wonderful software engineering goals?
    2. *Abstraction can lead to higher performance (as allows optimal implementation) or lower performance if too much copying
    3. *Must make libraries allow any decomposition
    4. *Can one cope with changing decompositions between library components
    5. *Don't answer question if realistic to implement!
  13. Questions from the Audience - II
    1. *PBLAS attacked as incomplete by Johnsson and Skjellum
      1. -Need multiple simultaneous problems
      2. -separate operations and data/data layout
    2. *Smith has an approach that seems inconsistent with HPF and does not accept people with a different approach.
    3. *Grimes and Smith use C plus MPI as only transportable solution
  14. Questions from the Audience -III
    1. *Skjellum does not believe in HPF - says C++ will dominate
    2. *Demmel is concerned about portability of numbers between different platforms
      1. -algorithms need to be robust in this area!
      2. -Hearn notes that no two computers agree on the time
    3. *Rice notes no correctness proof is realistic in any real problem