Paper_Number: 129 Paper_Title: Evaluation of Scheduling Structures Paper_Authors: Volker Hamscher and Uwe Schwiegelshohn and Achim Streit and Ramin Yahyapour Paper_Keywords: parallel job scheduling metacomputing distributed Paper_Abstract: In this paper, we discuss typical scheduling structures that occur in metasystems or computational grids. Scheduling algorithms and strategies applicable to these structures are introduced and classified. To compare those different approaches simulations haven been executed for different workload and machine configurations. We point out some of the results for the performance of the schedulers in the presented metasystem structures. Paper_Comments: alternative topic number 3 _______________________________________________________ Paper_Number: 135 Paper_Title: An Architectural Meta-Application Model for Coarse Grained Metacomputing Paper_Authors: Stephan Kindermann and Torsten Fink Paper_Keywords: programming model, metacomputing, formal languages, architecture description language,model checking Paper_Abstract: The emerging infrastructures supporting transparent use of heterogeneous distributed resources enable the design of a new class of applications. These meta-applications are composed of distributed software components. In this paper we describe a new model for component based meta-application design based on a formal architectural description of the gross organization of an application. This structural description is enriched by a formal process algebraic characterization of component behavior. Using this behavioral model we can formally check meta-applications in an early development phase. We present simple architectural styles developed to support data-flow and control-flow driven meta-application design on top of the Amica metacomputing infrastructure. Paper_Comments: alternative topic number: 9 _______________________________________________________ Paper_Number: 148 Paper_Title: Reduced to the MAX - A Simplified Resource-Management System for large Workstation-Pools Paper_Authors: Achim Streit Paper_Keywords: resource-management, concept, scheduling, workstation-pool Paper_Abstract: In this paper, we present a concept for a lean resource-management system used in heterogeneous pools of workstations. A reduced infrastructure in combination with improved scheduling concepts leads to an easy-to-use, highly-available, fast and effective system. This is achieved by using a simplified architecture and new scheduling algorithms, mapping the monitored information-data to mathematical functions and merging existing technologies in one product. Paper_Comments: _______________________________________________________ Paper_Number: 244 Paper_Title: Javelin 2.0: Java-Based Parallel Computing on the Internet Paper_Authors: Michael O. Neary and Alan Phipps and Steven Richman and Peter Cappello Paper_Keywords: Internet computing, scalability, fault tolerance, branch-and-bound, Java Paper_Abstract: Javelin is a Java-based infrastructure for parallel Internet computing. This paper presents Javelin 2.0, focusing on the enhancements that distinguish it from prior versions of Javelin. With regard to architecture, the paper presents enhancements that facilitate aggregating larger sets of host processors. The paper then presents: a branch-and-bound computational model, the supporting Javelin 2.0 architecture, a scalable task scheduler using distributed work-stealing, a distributed eager scheduler, implementing fault tolerance, and the results of performance experiments. Taken as a whole, Javelin 2.0 frees application developers from concerns about complex interprocessor communication and fault tolerance among Internetworked hosts. When all or part of their application can be cast as a piecework or a branch-and-bound computation, Javelin 2.0 allows developers to focus on the underlying application without sacrificing performance. Paper_Comments: _______________________________________________________ Paper_Number: 299 Paper_Title: Request Sequencing: Optimizing Communication for the Grid Paper_Authors: Dorian Arnold and Dieter Bachmann and Jack Dongarra Paper_Keywords: metacomputing, distributed heterogeneous computing, scheduling, request sequencing, NetSolve Paper_Abstract: As we research to make the use of Computational Grids seamless, the allocation of resources in these dynamic environments is proving to be very unwieldy. In this paper, we introduce, describe and evaluate a technique we call request sequencing. Request sequencing groups together requests for Grid services to exploit some common characteristics of these requests and minimize network traffic. The purpose of this work is to develop and validate this approach. We show how request sequencing can affect scheduling policies and enable more expedient resource allocation methods. Paper_Comments: _______________________________________________________ Paper_Number: 306 Paper_Title: Data distribution for Parallel CORBA Objects Paper_Authors: Tsunehiko Kamachi and Thierry Priol and Christophe René Paper_Keywords: Metacomputing, Grid, CORBA, PSE Paper_Abstract: The design of application for Computational Grids relies partly on communication paradigms. In most of the Grid experiments, message-passing has been the main paradigm either to let several processes from a single parallel application to exchange data or to allow several applications to communicate between each others. In this article, we advocate the use of a modern approach for programming a Grid. It is based on the use of distributed objects, namely parallel CORBA objects. We focus our attention on the handling of distributed data within parallel CORBA objects. We show some performance results that were obtained using a NEC Cenju-4 parallel machine connected to a PC cluster. Paper_Comments: resubmission of #290 _______________________________________________________