Searchable USENET Newsgroups & Mailing List Archives
- Very Large Database, Powered by Parallel Oracle7 Database
Servers on an MIMD Parallel Machine - IBM SP2.
- WWW Interfaces, Accessible from the Internet Around the
- Real-time Archives of Hundreds of USENET Newsgroups and
Mailing Lists.
- Integration of High-Performance Parallel Server, Parallel
Relational Database Technology and Web Systems - Parallel Web Servers and
Oracle Instances, Automatic Optimized Load Balancing of Concurrent Web
Client Access to the Shared Database.
- Multiple Search Interfaces: Frame-based, Form-based,
LIne-based and Calendar-based.
- Fact Data: 450 newsgroups & Mailing Lists, 3.2 million
messages, ~10 GB.
- URL:
AskNPAC Chat-Board
- Integrated Real-time Internet Chat and Bulltin Board.
- Web Browser as Chat Client Software
- Real-time Message Archiving and Search Capability.
- Support Multiple Chat/Bulletin Groups Simultaneously.
- Multiple Conversation Modes: Personal (One-to-One), Group
(Many-to-Many) and Moderated Auditoriums (One-to-Many).
- Email-Oriented Message Format.
- High-Performance Chat Server to Support Large Number
of Concurrent Users.
- URL: