Current Status and What accomplished since April: 1. A new Oracle development server installed . on a SUN Solaris machine . mostly for to RLCIV project as a development platform for . Oracle/Java development . full-text search systems with context server . several important software installed . Oracle 7.1.6 RDBMS server . Oracle TextServer . Oracle WebServer 2.0.1 . Java JDK 1.0 2. A multi-user, cartoon-style Java-based online Chat system developed, originally at EFP, to be continued under the RLCIV project . a multithreaded chat server in Java . chat client written in Java, accessible as Java applets from a Web browser . 3. Enhancement of the AskNPAC Chat-board system . rewritten some user interface with JavaScript to replace the refresh effect by the 'client pull' technique used in the previous implmentation . redesign of most chat client interface with better layout 4. Technology evaluation and comparison study . Integration of Java and Database technologies in WWW . approaches/systems under consideration . JDBC from JavaSoft . Weblogic . LiveWire from Netscape . Oracle WebServer 2.0 from Oracle . Migration from SQL*TextRetrieval to Oracle TextServer3