To: Subject: NPAC Database Support for the ADM-Code Group Hi, everyone: At the request of Tom, I have set up a facility which provides the following two resources for the ADM-Code group: 1. ADM-CODE Mailing and Newsgroups Archive This is an archive system in which any mail sent to the reflector will be stored there for your future reference/searching, in addition to the one goes to your own mailbox. Several USENET newsgroups and mailing lists related to parallel computing are archived together as a resource of related information. A Web-based search/navigation interface to this archive is built and implemented on a 4-node IBM SP2 where parallel Oracle 7 server backends the archive system. You can search in the archive with a set of search criteria: by keyword, sender, time. thread and others. The current archived list of newsgroups and mailing lists include: admcode (maining-list) (5) comp.parallel (972) comp.parallel.mpi (627) comp.parallel.pvm (998) Total archives: 4 Total Messages: 2602 2. A web-based chat board for real-time discussion interaction via the Internet. This is an interactive collaboration environment that allows you to communicate with others via an Internet and Web based chat board. This system is also built on the SP2 with parallel Oracle database servers. The URL of this facility is or Currently due to an unknown problem in the parallel Oracle software, you may occassionally find this facility unavailable during the down time of this server. Please let me know if any question/problem - --- Gang