Orace Web Server Advanced Configuration
Welcome to the Oracle Web Server Configure Extended Parameters form.

On this form are listed all of the parameters with which you can customize your Oracle Web Server. At the bottom of the page, you are presented with three buttons : Copy Server, Modify Server, Delete Server.

Selecting the Copy Server button requires that you first change the Port Number listed in the Network Parameters section on this page. The entire configuration from this page will be submitted as a new Oracle Web Server, leaving the existing Web Server intact.

Selecting the Modify Server button causes the configuration parameters from this page to rewrite the existing Web Server configuration.

Selecting the Delete Server button allows you to delete the configuration set-up for this Oracle Web Server.

Oracle Web Server Configuration Parameters

The configuration parameters of the Oracle Web Server are divided into nine categories:

Network Parameters

You must set a host name which is used as the name for your Oracle Web Server. This is typically either the actual machine name, or something like "www.hostname".

Please enter a value for the Host Name:

The Host Address is the Internet adress on which your Oracle Web Server is willing to accept connections. Specifying ANY indicates the Server accepts connections arriving on any of its available internet addresses.

Please enter a value for the Host Address:

Your Oracle Web Server must listen on one of the network ports for service requests. The range of available ports is from 0 to 65535, with the ports numbered less than 1024 requiring superuser privileges. For the Beta version of the Oracle Web Server, only ports greater than or equal to 1024 are available.

Please enter a value for the Port Number:

You may limit the number of simultaneous connections to your Oracle Web Server. After the maximum count is reached, the Web Server ignores any new requests. The highest this value can be set is 300.

Please enter a value for the Max Connect Count:

DNS Resolution indicates whether and when your Oracle Web Server will resolve hostnames using the Domain Name Service(DNS). You can have the server ALWAYS resolve the name, NEVER resolve the name, be LAZY and only resolve the name on demand, or if set to LAZY_WITH_CGI, resolve the name only on demand for CGI applications.

Please select the value for DNS Resolution:

The Server PID is a one-line file which contains the Oracle Web Server's current process identifier. This is useful for useful for stopping or sending a signal to your Web Server.

Please select the value for Server PID file:

Log File Parameters

The Oracle Web Server writes informative tracing and error message to the Log Info File and to the Log Error File respectively. They have default locations and names, but can be placed anywhere on your machine.

Please enter a value for the Log File Directory :

Please enter the value for the Info File Name:

Please enter the value for the Error File Name:

Server Parameters

The Initial File denotes the default file in a directory that the Oracle Web Server accessed when client requests do not specify a file name.

For example, if Initial File is set to index.html, then a request for http://myhost/mydir will return the file http://myhost/mydir/index.html.

Please enter a value for the Initial File:

The User Directory denotes the subdirectory within a user's home directory which the Oracle Web Server searches when requests of the form [hostname]/~username are submitted.

For example, if User Directory is set to public_html, then a request for http://myhost/~username/index.html will return the file http://myhost/~username/public_html/index.html

Please enter a value for the User Directory:

The User Directory Initial File is the file in a user's directory which is accesses when client requests do not specify a file name.

For example, if public_html is the User Directory specified above, and index.html is the User Directory Initial File, then a request for http://myhost/~username/ will cause the Web Server to return the file http://myhost/~username/public_html/index.html

Please enter a value for the User Directory Initial File:

The Default MIME Type is the MIME type that the Web Server will use if it does not support the MIME type specified in a URL's file name.

Please enter a value for the Default MIME Type:

The Default Character Set is the character set type that the server will use if it does not recongize the language requested in the URL's file extension.

(See the Language Extensions section below for more information).

Please enter a value for the Default Character Set:

The Preferred Language is the language that the Web Server "prefer" if given a file name extension with a choice of languages.

(See the Language Extensions section below for more information).

Please enter a value for the Preferred Language:

The Image Map parameter specifies the suffix that the Oracle Web Server uses to recognize image map files.

Please enter a value for the Image Map:

Secure Information Parameters

This parameter valid only for UNIX-based machines.

The User ID specifies the user (or user identification number) whose privileges the server will acquire when it is run. To acquire these privileges, the server executable must be owned by this user or by root with its "user sticky bit" set.

Please enter a value for the User ID:

This parameter valid only for UNIX-based machines.

The Group ID specifies the group (or group identification number) whose privileges the server will acquire when it is run. To acquire these privileges, the server executable must be owned by this group or by root with its "group sticky bit" set.

Please enter a value for the Group ID:

Directory Mappings

The Directory Mappings specify the translation of directories from the file system into the server's virtual file system. Each line contains one mapping as well as a flag indicating whether directory contains CGI or other scripts (C), whether subdirectories should be mapped recursively (R), or whether the subdirectories should not be mapped recursively (N).

The ordering of the directory mappings is important. The parameters in this section must be ordered such that the parent virtual directories are listed before subsequent virtual subdirectories. Hence, the first directory mapping in this section must reference the virtual root directory (or "/").

File-System Directory         R/N/C    Virtual Directory


File Cache Definitions

The FileCache section lists files that will be kept open for the life of the running server. Files can be specified exactly, specified by using the wildcard, '*', or by specifying an entire directory.

Please remember to specify virtual filenames and directories, not actual ones.

Virtual File/Directory

Language Extensions

The Language Extensions specify the file name extensions which the server will recognize and which languages and character sets those extensions map to. One or more file extensions can be specified for each language type and character set.

Three technical notes about the values below:

  1. Extensions are case-sensitive.
  2. Language identifiers are described in RFC 1766.
  3. Character sets are described in RFC 1521.

Language Type  Character Set          File Extension(s)


MIME Types

The Mime Types (Multimedia Internet Mail Extension) section allows you to specify the mapping of MIME types to corresponding file name extensions. Extensions are case-sensitive.

Mime Type              File Extension(s)


Encoding Extensions

The Encoding Extensions specify the encoding types known to the Web Server and the corresponding file name extensions. Extensions are case sensitive.

Encoding		File Extension(s)



There are four different forms of security, which the Oracle Web Server provides. They are:

After providing information on the privileged users by selecting one of the security methods above, you must specify which files are covered by which method by selecting the

Select this Help link for complete documentation of the Oracle Web Server security.


User Name               Password


Group Name              User(s)


Realms                  Group(s)



User Name               Password


Group Name              User(s)


Realm                   Group(s)



IP Group               	IP Address(es)



Domain Group            Domain Name(s)


Protection Section

Files                   Basic/Digest Realm                   &/|   IP/Domain     Group


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