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java.lang.Object | +----gjt.ImageButtonController
ImageButtonControllers must be constructed with an ImageButton; the ImageButton's controller gets set by ImageButtonController's constructor.
The ImageButton passed into the constructor must not be null; this is enforced by an assertion.
Methods defined in the MouseController interface are left for subclasses to implement. ImageButtonController defines mouseMove(), mouseEnter() and mouseExit() as no-ops, so that extensions of ImageButtonController only have to implement mouseDown(), mouseUp() and mouseDrag(). Note that extensions are still free to override mouseMove(), mouseEnter() and mouseExit() if desired.
Subclasses should also call the protected XXXButton(Event) methods below, where XXX is either arm, disarm, activate, or deactivate as appropriate. SpringyImageButtonController is a good example of this (so is StickyImageButtonController, but it is more complicated than it's springy sibling).
public ImageButton getButton()
public boolean mouseEnter(Event event, int x, int y)
public boolean mouseExit(Event event, int x, int y)
public boolean mouseMove(Event event, int x, int y)
protected void armButton(Event event)
protected void disarmButton(Event event)
protected void activateButton(Event event)
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