Class gjt.test.TwoDrinkersAnimationTest
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Class gjt.test.TwoDrinkersAnimationTest


public class TwoDrinkersAnimationTest
extends UnitTest
An animation playfield containing two "java drinkers", that both bounce off the sides of the playfield.

One of the java drinkers moves slow and spins fast, while the other java drinker moves fast and spins slow. When the two java drinkers collide, they both play a bump sequence - at different speeds.

See Also:
AnimationTest, Playfield, Sprite

Constructor Index

 o TwoDrinkersAnimationTest()

Method Index

 o centerPanel()
 o title()


 o TwoDrinkersAnimationTest
  public TwoDrinkersAnimationTest()


 o title
  public String title()
title in class UnitTest
 o centerPanel
  public Panel centerPanel()
centerPanel in class UnitTest

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