Tango Sim Specification (draft)
1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Goals 1
3.0 Tango Sim Architecture 2
3.1 ADOC Room 3
3.1.1 Commander Communication (CC) 3
3.1.2 Radar Operator (RO) 3
3.1.3 Weather Station (WS) 4
3.2 Simulation Engine (SE) 4
3.3 Simulation Control (SC) 8
4.0 Implementation Outline Over Tango 8
4.1 Tango Sessions 8
4.2 Procedures to Establish Tango Sessions and Start Tango-SIM 10
4.3 GUIs on RO, CC and WS 11
4.4 TSS Scripts for GIS 11
This document outlines an minimum framework for building a CIV C2 demo using Tango as communication backbone and an simulation engine as a event generator. It is intended to be used within the Tango/CIV group as a guideline to rapidly implement a C2 demo prototype that can be further enhanced and extended, based on our gradual understanding and continuing clarification of the C2 scenario. Key approaches and components are described, including:
1) Simulation and C2 Demo Architecture
2) Minimum C2 participates and their GUIs
3) A simulation engine and a simulation scripting language
4) Tango implementation
This framework will achieve the following major goals:
Serve as a starting point to build sophisticated C2 demos that utilize the Tango communication system
Define a simulation infrastructure that is general enough to accommodate C2 scenario to be further detailed and scripted. It is also intended to be a test-bed for protoyping C2 demos with different scenario descriptions
Propose a implementation guideline that minimizes the modification of current Tango system, in particular, server management, communication protocol, user management and session control in Tango
Tango Sim Architecture
We propose an architecture that has an minimal number of C2 participates and uses Tango as communication subsystem for message passing and event routing among participates. This architecture should be easily extended to include additional C2 participates required in the C2 demo scenario, without any change of the architecture and its existing components and protocols. For the time-being, we identify one key C2 demo user, ADOC consisting of three horizontal ADOC participates, all other C2 demo participates are represented in the scripting text file, simulating their presence and response to events.
Tango Sim Architecture
ADOC consists of three individual workstations, each of which is connected to a big projector screen. ADOC is logically a single unit in the C2 demo, to be used by ADOC commander. The three workstations are supposed to be placed in the same room and the switching among them is done via manually switching the connection between the projector and one of the workstation screen. Each workstation may run a different GUI, based on the role and function it plays in ADOC. There will be no networking communication among the three workstation, although logically they represent different aspects of the ADOC.
Based on the current demo Vanguard developed, ADOC as a whole has three basic logical function parts:
1. GIS
Foreground: Showing radar, aircraft and their tracking
Background: Showing 2D geographic map for the concerned regions
2. Tables
A place to list in tabular format data of concerns to well informed the changing situation of war game, to gather whatever textual information from other sources etc.
3. Directives
Widgets to issue/direct commands.
Each of the three workstations focuses/details on one or more of the basic functions mentioned above, using the limited scenario we have, i.e., radar/aircraft flying through a region.
Commander Communication (CC)
Key functions:
facility/GUI to establish communication channels with other C2 participates such as NORA, FAA,etc, and outside ADOC
Tool sets of all collaboration programs, including chat, audio tool, video,email
focus on directives and tables to issue/send orders, and interact with other C2 participates to gather data for making decisions or simply follow orders from higher authority
no GIS screen
Radar Operator (RO)
focus on GIS display with graphical representation of radars, aircraft and their dynamical trackings
allow zooming of background GIS map, while keeping the coordinated/adjusted foreground targets
extensible to allow overlap of multiple GIS map layers
table data about radars, aircraft and their tracking positions
no directives
Weather Station (WS)
focus on GIS/Weather layers, may add 3D GIS as an option display
table data about weather conditions
no directives
Simulation Engine (SE)
SE is the center piece of Tango Sim. It is the source of all events generated, either from a predefined scripting text file, or at runtime from the C2 participate interactions.
The SE Structure and Components
Key components in SE include:
1. Tango Simulation Script Language (TSS)
A simple text language to be used to define events, messages,and protocols to simulate the C2 demo scenario that will drive the GUI behavior on all the C2 participates. It is also used to simulate any non-existing C2 participates and their responses to events.
The basic unit of a TSS statement is a line, ended with a newline (`\n'). All TSS lines have the same format:
timestamp,application name[&application name],simulation id,message body of variable length
timestamp: represents the relative time in second to the time when the overall simulation is started. Ie, 0 is the starting time. For example, 15 means 15 seconds since the simulation started. In implementation, one integer is used to hold this field.
application name: the name of an predefined Tango session of an application. One or more application names can be supplied, which means this event will be sent to all the application sessions specified, all at once, although in reality they are sent in the order specified in this field. Note `&' is used as delimiter to indicate multiple recipients. If an message is sent to all the recipients known to the SE, a wildcard `*' can be used to substitute the application field.
simulation id(SID): SID is used to uniquely identify a message to be interpreted by its recipients. Because it is possible that the same message may have multiple destinations, 1-1000 is reserved for multiple sessions to share the same id. 1001 - is for a single application. Note the division of the SID range is for convenience only. Applications can still override this convention by mixing two together. For example:
can be written in two lines with different SIDs:
Because it is up to the recipients to decide how to interpret the SID, as long as SIDs are unique to a recipient, there will be no conflict. For description concrete purpose, the first convention is recommended.
message body: message specific to the application(s)
Note `,','&','*' are reserved keywords (delimiliters) by TSS. They should not occur in the application name or message body. But they can be allowed in the message body.
Here are some examples of the TSS scripts:
1,SE-CC,1000,<msg body1>
2,SE-RO,1000,<msg body2>
10,SE-CC&SE_RO,1,<msg body3>
15,SE-CC,2,<msg body4>
15,SE-WS,2,<msg body4>
20,SE_RO,1001,<msg body5>
20,SE_WS,500,<msg body5>
30,*,5,<msg body6>
The syntax of TSS should be very simple to allow efficient parsing, filtering and to be converted into internal representation. Actually, it is desirable that the implementation of SE keeps the exact same format when an event is stored on the event queue, as well as when the actual message to be sent through Tango.
2. Event queue
Event queue is the data structure to store discrete events to be scheduled to drive the simulation. It is a dynamic priority queue sorted by the timestamp key of an event. There are two input sources: initially a static queue is established by reading from a TSS text file; during runtime, this queue may be re-sorted/organized when new events generated from an event generator are inserted.
3. TSS parser
It is used to error-check TSS source and if necessary convert into compact representation. Because the syntax of TSS is simple, the parsing should be straight-forward and efficient. Because some flexibility is allowed in using TSS to specify events, some conversion/filtering may be required. For example:
should be converted into the more efficient yet equivalent representation:
or vise versa
Note the parser takes input from both a text file and the runtime event generator, assuming that the generator will not do type-checking/parsing, although it is expected that the events generated by the generator are always correct.
4. Event generator
It acts in two fundamental roles: for existing participates (such as CC,SC), it receives their events over Tango that represent the runtime response/interaction so that the simulation has some dynamic alternatives to be interesting; for simulated participates such as (FAA,NCA), it may generate predefined events. For simplicity, the initial implementation will not consider generating predefined events for simulation participants. Instead, we will use scripting text file to describe any predefined/fixed events from non-existing participants.
5. A global simulation clock
It is used to schedule event output that will drive the overall simulation. Among all the participants, only one single global clock is kept in SE. There is no local clock on participant machine. This clock can be implemented as a counter in second, based on the timestamp used in the TSS event format. For example, to schedule a new event to be sent, first the timestamp of the front event in the queue is fetched into the clock (clock reset), then the clock starts reverse-counting (--) in every second, when a zero is reached, it activates the event scheduler (thread) to send the event. Note when an event is sent from SE to a client C2 participant, the timestamp field of the event will be sent together with SID and message so that if the client needs to maintain a local clock that synchronizes with the global clock, the timestamp can be used to adjust/verify the local clock. In most cases, it is not necessary to keep a local lock as essentially this is a event-driven simulation from SE in which SE is the source/producer of events and client participants are recipients/consumers of the events so that no explicit time synchronization from CA participants to SE is required. In more general cases when certain interactions must be made on a client that produce events to be sent back to SE, the timestamp fields of these new events may need to consult the global clock. This can be done by looking into the last event received from SE to determine what relative timestamp to use. Actual implementation needs to further discussed here.
6. Event scheduler
By looking into the application name(s) of an event, it finds out the actual Tango session as recipient. Tango session<->Application name is kept in the Tango daemon. It then uses Tango API to send an event over the network. It is possible there can be more than one events with the same timestamp but different application names or messages. So the event scheduler may need to scan the queue to check if more than one event must be scheduled at the same time. Event scheduler may also log all the events eventually sent into a UNIX log file in TSS format to record the overall simulation process. It is also possible that this log file be reused later to reply the simulation.
7. Tango Daemon
This is a customized Tango daemon in Java whole role is to establish predefined/runtime sessions for SE and to carry the actual message passing between SE and other C2 participants. All the Tango API and routing protocol (between TD and CS) should keep unchanged. Some changes must be made to establish the communication channels. For example, starting a new session of an application may be different for SE as it is not necessary to invoke an application applet/program, while the `virtual' session must be established in which SE is always the `Master'. Details of using current Tango session mechanisms to form communication channels will be described later.
Simulation Control (SC)
SC has three key functions:
1. For minimal Tango Sim administration over the network, it monitors C2 participants, sessions, etc in usual Tango CA interface. Whenever a new Tango session is established, SC should be updated.
2. display simulation progress in textual/tabular formats, show events for non-existing (simulated or not-connected) participants and for existing connected participants.
3. Control the starting, stop, pause of the simulation engine. For simplicity, initial demo only implements `start' control. When the SE stops, it will be notified.
It is assumed that a `root' user will use SC to control and display SE progress. One purpose is to use SC to describe/show the demo events which have no GUI effects or are difficult to demonstrate via a computer screen. It should also leave the room for future enhancement to include more meaning display screen of the overall simulation progress and history.
This is a behind-the-scene screen that is similar to the event logging in SE but with much more readable/meaningful textual description of each event in the simulation.
Implementation Outline Over Tango
Tango Sessions
To keep the existing Tango framework least modified, each C2 participant (CC,WS,RO) has a session established in which there will be two Tango participants: the C2 participant, SE, in which SE is the default Tango master. It is assumed that only one Tango application (applet) runs on each C2 participant workstation that will interact with the SE during the course of simulation. Other applets are local to the C2 workstation. Actually, the Tango applet may be a `faceless' Tango CA that is customized for each C2 workstation.
There is a special session with only SC and SE as participants. It runs a master-master mode so that SC will start the SE and event logging will be directed from SE to SC for meaningful interpretation.
For each event sent to a C2 participant, SE must send it to SC via the SE-SC session at the same time. Also for each runtime event received by SE from any C2 participant, it will also be sent to SC by SE.
Suppose we use SE-''C2 participant name'' to represent a session, Figure 3 shows the minimal sessions to be established for event communication.
Tango Sessions
Procedures to Establish Tango Sessions and Start Tango-SIM
Step 1) Tango CS is assumed to be up before any of the Tango-Sim components can start.
Step 2) Tango-Sim SE should be started after CS is started, both can be done manually from command line. When SE is started, a TSS text file should be given as simulation script input to SE.
At start-up, SE basically conducts the following functions:
. Scan over the TSS script file and parse all the lines to report any syntax errors and convert them into internal representation and insert them into necessary data structures (e.g.. event queues)
. Starts four separate Tango sessions: SE-RO, SE-CC,SE-WS,SE-SC in which SE is the master and the only participant, if there is no such session in place. If one of the session is already started by the participant (in which the participant is the default master), SE joins the session and the master control is transferred to SE.
. Reset the global clock to be zero
. in each of the four sessions, it now can accept participant(s) from Tango. This should be handled by Tango Daemon (and together with a customized hidden CA functionality for holding those sessions/participants information). Tango APIs (for both TD and CA) are used to access whatever Tango data required in SE
. During/after the start-up, the event scheduler in SE is suspended. It gets activated(starts the simulation) if and only if SC is connected to the SE-SC session AND a START message is received from SC.
Step 3) any of the four C2 participants: RO,CC,WS and SC now can log into Tango Sim. This is automatically done without manually join the session.
Note Step 3 should be allowed to take place before Step 2.
The local procedure can be:
. the participant starts by using an URL to download Tango Daemon and its customized GUI applets (with hidden Tango CA). It uses the standard Tango login procedure for user authorization/password check. Note different participant may have to use a different URL as it uses its customized CA/GUI in Tango, although the same local Daemon plug-in is used for all participants. Another assumption is that a Tango user is the same as a Tango participant, because no more than one sessions of the same application is allowed/required to run on a workstation (this is because we assume everything must go through SE).
. If the SE is already started, it joins the pre-established session. If no SE is in session, it starts a new session and wait SE to join and change the master-slave mode.
Step 4) SC is a special participant. It should be able to monitor all the login/session/participants info using the standard Tango CA so that it can easily tell current status of the simulation start-up stages. In particular, it decides when to start the simulation. In most cases, it sends a START message to SE via the SE-SC session if and only if all the other three CA participants have logged in. Note the send of the START message to SE is manually done via a GUI widget on SC.
GUIs on RO, CC and WS
to be added
TSS Scripts for GIS
to be added
Last Modified: 10:1010 10, December December, December