

An Applet by Rajiv Pant (Betul)

A web site navigator, also
a Tour Guide for your visit to a web site or a group of web sites.

Parameters can be set from calling html page so that other sites
may easily use this applet.

Aim of applet / Future Additions:

* To be fully customizable.
* Use full multimedia introductions to sites. (Of course, users can
turn off sound :-)

* If a page has special instructions for its introduction (which may
either be stored in the page itself on in the links file specified
as a parameter to the applet, the applet can do special things including:

   ** Open another window to display an introduction page.
   ** Parse the page and display it in parts explaing things.


 * @version 1.00 16 Mar 1996 
 * @author Rajiv Pant (Betul)

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.* ; // for Hashtable

public class TourGuide extends Applet
{  public void init()

      System.out.print ("\n\nHello.\n\n" ) ;

      setBackground (Color.white) ;

      boolean read = readLinksFile() ;

      setLayout(new BorderLayout());
      add("Center", links);

   public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg)
   {  if (evt.target == links)
      {  try
         {  AppletContext context = getAppletContext();
            URL u = new URL ( (String) ( its_link.get ( (String)arg ) )  )  ;
            context.showDocument(u, getParameter("frame_name")) ;
         } catch(Exception e)
         {  showStatus("Error " + e);
      else return super.action(evt, arg);
      return true;
   private List links = new List(10, false);
   Hashtable its_link = new Hashtable() ;

private boolean readLinksFile()

  System.out.print (
"I am going to read in the list of links now. \n\n"
) ;

  URL FileURL = null ;

     FileURL = new URL ( getParameter("links_file") ) ;
  catch (MalformedURLException e)
     showStatus("Error " + e) ;

     InputStream in = FileURL.openStream() ;
     DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream (in) ;
     String description = "" ;
     String link        = "" ;

     while (  ( description = din.readLine() ) != null )
        if ( (link = din.readLine() ) != null )
          link = "http://" + link ;
          its_link.put (description, link) ;
          links.addItem (description) ;
          System.out.println ("Description: " + description) ;
          System.out.println ("Link:        " + link + "\n") ;

  catch (IOException e)
     showStatus("Error " + e) ;

  return true ;
} // readLinksFile


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