The images for the layers are presumed to be identical in dimension and spatial characteristics, e.g., the pixel at any given x/y or row/column location in each layer describes the same position in 2-D space, e.g., latitude/longitude in map-projected geo-spatial data, or specimen body location in a set of biological cross-section images.
It is intended that image transparency be used in order to best present all the data in the image layers. Although you can use the TRANSPARENCY keyword in label descriptors (described below) to have the applet make the images transparent, it is more efficient to generate the images with transparency preset, rather than have the applet do the computation each time it is executed.
It is assumed that you have basic knowledge of HTML and access to a World Wide Web server from which to serve the applet (or at least a WWW browser from which to load the applet locally). You must set up an HTML document to reference the Java applet. The <APPLET> and applet <PARAM> tags are used to configure the applet parameters and indicate where to find the images and the applet itself. The parameters used by this applet are described below. In the following parameter descriptions, case is significant, with all fixed parameter names in upper case, and all parameter values and descriptor parameters case sensitive.
The difference between a Parent Checkbox and a Parent Label is largely semantic. A Parent Checkbox can be thought of as a set of options of which zero or one can be selected, with the Parent Checkbox as the "no choice" selection. The Parent Label is used when one of the set of choices must always be selected. Note that the startup condition for a group that isn't specified by one and only one PRELOAD directive per group is undefined, as it depends on the underlying platform-dependent implementation of the Checkbox class in the Java API.
In addition, there can be platform-dependent problems with the images.
For example, the Windows platforms always dither the colors in the images
to a small, fixed set of colors. This may make them seem to be low
resolution. The satellite images can appear dark, most notably on
platforms that don't do gamma
There are also known limitations with Netscape Navigator; check your
Netscape "Release Notes/Known Problems" documentation for more details.
For more information about the Netscape Navigator from Netscape
Communications Corporation, see
With the latest version(s) of Internet Explorer, images fail to load if
you have the Just-in-time JIT) compiler enabled.
Please also note that due to continuing changes in the Java API, some
newer applets will not function properly with older versions of the
browsers, so you may want to use the latest version of your browser.
Finally, you may have encountered a programming error or limitation.
Feel free to report bugs or suggest improvements to me at (Joel Plutchak).
As of March 28, 1996, the following browsers or applications
could run Java Beta applets:
Example applet specification
In the example below, a set of nine layers of meteorological data is
used. The main class is named "Layers.class" and allows a 640-pixel
wide by 440-pixel high area for the applet (enough room to display the
images with labeled checkbox buttons to the right). The HTML document
containing the below tags and the Java class files are in the same
directory, with the images in a subdirectory named "images" (the
directory delimiter, a slash, is necessary in the value specification).
The initial three image layers, different types of satellite images,
are specified as a group so only one of the images can be displayed
at any given time.
<applet code="Layers.class" width=640 height=440>
<param name="TITLE" value="Weather Conditions">
<param name="IMAGESOURCE" value="images/">
<param name="LABELS" value="Layers:|Satellite Image|Infrared|Visible|Water Vapor|Surface Reports|Isobars|Isotherms|Frontal Analysis|Radar Summary|Map Boundaries">
<param name="Layers:" value="LABEL">
<param name="Satellite Image" value="GROUP">
<param name="Infrared" value="GROUP=Satellite Image|URL=satir.gif|PRELOAD">
<param name="Visible" value="GROUP=Satellite Image|URL=satvis.gif">
<param name="Water Vapor" value="GROUP=Satellite Image|URL=satwv.gif">
<param name="Surface Reports" value="URL=sfc.gif|PRELOAD">
<param name="Isobars" value="URL=isobar.gif">
<param name="Isotherms" value="URL=isotherm.gif">
<param name="Frontal Analysis" value="URL=front.gif">
<param name="Radar Summary" value="URL=radar.gif">
<param name="Map Boundaries" value="URL=map.gif|PRELOAD">
<param name="HELP" value="AppletHelp.html">
<param name="NAVIGATION" value="projection=Polar Stereographic|scale=0.0807334|xoffset=-240|yoffset=330.34|center_latitude=39.0|center_longitude=-97.0">
Improper or Unexpected Display
Java and Java-capable browsers are still experiencing growing pains and may
exhibit undesirable or unstable behavior. Problems I've noticed include
relatively frequent application crashes, occasional failure to render or
resize GUI items (making them invisible or truncated), etc. The Windows
versions of Netscape Navigator seem especially notable for anomalous user
interface and display problems.
How to View Java Beta Applets
In order to view Java Beta API applets within a web browser, you
need to have a browser that is Java Beta capable. If the documentation
for the browser you are using does not discuss Java capability, chances
are good that you do not have a Java-capable browser. Consult your
browser supplier for details.
(Athe time of this writing, no released version of Sun's HotJava
browser supported Beta applets.)
Learning More About Java
For more information about Sun Microsystem's Java Programming Language
and HotJava(tm) Browser, see
Author contact information
Joel Plutchak, Research Programmer
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
105 S. Gregory Street
Urbana IL 61801
(Last Modified: 29-Mar-1996)
Java ® is trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. For
more information, see