Click The Correct Button to Get to WebWisdom

Click this if you have Netscape 3.0 (but not 2.0 which is confused by Complex Javascript)
If you don't hava a JavaScript Multiframe system, other links below form will take you to where you want to go with lower technology!

WebWisdom is a JavaScript (and some CGI) based system for managing hierarchically arranged information such as you get in Education as you span lectures, courses, degrees, departments, Universities. The database available here illustrates 3 worlds:

You can custom design the WebWisdom frames here:
Frame Variable Value Description
Width of Window Specify Width in Pixels
Height of Window Specify Height in Pixels
Browser Window Features Use Standard JavaScript(Netscape) format
Left or Right Index If 1 Index is on Left, If 0 it is on Right
Main Frameset Definition Specify how Frame is to be divided vertically with buttons at top, main stuff in middle, signature below
Column Frameset Definition Specify how Main Middle Frame is to be divided Horizontally into Main and Index (Note be consistent with Left/Right Option)
Index Frameset Definition Specify how Index Frame is to be divided vertically with Control, Audio, Dump, Main Index and Dummy Carousel

You can access the Virtual University with a set of courses/foilsets categories for Single Frame Netscape 1.1 Technology
Or you can get a simpler list without categories
We also illustrate the Virtual Family with a collection of PhotoSets where again we have two simple lists if you are terrified of JavaScript!
Category List of PhotoSets
Or you can get a simpler list without categories

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The Tree of Wisdom