AaR033ABBCDDEEHH $ d    dFootnote TableFootnote**. . / - picasso! \< ]TOCHeading  - #       !  "  7 8 !55U? 5<$monthname> <$daynum>, <$year>6;<$monthname> <$daynum>, <$year> <$hour>:<$minute00> <$AMPM>7 <$curpagenum>8<$lastpagenum>9 (Continued):+ (Sheet <$tblsheetnum> of <$tblsheetcount>);<Pagepage<$pagenum>=Heading & Page<$paratext> on page<$pagenum>>See Heading & Page%See <$paratext> on page<$pagenum>. U u U a b cnA de eA fA gR hB iA A              Fo abl     - ass     ]  & / 3- # 4d Ad moByeH$    , H$  a agUU` la aHM    +HM  b)UU` $p nHH  xtHH cge<UU` e ahi  hi dnUUh PAGE  2  OF  2  gP hV0  gP hV0 eUU`  d CgP hV0  gP hV0 fUU`  Al AAJl   Jl g UTUT`  Gang Cheng UU` 338 Jamesville Ave. 4D 0UU` Syracuse, NY 13210 FUU`  315 479-8767(h) 315 443-4636(o) \UU`  "Email: gcheng@top.cis.syr.edu Hh P   Hh P h$pUUh  !June 9, 1993 " d DeH3K ^  H RH RFootnoteH'  Footnote  eHxT-SB ^ HoHo Company RuleHGMO< ^ H%H% Address Rule0H  Company Rule lH  Address Rule nglleH  Sy Body RuleU 46(oHl;N ^ HH Body RuleHY  TableFootnote9 HHIJQ. ^ HR 7HR 7o TableFootnoted E gP hV0  gP hV0 i%BUU` Dr. V.O. Shanholtz UU` ISSL, 106A Faculty Street, UU` %Blacksburg, VA 24060 0*UU`   JUU`  Dear Doc: ^UU`  rUU` WThank you for calling me in March about a possible job opportunity in your laboratory. UU esZI have decided to take a job offer by Northeast Parallel Architectures Center at Syracuse UU _University as a Jr. Research Scientist. This center is the institution where I used to work as UU Wa research assistant and did my graduate study at Syracuse University. My decision was UU [based on the continuation of my research interests and further my graduate study as a part-UU@ Ҽ.time Ph.D. student here. ʪUU o[Ill be actively engaged in GIS applications at this position. I hope we can keep in touch  ֪UU Vand exchange information and experience in GIS. It is my sincerely wish that I can do ⪜UU  [something for you, even I will be unable to work in your lab, because I was so grateful to ` UU@ UU;your invaluable assistance and kindness to me in the past. UU llZKnowing that the computer facilities in your lab. will be upgraded to IBM workstations, I UU o Vstrongly recommend that you take some time to evaluate possible partial or whole adopUU s Ution of GRASS into the VirGIS system. GRASS is a public domain free GIS package with &UU a Xboth raster and vector format. The open characteristics of GRASS is a good candidate to 2UU baVenrich the VirGIS system with little or no cost. All source (C) codes of GRASS can be >UU  Wcopied to your disk via anonymous ftp to the public distribution site from the US Army licJUU@ itMCorps of Engineers in Champaign, IL, through the Internet wide area network. i^UU &inROne thing gave me deep impression about the PC world, compared with the networked jUU &abWworkstation world, is the lack of rapid information distribution due to not widely netablvUU &inVworked. Compared with my working experience here, I found that the start-from-scratch UU &e [strategy of programming at ISSL needs to be reevaluated to achieve the best cost-effective imeUU &blTperformance. Through the networked workstations, this can be improved significantly ASUU &inYover the PC platform, despite the target applications are domain-specific. Another emphacUU@ & i:sis on workstation may be the Raster-format manipulation. UU /ttVIf you need any information regarding GRASS or other info., please let me know. Thank ƪUU@ /s 9you again for your consideration of a position at ISSL. ڪUU` 3Co UU` 4amWith best wishes, UU` re e"UU` UU Gang Cheng th6UU` mp sAQFdAedLeftdBCUURightbwodCBe First pidDti ReferenceowidEUUFirstVmuCo fmEa  pr at S1Step .\tStepchfnuan Addressi Address Rulefo4 Authororfpf RASBody fqe  Co Bullet Bullet Symbolb\tifr CellBodyfs   CellHeading(ftt CloseAuthorfx@ Company Company RuleAddressfy DatefzD DearBodyf{ Footnotef|P  HeadingBody f}f Indent f~E   Step.\tStep f  TableFootnoteff   TableTitlef  Tof   CellHeadingf  CellBodyf  f TableTitlef  Bodyf Bodyf    Headerf    Footerffooterf@ Company Company RuleAddressfAddress Address Rulef  Datef TofD DearBody zVf!S<`   Bullet Symbol  Emphasis  Run-In HeadingegYfo  f    Subscriptn   Superscript     Step Numberres zV Step Number    @ @ @ThinMediumDoubleThick@ Very Thinf   666Format A6s66uFormat B ) 9 ) a q aY bComment CourierTimes Helvetica Regular Regular BoldRegularObliqueItalic%:./q\GfntpƮۍFI4&MQ_{ZNSu