Gang Cheng
Research Scientist, Northeast Parallel Architectures Center,
111 College Place, Rm 4-006, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-4100
(315)479-8767(h), (315)443-1118(o), (315)443-1973(fax),
Research Interests and Participation
- Internet Information Discovery and Retrieval
- Data Mining and Parallel Relational Database Management Systems
- Scientific Data Visualization and Graphical User Interface
- Parallel and Distributed Computing and Applications
- Education
- Internet and WWW Technology
Publications List
- Journal Publications
- G. Cheng, G. C. Fox "Integrating Multiple Parallel Programming
Paradigms in a Dataflow-Based Software Environment,"
Concurrency: Practice and Experience, Vol. 8(9), 667-684,
John Wiley & Sons Publisher, Nov. 1996. NPAC technical report
SCCS 548
- G. Cheng, G. Fox, T. Lin and T. Haupt, "
A Computing Framework
for Integrating Interactive Visualization in HPCC Applications,"
accepted to appear in the special issue of Concurrency: Practice and
Experience - Commercial and Industrial HPC Applications,
John Wiley & Sons Publisher, 1997.
(PS file)
- G. Cheng and Y. Zhang, "A Functional + Logic Programming Language in
Interpretation-Compilation Implementation," Lisp And Symbolic
Computation: An International Journal, Vol. 5, No. 3, 133-156, 1992,
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Conference Proceedings