Exploring AVS for HPDC Software Integration Towards Parallel
Support for GIS
Map Separation in AVS
Globe Composition in AVS
In this project, we focus on Geographic Information System(GIS)
and illustrate our approach towards developing
massively parallel processing support in this area
with AVS based user front-ends.
G. Cheng, C. Faigle, G. C. Fox, W. Fumanski, B. Li, and K. Mills,
Exploring AVS for HPDC Software Integration: Case Studies Towards
Parallel Support for GIS
," Proc. of the 2nd AVS Conference AVS'93,
Lake Buena Vista, FL, May 1993.
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University, npac@npac.syr.edu
This page is maintained by Gang Cheng, gcheng@npac.syr.edu