Integrating PVM-based Network Concurrent Computing into Application Visualization System(AVS)

System Configuration

The User Interface in AVS

We discuss techniques in developing interactive Parallel Virtual Machine(PVM) concurrent programs on distributed systems under AVS framework. Using a stock option price modeling application as a case study, we demonstrate a simple, effective and modular approach to coupling network-based concurrent modules into an interactive remote visualization environment. A prototype simulation on-demand system is developed, in which parallel option pricing models locally implemented on two distributed systems, an Ethernet-connected IBM SP1 and a FDDI-based GIGswitch-connected DEC Alpha farm, are coupled with an interactive graphical user interface over a ATM-based wide area network. This integrated networking/visualization framework allows one to use a high level system software approach to combine AVS visualization modules with remote concurrent PVM tasks in fine-grain parallelism.


  1. G. Cheng, G. Fox, K. Mills and Marek Podgorny, " Developing Interactive PVM-based Parallel Programs on Distributed Computing Systems within AVS Framework," to be presented at the 3rd Annual International AVS Conference, JOIN THE REVOLUTION: AVS'94, Boston, MA, May 2-4.
  2. Mills, K., Vinson, M. and Cheng, G., " A Large Scale Comparison of Option Pricing Models with Historical Market Data," in Proc. of the 4th Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation, McLean, VA, IEEE Computer Society Press, October 1992.
  3. Mills, K., Cheng, G., Vinson, M., Ranka, S. and Fox, G.," Software Issues and Performance of a Stock Option Pricing Model on the Connection Machine-2 and DECmpp-12000," in Proc. of Fifth Australian Supercomputing Conference, Melbourne, Australia, December, 1992.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,
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